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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. Seems like a lot of quality people come to Thailand from Western countries. Not only the ones that couldn’t make it there. That blame their personal downfalls on everything except themselves. But criminals also. No wonder they call this the LOS.
  2. I’m sure not all police in Thailand are bad. People criticize when something is bad. But also seem to criticize when something is good. I think that is referred to as being miserable.
  3. I renewed my US passport last December before Christmas, I mailed it to the embassy in Bangkok. It took about three weeks
  4. There are some specifics of the story left out. As to how the accident occurred. People are quick to blame the insurance companies. But it goes according to the policy you have. There are always certain rules and restrictions. Especially with travel insurance. All insurance companies are not crooks. I have health insurance from the job I had before I retired. It covers me domestically and internationally. During the time I have it I had numerous procedures and health issues. They always paid and never challenged anything. I have had this policy since 1998.
  5. If you aren’t doing anything wrong don’t worry about it. If he’s a bully and he is giving you problems. You need to stand up to him. Bullies are usually just punks
  6. Great maybe if you like bars and malls. And safety? As long as you don’t try crossing the street
  7. First of all I wouldn’t be happy and bragging about possibly running over any type of an animal. Problem or not. Because I’m sure if someone on here owned a dog. And someone ran over it. They would be whining to no end. But if it happens to someone else then it’s ok. And if the dogs were such an issue for a while . Then something should have been done about it But nothing was done probably because people were afraid to confront or report the owners for fear of retaliation. But they talk a good game. But too cowardly to do anything. Because they brag how great Thailand is compared to their own countries. But when it comes down to it. They are concerned being harmed if they have to address any issues with the locals.
  8. I live in Bangkok for almost three years. Rent will depend on the size of the rental. If it’s in a condo or apartment building. The closer to the BTS and more conveniences the more expensive it will be. For your price range. Don’t expect too much in Bangkok. And you should consider what you expect living like a local. Because it’s very different from what you are accustomed to. And one thing to remember. As an outsider you will never be accepted as a local. Your prices will usually be different. No matter how long you live here. You will be looked at as a tourist by the locals. A foreigner living in a cheap room, eating cheap local foods does not make them Thai.
  9. Probably a typical tourist that couldn’t afford to rent it
  10. I don’t think it’s just today
  11. Maybe that’s why most drive so bad here. They adapt their bad habits from their driving instructors
  12. I wouldn’t say every Thai woman in this country is bad. But in my experience three years living in Bangkok. The majority of them seem to be. Especially when it comes to foreigners. They seem to have the mentality of the relationships are based on material things. How much they get. Not actually being with the man for who he is. Dont get me wrong. I know a woman wants stability . But there is a difference of stability and materialism. I actually know two Thai people in the states. One is a female, the other a male. Both lived in Thailand growing up. But have lived and work in the states for many years. They both say Thailand is a very materialistic society now. And people will say western societies are like that. Well I have been attempted to be taken advantage of. And lied too. In the three years living here, than my whole life living in the states. That’s why in a few weeks I will be moving from this LOS. And returning to the West. I do see some posts on here of foreigners happily and successfully married to Thais. For the most part. Most of them have been married ten years or more. And I commend them. Maybe things were different back then.
  13. I commend the taxi driver and hotel staff for their honesty. The driver that allegedly took 50000 baht and flowers in the previous story should learn something from this driver. Good luck with that.
  14. It depends on how an individual person reacts to different situations. And some people cry openly, some cry alone. On Thai News there have been funerals and stories about people dying. And many friends and family members are hysterical with grief.
  15. I’m sure when they contacted Grab. They were assured that the issue will be given to the relevant department. That seems to be the standard response
  16. Well at least the magnificent air quality will stay the same
  17. At least the dolls wouldn’t be interested in your money. And you wouldn’t have to deal with some of the immature and aggressive temperament. Which unfortunately seems to be a large part of the norm in the LOS.
  18. I have lived in Bangkok almost three years now. But I’m in a different situation than you. I have Pension and Social Security from USA. Even though I pay Medicare but can’t use it. My insurance company covers me 100%. With no copays. This occurred after I turned 65. And my health insurance is from my previous job. I still pay for Medicare. And also my health insurance at a special rate. I would not risk moving here or any place else without decent health insurance. People say they don’t worry about it because they are healthy. Well I was healthy too. Now I have some ongoing health issues. So you never know. You want to be treated properly if the situation occurs. I traveled to Hua Hin a couple of times. Pattaya once. I liked both but Hua Hin better. As for sex workers . You can find them in any city with tourists in Thailand. And with the bar areas. In general sounds like you have enough income to live on. Depending on your lifestyle. Sorry to hear about your medical issues.
  19. I visited there a couple of times. Walked around. Had dinner. But haven’t been there for two or three years. It was nice at that time. Nice shops and restaurants. It might be pricey to some peoples standards. It’s not a 50 baht meal place or 100 baht for a shirt. That doesn’t mean it’s a tourist trap. Some people can afford it.
  20. So he beats the heck out of her. But thinks she must be ok and calls it a night. What a guy.
  21. A terrible tragedy. Of course the child should have been wearing a seat belt As for the cause of the accident. I never heard of a steering wheel locking up while driving. But anything is possible. I actually thought the reason for the accident would be the wet road explanation. I did find this information from a Car Dealership in the USA: 1. THE STEERING WHEEL LOCKS WHILE YOU DRIVE This is a terrifying experience--but it's fortunately not very common. If it does happen, it's probably due to a failure in the suspension or steering rack or column. If this happens, keep trying to turn the wheel while slowly and safely braking. Be sure to put on your hazard lights and get away from traffic as soon as possible.
  22. Scams like this are not exclusive to Thailand.
  23. You can Wai as much as you want. it’s a nice gesture. But you will still be viewed as an outsider. So I doesn’t make much difference.
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