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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. Only as a last resort. Because you never know what can happen. The woman that is being abused could actually turn on you. Which is not uncommon in any country. Or others could try to attack you. I
  2. Those mentioned are major incidents. Nothing to worry about. Just be careful of drivers running you over trying to cross the street. Even though you are in a crosswalk. Or the the light is green for you to cross. It will be your fault for just being there. Or maybe brake failure according to the driver. If you have an issue with a local. Don’t worry about ten locals attacking you. Especially if it was just a verbal disagreement. You should be fine. It’s just a normal cultural thing. No biggie. If it involves a neighbor just keep moving away for your own safety. Because if it’s such as a noise issue. If you try to talking to the person. You might put yourself in jeopardy. Unfortunately not everyone lives in a remote village. Or wants to.. Not saying incidents can’t happen there. And I have found a large percentage of the people that downplay common dangers in Thailand. For the most part dislike and couldn’t make it in their own countries. So they turn a blind eye.
  3. This guy will fit right in. Probably has no money, very little income if any, and no health insurance.
  4. When I lived in Bangkok for three years recently I did contact the US Embassy in Bangkok. This was regarding concerns and questions for certain issues. They either spoke to me on the phone or via email. They did respond timely and explain everything to me. I also had an ongoing issue with Social Security for a few months. Even after repeated calls to the Social Security office in the USA that handled that specific issue. . I contacted the US embassy in Manila. The embassy took care of the issue. In the case of this letter not being issued. It might be that Thailand Immigration is aware of it. But the US Embassy has no control if Thailand immigration staff don’t understand the new policy. That would be the responsibility of Thailand Immigration to educate the staff. The US Embassies have restrictions what they can and cannot do. They cannot step in for every little thing. If a person chooses to reside in another country. They have to accept the possible issues that might happen.
  5. That is why you need proper health insurance. When retired living in Bangkok I was fortunate enough that my health insurance from my previous job covered me. And after age 65 covered me 100%. If I didn’t have proper medical coverage I would have never considered moving here. You either would have to take your chances at a government hospital or fly home.
  6. Regular user of weed and or alcohol? Not uncommon for an expat or tourist. More on the normal side it seems. A tragedy he was killed. Thailand surely has its share of quality outsiders.
  7. They better start doing random checks on vehicles. For some reason Thailand seems to have a good many vehicles with bad brakes.
  8. His preexisting condition might not have been an issue for his job at the time. It is possible to have a medical condition which unfortunately gets worse over time. Good thing the train was stopped. It could maybe have been equipped with an automatic braking system. But the assistant took action immediately before that were to happen
  9. I have only been to a handful of massage shops while living in Bangkok. For the most part the massage was not good. And if you are a farang. They automatically seem to think you are automatically there for other reasons. I have had two massages in major hotel spas. They were good. For the most part you get what you pay for when it comes to quality.
  10. If you have money to enjoy life that’s a positive. It doesn’t mean they are showing off. They succeeded in life and are comfortable. They don’t have a bare bones income and little to no health insurance., and probably have money saved. Don’t be jealous.
  11. I’m 67 years old. I retired 5 years ago. When I worked and took vacations I primarily traveled overseas. I wanted to experience living overseas. Thailand seemed popular so I moved here three years ago. Living in Bangkok. I have visited Huahin and Pattaya. I didn’t move here because of income or any other type of financial reasons. Or because I disliked my home country .Strictly as an experience. To be honest it has become annoying for me to live here. The only real positive thing I experienced here is healthcare. But I have health insurance I pay for from my previous job discounted. Which covers me both domestically and internationally. So I will be moving back to the USA next week. It’s not perfect. But I could never call Thailand home. My retirement visa just makes me a glorified tourist.
  12. Cost of course depends on your lifestyle. Of course it can be very inexpensive if you don’t have high expectations. And of course prices are higher in major cities
  13. I have lived in Bangkok almost three years. I have never seen women walking around streets , malls , etc., with ultra revealing clothing. Some wearing gym clothes, short skirt. But not with their butt cheeks hanging out. And the so called non conservative stereotype clothes were fashionable. Except maybe if they were freelancers. If a person wants ongoing ultra conservative dressed women. There are plenty of Muslim countries to go to.
  14. It depends on the individual woman. Not where she is from . Women want security for the most part. Maybe Thai women would think a western man with minimalist income is a good catch. But a western woman would not. It’s not because a western woman is a gold digger. It’s because a western woman for the most part wants someone that succeeded in life. If you want someone subservient hire a maid.
  15. Most expats won’t complain about getting a vaccine as long as it’s free.
  16. Some individuals seem to be a little jealous over a person having a red plate showing it’s a new vehicle. Just because some can’t afford a new vehicle doesn’t mean another shouldn’t enjoy having one. The red plate has to do with new vehicle registration. Not showing off.
  17. In 2006 I slipped fell on my back in the states . I suffered a complete tear of the rotator cuff. No bicep damage. I could barely raise my arm. I had surgery. But after surgery I had a few months of rehab. Shortly after the surgery I developed scar tissue. I had to return to the surgeon to have manual manipulation under sedation to break up the scar tissue. Ten minutes procedure .But of course every case and course of treatment is different. Listen to Sheryl. She has knowledge about medical issues and doctors. You will need an orthopedic surgeon skilled in this type of surgery . And a good physical therapy specialist
  18. And it seems that most westerners have little income and savings to begin with in the LOS. . And of course it’s the fault of their respective countries. Not because of poor financial planning or other personal factors. Always easy to shift blame on other people or factors
  19. Obesity of all ages is a common worldwide problem.
  20. I find that most of the Lyon the forums that always criticize the West. Are the ones that couldn’t make it there. And that’s why they live in Thailand
  21. Moved here about three years ago to Bangkok. After I retired I wanted to experience living overseas. The only positive thing I can say. Healthcare was good. But I have very good insurance from my previous job in the states. Other than that it has become more annoying and inconvenient to live here. I never adjusted. Never found the majority of the locals friendly. Except if they wanted something of course. So moving back to the states in about two weeks.
  22. If a person wants cheap then go to a government hospital. And a person should have health insurance. If you have to pay cash then you face the consequences. People come to Thailand looking for freebies and discounts . Then when reality sets in they are disappointed.
  23. What color cards are used for locals who are law breakers and scam artists
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