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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. I try to stay away from taxis as much as possible. For the ones I have used it’s a <deleted> shoot. Living in Bangkok for almost three years some will use the meter. Some will quote some outrageous flat rate. They think all farangs are tourists that don’t know any better. As an example. Last week I went to a department store very near Terminal 21 in Asoke. I won’t say the name. I actually live in this area. I had to go somewhere after shopping. Grab wasn’t readily available as usual. So I went outside the main entrance of the mall. On the property at the side of the building were about eight taxis parked. And a security guard that worked for the store. Guard comes over to me asking if I needed a taxi. I show him the address in Thai on my phone. And I said meter. The location was about seven minutes away. The guard then brings over one of the drivers. He looks at the address and says 150 baht. Driver appeared to speak some English. I told him meter I’m not a tourist. He became agitated, saying yeah yeah and walked away. Then the guard said something to him , and they both laughed. Then the guard came over to me . And in his broken English try to tell me some nonsense the taxis parked there were house taxis no meter. Obviously the guard is in on the scam with these drivers. I reported it to Central that owns the store. Just because people work in a job that might be difficult and not much money . Doesn’t mean they should try to take advantage of people.
  2. swm59nj

    Taxi to DMK

    CABB is just as expensive as Grab. Hailing a taxi in the street might take a while because you probably will be given an array of prices. So give yourself enough time. The taxis for the most part will see a foreigner wanting to go to the airport. So I’m guessing most will offer a flat rate. Which probably will be equal to or more than Grab Taxi.
  3. She claimed after the incident happened. She was in shock. The shock wasn’t severe enough I guess to keep a straight mind to make plans to flee to Thailand
  4. Sounds like in this case the true cause of the issue had to be made via exploratory surgery. It is not unusual for a surgical diagnosis to be given. Then when the patient is opened up, a different or additional issue is found. The other form was probably a release for the doctor to proceed with the new issue. Especially since the patient is a minor. And as for the additional cost. Different types of surgery have different costs. From the initial diagnosis. It sounds to me the doctor prevented a potential life threatening situation. Even though something else was found during surgery. Which was also a serious medical issue. And if the doctor did initially say it was a twisted or ruptured intestine. That’s not the time to spend time shopping around for a less expensive facility to correct the issue.
  5. From how it sounds she was in extremely serious condition. The story says she had a seven hour operation. Which would be very extreme to begin with. . I would think that would justify the high medical cost alone. Also with the aftercare she had to receive. It’s not like she just had a broken arm and it was put in a cast. Too many people think they come to Thailand and everything should be inexpensive or a freebie. Unfortunately that is not the case. The story says the “ Insurance. Company Is Dragging Their Heels ”. That could mean the company is being slow to pay. It doesn’t say they are refusing to pay.
  6. I’m kind of surprised the guy taken advantage of wasn’t a farang
  7. This must be a devastating blow to a lot of expats and tourists. They are probably wondering how they can afford to brush their teeth now.
  8. This fee comes to $4.42 to $8.83 USD. if a person can’t afford that they shouldn’t be traveling anywhere. They should be staying home. And probably should be evaluating their own financial situation.
  9. I wonder if most of the customers were expats living in Thailand.
  10. I don’t think these types of questions or mentality is just common in Thai culture. Similar attitudes, opinions, questions for example are similar in the West.
  11. Stabbed slipped accidentally. Similar to the brakes gave out theory for accidents
  12. It seems when you ask a local a question in the LOS. The most common response is I don’t know.
  13. If a dog bites you. You should get a tetanus shot if you don’t have one. Ant the doctor might also prescribe antibiotics
  14. Maybe the people didn’t catch it instantly. And the story says nothing about each individuals stolen card information being used for extended periods of time.. The victims might have had their cards in their possession. The information could have been stolen by a skimming device. Or a card used in a place of business where an employee takes the card away to process. Then makes a copy of the card. Among many other ways. Stolen card information is also sold on the dark web.
  15. This type of story would have made an excellent show on Dragnet. With Sgt. Joe Friday making the bust and lecturing the perp.
  16. Agree with the issues regarding Grab. Many drivers have many excuses. Cancel or try to get you to cancel.
  17. It’s odd why they would remove the label.. The label should be kept on anyway so you can identify the specific medication. Don’t you get paperwork from the medical facility identifying what they gave you? And a diagnosis of what the condition specifically is or was? The doctor should have explained the condition and treatment verbally also. You need to contact the medical facility that gives you these drops. And get the name of the medication. You also need to ask for an explanation why they remove the label. You need to know what it is specifically. Not what it could be. You say you were given VigaDexa drops. That is an antibiotic used for bacterial infections of the eye. You would not use antibiotic eye drops ongoing. Irritated eyes could be anything from an eye infection to dry eyes. And you also need to know the specific condition you are being treated for. I go to an ophthalmologist at Bumrungrad. For my yearly routine eye exams. And also because I have specific conditions of the eye. He is good and speaks English well. If you want his name you can message me.
  18. Red lights, pedestrians, crosswalks, seatbelts are for the most part not recognized in the LOS
  19. Were you able to communicate with the receptionist ? Possibly when guests check out they take a video of the room so the receptionist can see it. This way if you are being charged for anything you can be shown why. If you had the impression there was a video camera planted in your room. You should have questioned it immediately . Either with the receptionist or someone in charge. I would not just walk away if I stayed in a hotel thinking they had a video camera hidden in my room.
  20. It could be anything. Domestic issue, money owed, murder suicide. One part of the story says one shell casing was found. Another part said the family was shot and stabbed. So the it’s unclear at this point.
  21. Any type of shock to the body can cause changes. Whether the issue is caused by illness or stress.
  22. It was definitely the wrong thing to do to end someone’s life for it. Too avoid any type of confrontation. . Maybe the person could have moved the truck to allow someone through . I mean was the person going to be finished in a couple of minutes or hours.
  23. I have lived in Bangkok for three years. I totally understand your frustration with the dating sites. If you actually met a doctor on one you are very lucky. Are you a person that has a lot of money? I mean mucho money? Do you own a very expensive vehicle? I don’t mean a Toyota Fortuna. And do you have an extremely large income? An expensive life style . If not. Forget about a HiSo girl. And for the most part they stick to big income Thai men. Not foreigners, especially the ones that just come and go. A good girl. I’m sure there are. In my opinion, these are the ones that are going to judge you as a person. Not as a bank. They will like you for who you are, not for how much is in your pocket. Of course they want stability and a better life. But will not use you to get it. But from my personal experiences, Not easy to find on the dating sites. I think it’s better if you knew some Thai people personally. Then they might be able to introduce you to someone they know.
  24. In a condo if the receiver isn’t home they will leave it with the staff. For some reason it requires a signature. And I’m guessing the office could not sign for it either. It might be some sort of restricted delivery . Were you actually expecting something? How do you actually know there was an attempt? To inquire you need a tracking number. Then you contact ThaiPost or the sender.
  25. You can try to make him see the reality. But he is going to do what he wants. With all the red flags he should be seeing the reality himself. But from how you describe him he probably doesn’t think not think much about himself. So he thinks this woman is a prize. He not only has to drop this woman. But he needs to get his own act together.
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