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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. Falling for scams can be based on ignorance. But if a person is very depressed , lonely it makes them vulnerable. And effects their thinking.
  2. This type of thing happens in many countries. Not just Thailand. These women take a chance out of desperation. And yes maybe in some cases ignorance. And the people that condone it or think nothing of it. They are just as low life as the people that trick these women. With the same level at stupidity.
  3. It’s an individual’s preference if they want to wear a mask. Not if it’s politically correct. Even before Covid. It was not uncommon in Asian countries. Mostly due to air quality. Or if the person was not feeling well.
  4. I have someone in mind. If possibly interested you can message me.
  5. I guess when I lived in Bangkok three years I didn’t fall into those two categories I have Social Security and a pension from my previous job. Retired at age 62. More than enough to live in Thailand. And adequate to live in the States. I also have health insurance carried over from my previous job. Which covered me well. And internationally after age 65 at 100%. Life is what you make of it. You can either plan better and move forward. Or stay stagnant.
  6. Amazing that issues regarding the consumption of alcohol is one of the major factors in Thailand.
  7. Unfortunately you have basically three choices. You can try to negotiating a price with the shop owner. Who is probably buying stolen phones or couldn’t care less. Or contact the police. Or buy a new phone. Apple will only tell you to contact your provider to alert them. And contact the police.
  8. So security hears gunshots. So instead of contacting the police first they call the manager or whoever. I’m wondering what the next step would have been if there was no response calling. And this is a serious ongoing issue with no appropriate action . But not really surprising.
  9. There are many different styles of pizza. And what one prefers depends on individual tastes. While living in Bangkok for three years I have tried a few. Both American and Neapolitan Style. And found none to be very good. Even the ones that supposedly owned by Italians. But I guess I’m spoiled. Living in NY/NJ area. And also have visited Italy.
  10. Daughter is not the appropriate word for this woman. I could think of some others but they would be inappropriate for the forum.
  11. Prices change just like everywhere else in the world. Businesses can’t keep operational unless they make a profit.
  12. Just because a Thai woman is not a bargirl doesn’t mean anything. During my three years staying in Bangkok. I met women who were not bargirls. They had anywhere from average to good jobs. The majority of them still tried to treat me like a walking bank.
  13. Most of the lying usually has to do with intent. Say they are looking for a relationship. But actually just looking for a foreigner to take advantage of.
  14. A large part of the problem is the foreigners themselves. Many , not all, come to Thailand looking for a free ride. They think they can do whatever they want. Then whine when things go sour. That’s how things go when you are in a county not your own. You are an outsider, a guest. . The country has no obligation to do anything for you. Whether the country might be corrupt, good, or bad.
  15. There is a difference between a condo, apartment, and a room. With your budget you won’t find a condo .With any luck you will get a barebones room.
  16. She should have known better and used more common sense. it’s not smart to drink booze and drive. But many political candidates have done more worse things than she did. But she did take responsibility for her actions. Not like some candidates or political officials for that matter.
  17. It appears face masks are mostly optional. You do what you feel comfortable with.
  18. Normalcy would depend on how often it occurs and severity. And also any other symptoms that go along with it
  19. You can have a one night stand anywhere . It has to do with the individuals. Not the country.
  20. The father tried to do something about the situation. At least he didn’t just spend his time whining about how bad he has it. And blame his country and everything else for his personal situation.
  21. Another quality tourist in Thailand. And it has nothing to do where he is from. It’s the type of person you actually are.
  22. I have the same condition the OP has off and on for years. I also have an extremely enlarged prostate. The fluid from the urethra was tested. It is non bacterial. While living in Bangkok I saw a very good urologist. He is at Bumrungard Hospital
  23. A heartbreaking story. This woman goes out to buy food for her son who has cancer. Then gets hit by a bus while in a crosswalk. And the driver says his view was obstructed. He is sitting high up above the road driving a bus. That must have been some kind of huge obstruction.
  24. Funny how people knock America every chance they get. And act like no crime or violence happens in Thailand. Even though violent acts and crimes seem to happen in Thailand every day. The expats that criticize the West all the time are usually the ones that couldn’t make it there. Financially or otherwise.
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