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Everything posted by treetops

  1. Advice whether from this forum or elsewhere will obviously not affect your ability to blow your own trumpet, but ignoring common sense wherever it comes from is never wise. As you said, "One day in the future what will happen nobody knows" and one day in the future you may need a functioning management.
  2. So if you don't know, it would be better to plan for various needs and requirements to make life easy. Living somewhere with a functioning, reliable, honest management would be prudent even if you don't need it right now. It's a due diligence type of thing before you even contemplate living in a shared community. As to the rest of your post, I have no idea what you're on about. You are a member here with all that entails.
  3. One day you will and you'll come crying here for help.
  4. Sausage, bacon, eggs and a nice cuppa would normally constitute most of an excellent breakfast, but the effort put into your one seems to have been lacking by quite a bit.
  5. The information is held in your Google account so I imagine that's what they'd change. They tried to do it to me once but I'm sure they emailed me first so I may have had the chance to stop it.
  6. It applies to Android devices in a very similar manner to that described here for Apple ones. You can only flip locations once per year so better to make a unique account for each region you need. If you spend too long (1 year I think) logged on with eg your UK account, Google will try to flip it for you to a local one.
  7. Yes, Bangkok flights are currently not scheduled for Premium Economy, it's just an attention grabbing headline to say some passengers whose origin or destination is Bangkok can fly part of the trip in the new cabin. They're not. Even the flights they had before from DXB-BKK-SYD-CHC (or at times AKL) without Premium Economy are not being restored as of yet AIUI.
  8. This is on the Thai Pass application website if it's any help, so it appears there are options depending on the nationalities of the parents and/or the child.
  9. Extension question has been answered but beware your airline may refuse you boarding if you can't show a return or onward ticket within 30 days.
  10. If it's proving troublesome just get mum or dad to re-apply and add her. No harm in having a duplicate especially with a good reason.
  11. Fix that and you'll be able to stay where you want and spend what you want for more than a few months.
  12. So what will you do after the 6, 8 or 9 months is up? That should be a bigger consideration than going to Thailand on a pittance and playing around with border runs.
  13. Because you applied in April that's what you would have received at the time. If you re-scan the QR Code now you'll find it now says entry from 5th May to 8th May. It's been discussed a few times but OP is the first one I've heard being caught out by it.
  14. Is this a follow up to: I'm sure there are more suitable solutions than existing in Thailand on 40,000 baht a month for 8 or 9 months.
  15. I noticed that 50K THB cut off point on a transfer a while back, but forgot about checking/confirming it on subsequent transfers, although another poster later in the thread appeared to confirm it. Discussion with screenshots here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1245902-wise-anyone-else-experiences-delays-on-money-transfers-from-uk/page/2/#comment-17141052
  16. Walked several miles yesterday - first time for a while - which included Buakhao and some side streets, part of Walking Street and some side streets and the entire length of Beach Road. There are more new/repurposed/renamed/remodeled businesses of all types open or opening soon than I would ever have guessed. No shortage of confidence in business on the ground. My big disappointment was Tin Cups on Buakhao seems to have closed and been stripped. Anyone know if it's closed for good or just being worked on?
  17. Did you have any success as I don't think it's likely to have been a SIM fault and the operator just said that to close the call? There have been other reports of AIS not passing through SMSs from overseas. I have read, although not verified personally, that a workaround is possible by manually selecting another carrier in your settings which cuts AIS out the loop. Even if this involves a small charge (I have no idea if it does) it may be worth it to get what you want.
  18. I arrived last night and there was a cursory glance at it at the check point before a couple of stamps on the TM6. Immigration had no interest in it.
  19. https://www.tipinsure.com/CovidRegional/product_detail
  20. I too have a pass for later this month and the printout I made when I received it also shows +/-7 days from my arrival date. However, the process now gives +3 days, -0 days as mentioned by TVC above and these time periods come up when I scan mine now. If you scan your QR Codes you will see yours has probably been updated similarily. This probably won't be a problem unless you change your planned travel dates and some jobsworth scans it somewhere and goes by what shows up. If you have changed dates by enough you might want to re-apply for a new pass.
  21. No, the reason is a red herring and should make no difference to what is received in the OP's Thai bank when using Wise.
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