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Everything posted by treetops

  1. Under normal circumsances I never even use the 1GB so the increased volume at reduced speed seems unappealing. This one-off requirement may see me need more volume but only for a day or two. Thanks for the reply. I see several packs in the app and on the AIS website, but you and scubascuba3 mention calling or negotiating a better deal for long term use. What's best - over the phone or in the shop and what would I ask for, bearing in mind I would want it long term, as you can tell from the deal I'm on I want to select it and forget about it for years? I see that table on the app, but the "Unlimited Internet" tab offered unlimited volume daily options at restricted speeds which I thought more suited to my requirement. Any particular reason for suggesting the capped volume, 7 day package? Although the prices are trivial, especially for what is hopefully a one-off one day requirement, this might be interesting for the future. Is there a code available for this if I can't find your link somewhere down the line?
  2. If I select one of AIS's daily packages to cope with an expected increase due to tethering my laptop, will my usual monthly package (MaoMao199B max speed 1GB) resume as normal when the daily package expires?
  3. If you used a particular spelling one time, that's what'll be pulled in next time if you use this feature.
  4. Look here: https://www.bangkokair.com/dangerous-goods
  5. Nope. Once the check-in staff see a visa they know a ticket out of Thailand is not required.
  6. Non stop from the UK is not available for most of us so a stop will always be required. With the Middle East airlines serving so many provincial airports it's no wonder so many are using them rather than going through LHR.
  7. Not on many of the B777-300ERs currently being used on QR832. The past couple of days it's been 2x2x2 layout so if the OP has just arrived he could have been on one of these. Even one A380 flight was substituted a few days go for a 2x2x2 A330.
  8. If you're travelling with a visa there's no need to have an onward/return ticket.
  9. No need for that as there is an auto-fill function built in. Enter your passport number and nationality then click on the magnifying glass just below nationality. It will then pull all the data from your previous entry and populate all the fields accordingly.
  10. Personal preferences obviously, but I've got the basket type in the UK and the plate type in Thailand and much prefer the plate one.
  11. health-cirt is correct.
  12. That is what I based my comment on as I had read it as they were stopping the issue of all yellow passports, but re-reading it I can see what you mean. The reason given is "due to renovatons in the service area" in my translation software so maybe it's a physical restructuring and will re-open once complete?
  13. According to Mor Phrom, the issuing of yellow books has been suspended as the electronic certificate service gets expanded.
  14. Having a variable temperature is essential for me. Bowman's pies need lower for longer to heat through. They'd be scorched on the outside and cold in the middle at the temperature I need to get my chips crispy, but each to their own.
  15. The value of the transaction and the reason for the transfer may cause Wise to use a different process which takes longer, so although they're still working 24/7 not all transfers are executed immediately.
  16. There is if you're thought to be scamming the system. That's been pointed out to you before so please stop repeating your drivel.
  17. Unless you stupidly accept the offer of DCC from the vendor, the exchange rate is set by the transaction processor. Normally this is Visa or Mastercard and nothing to do with the banks themselves.
  18. It's changed as it used to be in Profile Information and could be edited there. Now if you go into "International Certificate" then select "Request for a Covid-19 Vaccination Certificate / Adding Vaccination Information" then acknowledge the message in Thai, it looks like you can edit it. There's a "Confirm" button at the bottom that might need to be selected. I've no idea if this will work but if not I had success using the email address: [email protected] Include your full name, Vaccine ID Number and Date of Birth in your email.
  19. Halifax Clarity is a long time favourite which I have and is readily available. My other one is a legacy MBNA and probably not available any more. A couple of the other available ones are Barclaycard Rewards and 118 118 Money. For debit cards Starling Bank and Chase (app only and £1,500 ATM withdrawal limit per month) are probably the best.
  20. Tell you friend not to take the chance of Finnair refusing to fly him. He should buy a throway ticket to exit Thailand within 30 days and show it if required. Alternatively he could "rent" an onward ticket from one of the various sites that offer this service. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=onward+ticket+service
  21. It's the right to residency they're looking for, not details of residency such as an address. As such uploading your home country passport (again) for an application to your home embassy/consulate shows this.
  22. Similar in the UK and I also have two of them, and from reading on here I understand the USA has similar offerings. Most well prepared tourists will not be paying any foreign exchange fees or bank charges when using a card for payment.
  23. I've seen the halogen bulb type ovens, usually with a glass base but most air fryers now have a heating element similar to an old electric stove top IME.
  24. That's exactly how Wise has been used for transfers since before they launched the Borderless (now called Multi Currency) account. Leaving money with them is only an option if you have an account, and can be used if you want to time the market and optimise the exchange rate as described above. To answer the OP, going by the examples on their site, moving £1,000 from GBP to THB within a Multi Currency acccount will cost £6.20 while using a low cost traditional transfer funded from your regular UK bank account will cost £6.38, if I have understood and used their example screens correctly (8 baht difference from £1,000 in THB received). Presumably the lower cost is down to them making a profit with your stored money.
  25. I'm not expert, but from what I read on here your acquaintance is talking garbage. A 30 day extension to the initial VE entry may be required to get all the requirements in line.
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