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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. That's absolutely correct. The story should only be about road rage and the violence. Being a cannabis dealer or clerk at Makro has nothing to do with it. I'm prevented from saying what I think about the story or I'll get a Penalty again
  2. if its really just a septic pit i would pump it to get the funk out and then test drainage by adding water or you could dig a hole some 20 feet away and test the drainage there. if its faster that may help support that the existing one is just done for allowing saturation and just add a section of pipe
  3. Yes with the eVisa you can fake some info but you must provide pics of your passport pages showing all travel stamps for the last 12 months so you would probably get caught up at just that one issue.
  4. You also mentioned you were asked about a onward ticket at the airport on the way to Thailand. That's a requirement of the regulations in Thailand for visa exempt entey and they issue that to the airlines via the IATA system that shows on the airline screen at checking in. Not all airline enforce it but If you had been denied entry at imm when you arrived the airline would have to pay to return you to the point of origin for not checking the regs.
  5. It sounds like it's just an open hole or pit that you've been draining water from the kitchen along with debris and grease. It probably is not connected to any other drain piping and the problem may be that over time you've saturated the ground around the pit and it isn't allowing absortion into the earth any longer. You may be able to pump out any stand water and debris from the pit but may still be faced will slow to no drainage. If that's the case you'll need to move to a new pit or connect to a real drain line or install a real septic tank
  6. This is his standard posting except he normally post 20 responses to his own question
  7. It has nothing to do with the west, the problem lies with social media trying to sensationalize story to create a buzz and get clicks to read their story
  8. That is absolutely correct. Until the masses say enough is enough it will not stop. Unfortunately thai's I know don't seem to feel the corruption really affects them in their daily life that much. They know it happens, they don't like it, know it's wrong, but it's almost like well that's only at the top in Bkk, or it's in that other g dept or in that other industry so my daily life doesn't change as a result. And when a little tea money does trickle down to them it's like well I can't afford to give it up cos I'm so poor I need it too. They don't seem to realize that money is coming from them or due them for proper care and services, better roads, cheaper utilities, better salaries, etc.. And if most if the corruption was gone everyone's life would improve as a result. Catch 22 almost
  9. Social media is one way to bring it out into public view. It's the main way to get action from the various dept of the G on any issue that brings light to a problem, police included. A school in a northern province was outed for pocketing school funds for children's lunch about 2 years ago if memory serves me. That defamation law is thrown around all too often yet seldom have you seen it enforced, just threatened. Im not suggesting to give full names and details but enough info can be put out to start the ball rolling but there in lies the problem, what enforcement and punishment will occur, probably like most of these stories they will disappear into the vapor as their is no real investigative journalism and the few stories that follow up are so edited they are worthless.
  10. Again your talking about a completely different issue than the OP. It is regulations and is on IATA notice at the airline so no contradiction. If they choose to ignore or not enforce it it makes no difference to this topic. Immigration almost never asks about an onward ticket unless there is some other issue at arrival. If you are checked for one and don't have it you can be returned to your point of origin at the airlines expense if they allowed you to board and did not verify a ticket . Think what you want, do what you want but I'm done on this discussion with you because you're off topic
  11. Sadly its the same in almost all industries. I know people in most of the major industries and various departments in the G and they all have the same issue. Want a better job, want a promotion, want a better location you pay someone. You oversee projects and have to verify completion status, you sign the verification and payment voucher and someone gets their tea money from it. You oversee a project budget, 10 to 15% is built in for tea. Until more people stand up to speak to this corruption and expose it nothing will change because that's how their system economy is set up. The rural average person doesn't get any of this "economy" as its used up before it trickles down to their level as normal wages
  12. Yes big lie but say it enough times and thai people here may believe it. Also no journalistic creditibility on researching or fact checking. I never pay a fee for digital payments nor do I pay a fee for electronic transfers from one bank to another inside the USA.
  13. I wonder how much she had to pay someone to be given that promotion and salary at the school?
  14. I guess we have more intuitive powers to see the future than we knew. I had a premonition of this month's ago. Glad to see my remote viewing abilities are improving
  15. OK now your getting into a different issue that has nothing to do with the topic at all!! The requirements are clear on visa exempt entry requiring a onward ticket. It's posted on Thai regs and in the IATA notices so the air carrier is not suppose to allow you to even board the plane. If they do all it then they pay to have you returned to your point of origin. Stay on topic
  16. You sure about that? Depends on the reason for deportation
  17. The first pic with the "blood stains" that appear now to have turned into feces are up at the pillow end of the bed beside her cell phone. Did she $hit from her mouth? feces and blood look and smell nothing alike so kinds strange the confusion. Something seems off with this whole story. Good that the husband is accounted for and I feel sorry for his lose but I will not be surprised to find another suspect was involved, maybe her brother or cousin who came to stay while looking for a job. Im sure they have CCTV at the "famous" condo that can be reviewed.
  18. It seems in thailand the one way to gain govt and police action is for a story to show up on social media. In this type situation it's one of the only effective methods to get action, if truely warranted, unfortunately. Now there's also the reverse side where there are those that feel they are "influencers" and use it as a platform for pure attention or monetary gain or reward because in their minds they are special. Those are the dregs of social media and personally have no interest in them and feel they are mentally lacking in some key areas.
  19. No they follow IATA guidelines which pop up on their screen not every airline is a member but all the major international ones are
  20. Not true. It may have happened to you but the the circumstances may have been different. Airlines follow IATA notices issued by countries they fly to. Thailand recommends a minium of 6 months but it's a recommendation for general entry. Since he has a valid permission to stay stamp and reentry permit he is fine. If it were me I would renewmy passport and carry both on return. Then if he wants to renew at the end of his current permit he's good to go. Only caveat is the transit countries on his return trip.
  21. I have a Zealot s32 bluetooth speaker that is as good as my Sonos Bluetooth speaker back in the USA for a fraction of the cost. It has slots for usb, sd cards or various sizes and a couple different models have other feature like pairing speakers and a RCA jack plug. Lazada or Shopee has them and also some of the mall stores have them.
  22. I know exactly what it's for and the significance and enforcement has changed a few years ago. Really the only time you need it is for extensions or other specific govt business. Producing one any other time is pretty meaningless and never checked or asked for. The OP is about having one for getting an extension so staying with the conversation is what I have been commenting on.
  23. Yes, we're not talking about a visa entry because you don't need an TM30 to get a visa and that's what we're discussing, getting an extension
  24. I believe it's an economy ticket and they put a waiver notice restriction on the passport so they can't use the passport for anything other than to enter the USA untill repaid.
  25. Not when your requesting an extension, which is the topic of the OP. Many countries want more info before granting extensions
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