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Everything posted by Dexxter

  1. I would ask her out to an expensive restaurant and buy her a bottle of exquisite French champagne to drink with our 7 course gourmet meal. During our conversation I would ask if I could buy her a house back in her village and offer to pay for her sick grandmother's hospital expenses. At all times I would remain a perfect gentleman and not expect her to offer herself in return.
  2. Maybe he made statements that "Discredit the Ruzzian Army" and "accidentally" fell out of a window. This seems to happen a lot in Ruzzia.
  3. You are assuming granny is getting the money and it's not being spent by the family for their own wants.
  4. I would be saying this BEFORE I gave them 50,000 sinsod and 24000 a year for granny. My Thai wife was saying we need to pay sinsod and I flat out refused. That was the end of it and the topic rarely came up again.
  5. That could have been a sting operation trying to catch someone related to material on the laptop. I agree that at the airport you touch absolutely nothing that does not belong to you. Imagine trying to do the right thing and picking up a "lost" bag to take to lost property. As soon as you pick it up you are surrounded by a bunch of cops and the bag contains drugs or other contraband. Try talking yourself out of that situation. There are places where it is best to mind your own business and airports are one of those places.
  6. If a person has the urge to steal something, they really should do it in their home country where they at least have a chance of knowing the system. Committing a petty crime in a foreign country is the stupidest thing a person can do.
  7. I am getting bad eye strain trying to read the text above the Hare Krishna's head.
  8. I saw the movie so don't need to see the cave in person.
  9. Before Thailand: Athiest After Thailand: I worship the Goddess of Venus
  10. I would not trust a tablet compared to a sheet of paper when it involves an important document. Imagine your battery running flat just as you arrive at passport control. Very awkward indeed. I have a small laser printer at home which I rarely use but it is crucial for printing stuff like travel documents.
  11. My eldest son retired at 40 and now he plays computer games. He has enough money in investments to keep him financially secure for life. He also has the option to go back to work as a highly paid IT contractor if he feels the need. He has no wife or children and only has to take care of himself which greatly helps his financial position. He does has a girlfriend in a vague sort of relationship where he gets s*x when he feels like it. It's not a life I would lead but he seems happy.
  12. Seeing they have been happily together for 9 years, how they met seems to have little relevance on their relationship. I would say HE also won the lottery because not too many 67 year old men have a 30 year old wife they are happy to be together with. Most sad old men with a 30 year old women by their side are paying a fee on a nightly basis with no relationship involved.
  13. Young Chinese (Asian) woman dresses like a hooker and stands near other hookers in a world famous red light area just before midnight is surprised that a man approaches her. No wonder she thinks she is an "influencer" because she certainly does not have the brainpower to do anything else.
  14. Is the blonde at the far left wearing the green pants a Nana dancer? Asking for a friend.
  15. I wonder why this guy brought his harem to Nana Plaza?
  16. This lady from "Singapore" started chatting with me completely out of the blue about a year ago. I am 99% certain she (he) is a scammer but we have been chatting about all sorts of topics and only occasionally does she mention how much she is making with some sort of gold trading account. Either she is just bragging (1%) or trying to get me involved in some gold trading scam (99%) but I always ignore those comments and change the subject. Her last message to me was "If you are interested, I can also teach you this investment in gold foreign exchange trading. I can also teach you to register for a free demo account and learn with me, which is good for you." I said no thanks and haven't heard from her in a couple of weeks. I can see how people can get sucked in because her very long term strategy is very convincing. She has even sent quite a few photos of herself and her daughter, none of which are found in any image reverse searches so appear original. Anyway, I play along and treat her like a high quality chatbot, and I remain polite but not interested in any schemes. Polite because there is that 1% chance she is a real person so there is no need for me to be offensive. I also BS about everything regarding me and my details so if she is gathering data about me then it is all useless. Here is one of her recent photos.
  17. This is a lesson for everyone. MAKE A WILL before you die. Leave the ORIGINAL will with a law firm. Leave a prominent note detailing the law firm's contact details with a COPY of the will in a prominent place at home. This way YOU decide who gets what.
  18. Welcome to Thailand. This is normal and actually cleaner than toilet paper.
  19. What does that smell like? I have never had the pleasure of smelling fried human flesh. Is it worth seeking out?
  20. "It is forbidden to defecate casually. This is Singapore!" Nothing beats a little bit of casual defecation.
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