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Scott Tracy

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Everything posted by Scott Tracy

  1. Ah, clever play on words. Clever Australians.
  2. Does anywhere accept Amex? Good grief. Cash is king in Makro, as in most places in Thailand.
  3. So, calling for the release of hostages, as a point of principle, is to be opposed? Each government of a national held as a hostage should negotiate with the hostage takers, individually? What happened to: we don't negotiate with terrorists? I think I'm missing something here.
  4. Since when has there been such an entity?
  5. Where did you get your prints taken? I wrote to Thames Valley police a few months ago and got bugger all response.
  6. Say what? The rules which apply to ads across all media place a particular emphasis on protecting young people. Alcohol ads must not be directed at people under 18 or contain anything that is likely to appeal to them by reflecting youth culture. Any individuals that feature in alcohol ads must be 25 years of age or over, and look it. There are also strict controls around the placement of alcohol ads and they are currently banned from appearing in and around programmes targeted at audiences below the age of 18 and programmes likely to appeal particularly to this age group. The more general rules in place to protect consumers of all ages include: not linking the consumption of alcohol to increased popularity, sexual success, confidence, sporting achievements or mental performance; not portraying drinking alcohol as a challenge or with tough or daring behaviour; not encouraging people to adopt an unwise style of drinking such as binge drinking or showing it being served irresponsibly; not suggesting alcohol has therapeutic qualities or can help you overcome your problems. Helpful information on the advertising rules for Alcohol ads, and examples of previous Advertising Standards Authority rulings in this area.
  7. How can they be ministers if they're no longer MPs, accountable to Parliament?
  8. Soothsayers and charlatans. Anyone who forecasts stuff is full of <deleted>.
  9. How many Supreme <deleted> Courts?
  10. Where did cranberry sauce come from for an English Christmas dinner?
  11. Local rice farmers.... Plant Thai rice, lose money. rent land, buy seed, plant seedlings, weed killer, plant food, harvesting, drying in the streets. Mill and eat, or sell as is? Well to pay for all the debts... Crap rice at the best of times. Hardly any sale value. This is Thai rice. Give me Basmati any day.
  12. The point being made was that: Happens all the time. Police, being those with the power of arrest and/or power of prosecution. SEC, DOJ, on the spot fines...
  13. Pay to the police or pay to a regulator, what difference? Deferred prosecutions are standard practise in the US and UK. Pay a 'fine', nothing else to see......
  14. Who is Biden?
  15. Very true. Differences like drying rice in the roads, the mindset that says it's ok to drive drunk, roundabouts...motor bike helmets....to name a few.
  16. Fatal big bike crash stirs public concern Rate this topic. 0...no public concern, either actual or perceived. L.O.B......
  17. Good grief. Were there weight restriction signs? What about road design? EVs are a tad heavier than ICE vehcles, apparently, so road damage will increase. Limit vehicle weights or upgrade roads or both?
  18. I spent 3 1\2 years in North East Thailand from October 2018 and got bored after a couple of years. I started looking for work back in the UK. The wife was on board all the way. She got bored with life in her home village after 20 odd years in the UK. It's good to have purpose and a routine, it's just, for us, the purpose was to get away from people drinking beer at at 08:00 and drunk by 09:00... I work, she does what she wants, when she wants.
  19. The party finds the case proven... What about due process as the Americans like to call it, innocent until found guilty by a jury of his peers? Even in a civil court, on the balance of probabilities etc...
  20. How can that be said with certainty?
  21. There is but 1 race. The human race.
  22. We really take notice of polling data? Does it really affect the way people vote? 2 scenarios: Candidate 1 is 20 points ahead, so voters don't need to vote. Candidate 1 will win without our votes.... candidate 1 is ahead by 20 points. Us voting for candidate 2 will make no difference.... Polling. Good grief.
  23. There has always been a charge for those item . Salt and vinegar is free and cheap ketchup if you're lucky See above. Nothing is free. It only appears to be.
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