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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. The complaint I have heard about Indians from Thai women is that they have poor personal hygiene. That comes from the Thai women's olfactory sense, not from Caucasian influence.
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 95 seconds  
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 132 seconds  
  4. Certainly not "most" left wingers.
  5. Possibly someone could have expressed the opinion before the debate with Trump, Since the debate not supportable.
  6. As far as Taylor Swift's endorsement causing Harris to lose votes, I have my doubts. Those that said her endorsement made them less likely to vote for Harris probably had zero chance of voting for Harris anyway.
  7. Right. Also show business of any kind is a cutthroat, hyper-competitive business. Guess why? The paydays are sooooo big. Anyone who is successful in the entertainment industry has gotta have something going for them. Of course envious people can't see that.
  8. https://worldskills2024.com/en/skills/ Info on the work skills involved int the competition.
  9. So the guy who apparently was gonna try and kill Trump didn't like Trump for president? What a shocker!!!
  10. So you're saying you didn't understand what I said. Got it.
  11. "No, it was a counter-rebuttal statement to a challenge consisting of the assertion ..." Wait, what was the middle part again?
  12. I think the significance of Cheney's endorsement is that it demonstrates the breadth of support for Harris. If Cheney and AOC both support Harris she appeals to a wide variety of voters. Or it could be interpreted to how broadly Trump is disliked which for the purposes of the election amounts to the same thing.
  13. She handled Trump with no problem.
  14. Right. She said directly to Trump "you're a disgrace" and he did not defend himself. So who can he stand up to?
  15. It has been said that fact checking should be the job of the debater. So why didn't Trump fact check Harris? If she lied and it's the debater's job to fact check it, why didn't he do that? Should have been easy if she told such obvious lies.
  16. How is it possible that grown ass people believe BS that would be laughed off the middle school playground if you said it there.. I just don't get it.
  17. "we all just saw/heard Trump prancing around inside his looney bin rattling his toy." Best summary I have heard from any source.!!!
  18. Irelevant. Voter motivations are very vague at times. "Policy shmallicy. I get a warm fuzzy feeling from candidate x". No one (no one knowledgeable) expected the debate to change the minds of the candidates supporters or even change the minds of anyone who follows politics. It's the undecided low info voters who can be swayed. They will decide the election.
  19. "You give the impression that you are not emotionally stable." You should get an award for understatement and restraint. I would describe GGs posts as batship crazy. ( I specify that his posts are crazy, not him. I suspect that a lot of the posters who make "bold, manly" posts on AN are more polite IRL).
  20. Sorry, not willing to jinx the result. Cannot answer.
  21. "You sound like an sexpat to me who smokes weed and drinks Lao Khao all day every day." You say that as if it's a bad thing. So judgmental.
  22. I think you have made your point about this.
  23. "Harris's rallies are stacked with paid attendees who arrive in buses...." Do you have a source to support this? Or did you just pull it out of a dark place?
  24. Yes, I would love to see Russell Brand moderate a debate. His sense of the absurd would be an ideal match for Trump's unconscious absurdities. That would be entertainment of the first order!!!
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