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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. I was responding to this. "Wow havnt you been lucky, certainly not the case among people I know and worked with nor a lot of the posts you read here." Wasn't meant to be personal towards you. I guess I wasn't explicit enough. The point is there is a naturally occurring bias towards negative feedback on some issues. People whose experience with their landlord was positive (or just as expected) typically don't post. So naturally we can expect to see more negative posts.
  2. His age, sex, and race have nothing to do with it. His weird act of spending $4000 to buy a guitar only to smash it is what draws attention.
  3. You are wrong. I have heard a few of her songs that are quite good. Her songs are very much in the tradition of popular music and very competently written. She credits Paul McCartney and Joni Mitchell as two of her songwriting influences. I'm not a big fan but her music is really very good and deserves its popularity.
  4. People who have a good relationship with their landlord don't start threads on that fact.
  5. Keep the deposits after you moved out? No, this is not normal. As others have said, my Thai landlord is very fair, very diligent about needed repairs.
  6. I'm white; did I invent the transistor?
  7. Sorry I should have said I was over 60 when I started with this company. Does that matter?
  8. I thought that over 60 yo I was ineligible. So that is what I am asking.
  9. I am over 60 years of age and working in Bangkok for a Thai company. My employer is deducting 750 Baht per month for Social Insurance. My understanding is that I am not eligible for Social Insurance benefits. Am I still required to make the the monthly contribution? Thanks.
  10. "or something like that"
  11. Please see Walker88's very clear post listing shootings and number of people killed during Trump's administration.
  12. Follow the news much? Trump paid "bigly" for his bit of fun with Stormy.
  13. I have my doubts. The fantasists who like to imagine killing unarmed people with their firearms would not have the steel in their spine to oppose law enforcement or military forces. Like 12 year olds they like to imagine themselves fighting for all that is good (in their mind) but actually showing up and putting themselves in harms way? I just have my doubts.
  14. I have learned from J.D. Vance. I have changed my terminology. No longer do I say Haitians, following the lead of Vance I say "people from Haita". (pronounced hay-shuh).
  15. LOL? People who are interested in music listen to music from many eras. Some of my favorite recordings were made before I was born. There are those who let current fads and current popularity limit their experience of music and there is nothing wrong with that. However, it seriously limits your opportunities to enjoy music. For instance, Taylor Swift indicates that Paul McCartney and Joni Mitchell have been significant influences on her song writing. Both of those artists wrote the bulk of their best music before Taylor was born. Consider the lyric from Sultans of Swing: "They don't give a damn, about any trumpet-playing band, it's not what they call rock'n'roll" If you think Knopfler was praising those young boys, you missed the point. There is a saying: " If you laugh at what you don't understand, you will always have a lot to laugh at". But no matter, it is a seriously ancient saying.
  16. I could never pick one song. But I could pick my favorite Billie Holiday recording and it's not the earlier mentioned "Strange Fruit". "Comes Love" Billie fantastic delivery with a fantastic band.
  17. It would be very difficult to pass an amendment you are right about that. But two amendments that were bitterly opposed were passed, prohibition and the repeal of prohibition, so not impossible. Not true about 30% of the vote. Currently if no candidate gets at least 51% of the electoral college votes the decision goes to the House of Representatives, same could be done with the popular vote. Alternatively, could have a runoff as in some state elections with the leading vote getters running.
  18. I admit I didn't study the document from the Family Foundation. That is a "Christian conservative" organization and I don't need a convoluted justification of the electoral college. The small states get their equalizer by having two senators. The point of the anti-democratic nature of the electoral college is exactly about the state populations and the lowest population states are the most significant. Democracy generally is conceived as "one person - one vote" the electoral college violates this principal egregiously.
  19. Iowa and Delaware? Are you from the US? Those are not the lowest population states. The combined population of North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana is about 2.7 million people. The population of Los Angeles County is about 10 million. So those 2.7 million get 12 electoral votes, way out of proportion to their populations. As far as candidates always focussing on the most populous states, now they focus on the swing states to the exclusion of most others. What's the difference. In any event, the focus would probably continue to be on purple states where a lot of voters live who could be moved to change the party they vote for.
  20. The thing is he is kinda sensible sometimes, but bottom line he is a wack job mostly because of his uncritical acceptance of a lot of bad sources. But he is big with the young bro crowd, the macho young men who are a big source of Trump support.
  21. I'll be humming that one for a while, catchy as heck.
  22. My question is always: "Why do Karens care what we "white losers" do? I never think about western women, why do so many think about what I, as a "white loser", do?
  23. And Obama has observed, "Now that the ACA has become popular they don't call it Obamacare anymore". Sometimes a guy can't win.
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