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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. Seems like this info would be available as UK police use IC codes that specify racial identity. It would be interesting to see.
  2. The counter argument from the doddering old racist and misogynist crew goes something like this: "She's a woman and she ain't even white!" Add the laughing emoji and that is the whole argument against her. No criticisms of substance.
  3. The Christian story starts with a virgin giving birth and ends with a guy rising from the dead. Believing that as a child is understandable. Believing that as a grown adult is inexplicable.
  4. 2 points: -Christianity For who is this a plus? - Less prostitution You can't be serious.
  5. The personal pet theories of autocrats have been tested in the USSR under Stalin and in the PRC under Mao. They resulted in famines and millions of deaths. Now the possibility of similar insane mandates in the USA looms. Heaven help the USA.
  6. I really think you are a bit irrational. Can't wait 20 minutes for a Grab?, how much time did you spend flagging taxis in the street and trying to get a taxi at the taxi stand? You have an armload of purchases from Centralworld but you don't want to pop for a taxi for 200 baht? How much did you spend in Centralworld? When you were shopping in Centralworld did you apply the same kind of value for money analysis to your purchases? Did you ultimately walk from Centralworld to your destination? If all the taxis want 200 baht then that was the going rate wasn't it? I know, you remember when it cost 5 cents to go to the movies but that was then, prices have gone up now.
  7. Possible remedies: Grab. Walk 10 meters to the street and flag a taxi.
  8. I think it is the benchwarmers that were mentioned that is the second pair. First alternates or Miss/mister Congeniality oxen. Perm and Pool.
  9. Yes, there are a few posters about whom it can be said: "You are not entirely useless, you can always serve as a bad example."
  10. Previous posters have said: "I have flu-like symptoms" "I have COVID" "COVID is no worse than the flu" "Oh incidentally, I haven't been tested for COVID". So some pushback because of this. If I have flu-like symptoms I have to consider it might be the flu.
  11. Agreed. My ignore list is 2 pages long.
  12. I visit AN mostly for entertainment purposes. It's great when you need info, but even then you gotta have a thick skin. But teasing and arguing is part of the fun, so I don't agree entirely with what you say.
  13. Wasn't it GW Bush who looked into Putin's soul? Bromance on the right.
  14. I would ask the OP if he has good medical insurance or can afford to see a good physician. I am not a doctor but his original and subsequent 13 posts on this thread are consistent with a medical condition. I would recommend getting checked for an arthropod lodged in your posterior. Although this condition is not easily rectified, often it is good to know what it is you are suffering from.
  15. I was trying to think of a way to say this but you pretty much said it perfectly.
  16. "it makes his opinions on politics about as valuable as a bucket of pee. " And your opinions on politics, how shall those be valued?
  17. Sad story. Even still, life goes on... Aunt Tim is now rich. Photo of Aunt Tim please?
  18. " potential negative influence on youth." Written by Maude Flanders? "Think of the children!" So now youth need outside influences to start thinking about sex?
  19. You have had 100 fights? Is that more than Mike Tyson? You must go looking for trouble.
  20. I recently got a text message from a Thai acquaintance saying she had to go to Issan to help her mother. She said that her mother's sister and the sister's boyfriend had "killed" her mother. (Google translate best efforts.) Apparently they beat her and put her in the hospital. I never had an acquaintance in the US that had this kind of thing among family members. Not saying it doesn't happen there, but just my experience.
  21. When selecting a group to blame for his behavior please note that he is an American by chance but a golfer by choice.
  22. ??? "cops made him pay" for what? The victim tax?
  23. Now that is a great saying! Probably has 'em rolling the aisles in Munich. Thanks for sharing.
  24. Seems like an A-whole YouTuber... but I repeat myself.
  25. I think it would have been nobody else's business if he wasn't running for president AND tried to cover it up. If he let it run its course people might have said "surprise, surprise" Trump banged a porn actress, but his effort to cover up is what got it into court.
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