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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. Just a thought, as to realistic expectations. If a man is walking at 3AM on Walking Street should he just expect that ladyboys will grab his junk? I mean it's Walking Street and he is out there strutting his stuff, tempting those ladyboys some of whom may have poor impulse control. Or is that somehow different????
  2. I hope the elephant is being offered psychological counseling. Events like this can cause a great deal of stress, guilt, and survivor guilt for an elephant. And of course these can be long term problems since, as is a well-known fact, elephants never forget.
  3. "Business in the front, party in the back." Used to be the description of the mullet.
  4. The problem with the "healthy immune system plan" is that we can be healthy and eat blueberries and take vitamin pills and get exercise and lots of sleep and don't get sick... until we get sick. If we live in a place with low exposure or a life style that limits exposure we don't know how strong our immune system is.
  5. I do wonder why it always seems to be Indians who are getting robbed by ladyboys. Do other nationalities just not report it to the cops or what? I have never been hassled by lady boys and have been known to visit Walking Street and Beach Road. Any ideas?
  6. If you are going out for a big night on Walking Street 12K THB is not so much. I could go through that on a good night and i don't drink so I don't have that as an excuse.
  7. Even still.... could have been settled for a very affordable amount of money. Sometimes acceptance of the situation and looking at what is in your best interest isn't gonna lead to standing on principle.
  8. "all over just a few Baht." This is the part I don't get. Food cart prices? Could have been settled for a couple hundred baht I would guess. Cheap price to avoid a beating.
  9. I am inclined to think that this thread is simply "bragging in the form of a question". So the OP is pleased with themselves because they speak Thai, good for them. Everyone knows that learning an additional language as an adult is difficult and that facility in learning a language differs widely among people. The responses probably also go along those lines, those who have successfully learned Thai will express that it is a moral imperative to learn Thai. Those who have not will explain why they have had difficulty. Kind of predictable.
  10. "It was an accident, the damage was not "actively caused", which suggests that it was deliberate." Did the car damage itself? Was this an example of the third law of thermodynamics, entropy increasing? Someone caused that damage by their actions, so I think "actively caused" is an accurate description. No one used the word deliberate, well except you. I said it was irresponsibility, unbelievable irresponsibility and carelessness. "I've just been pointing out that that her demands are unreasonable" So when you express your opinion that is "pointing out" the way things really are?. You have been pontificating but you don't have the pontiff's doctrine of infallibility to support you. You say "She left the car with the dealer for a body repair prior to the accident." The original post says: "On June 2nd she put her car into the service center for checks as she was planning an up country trip." So you either have poor reading comprehension or if you deliberately stated an untruth to support your argument, what does that make you? You have referred to the insurance carrier. I would be surprised if the insurance covered this damage as this is a result of egregious carelessness and irresponsibility. I don't know why you are so triggered by this, it's a little strange. You have made 30 posts in this discussion, that is a lot of posts in a short time. Reminds me of the whole "Karen" phenomenon of hysterical over-reaction to small things.
  11. TLDR.
  12. I think both the TF and the bars will continue. Obviously TF has advantages but downside as well. I have read a number of reports about TF and disappointment when the girl appears. Photos from long ago, nasty disposition, low energy, no fun, change of terms/raising the price. Some of this you naturally filter out in the bar. Not looking to argue; time will tell.
  13. Are you speaking of Family Mart?
  14. You are probably right that the dealer's insurers will determine the compensation. But it seems to me that you are not factoring in the egregious irresponsibility of the dealership. She dropped off her car for routine maintenance and the dealership destroyed it. Is that an act of god? There is clearly something that goes beyond negligence to actively causing damage to her property. I don't understand why you are so hell bent on attacking her and defending the dealership.
  15. If the story is accurate, the dealership is 100% at fault. Freaking ridiculous irresponsibility, Literally unbelievable. That seems to be the salient point, not age of the car. Her demands seem no more daft than the daft actions of the dealership, Of course it will probably come down to the letter of the law. But looking at the damage it looks like it was totaled and the dealership totaled it, so...
  16. "No one is kidding themselves this is nothing more than a transactional relationship that is of benefit of both parties." Like all marriages everywhere.
  17. Just like in America (UK, Australia, anywhere?) where most women make plans for what they will do when their husbands die, as they expect to outlive their husbands. If you are married and you don't think your wife has thought about this, you are probably wrong. Nothing wrong with it, just reality.
  18. My most astounding "ignorance in America" stories are almost identical to each other and feature not youngsters but Department of Motor Vehicle employees. In both stories the DMV employee told the person that they need to have an US driver's license in order to apply for a driver's license in their new state. The two stories were about individuals with New Mexico and Indiana driver's licenses that the DMV employees in the new state did not recognize as belonging to the 50 United States.
  19. This Cadillac ad didn't seem to last long, it overestimated the percentage of Americans who bought into this view of life. You hear people talk about the "work ethic" and politicians like to talk about "hard-working families". Fact is a lot of people recognize the shortcomings of the "American way of life" as expressed in the Cadillac ad. The idea not just of Work but Hard Work as an essentially good thing (and an end in itself) has been used to some people's advantage at the expense of others. Even still, a lot of Americans are content and make the most of the system.
  20. I see lots of these, they are funny. Jay Leno had a regular feature on his show doing this, nothing new about it. No doubt they are selective, a kid who knows the answers doesn't make for a good video. I am guessing you could do similar interviews with young people in a lot of countries. Let's ask some young people in any country questions about politics, science, geography the results would probably be similar.
  21. The question was "is it a good place to live."
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