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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. so he only posts when he has something to say. Nothing wrong with that.
  2. I have had pages like that with 2 or 3 users that I have blocked repetitively yakking at each other. I didn't post cuz I feel it would be inflammatory. Interesting if this is genuine, looks like we have blocked different folks LOL.
  3. Not surreal. Strange, unusual, unexpected, any number of adjectives would serve, but not surreal. This is surreal.
  4. Kumbaya, you love everybody right? Except me? Your point is taken, but I think it only applies if I think everyone else is a jerk. Some people really are jerks. Lots of things wrong with me but plenty of Ricardo Cabezas here that are on the wrong side of the continuum relative to me. As a wise man once said "Jesus loves you but everyone else thinks you're an A-hole".
  5. Very good advice. For some posters here the saying is very true: "You are not completely useless, you can always serve as a bad example." I mean that very. literally as I see behaviors and attitudes I don't want to slip or fall into and so I consciously avoid. Sometime I will see a whole page of notifications of people I have blocked one after the other. Saves me the time of going through pointless posts. As far as different viewpoints etc., most of the people I have blocked seem to say the same thing over and over, I don't need to hear it again. Being a know-it-all is not a point of view, so I block a lot of those. There are some here who post in almost every thread and often bring in their unrelated obsessions. Yawn. I think I have 3 pages of blocked members. If someone else responds to them I can still go and read blocked members messages but mostly I don't miss those that I have blocked
  6. No one denies there is waste in government. Lots of examples could be produced. I think some of the programs you have listed are not ongoing so not a target for saving money. For ongoing programs the point stands, someone benefits, they had sufficient juice to originate the programs. They may have sufficient juice to preserve them.
  7. Don't know about Windows but you can download a free Kindle app for Macs and iPhones. I'm reading "What is Life" by Paul Nurse on the kindle app and just downloaded "How Life Works" by Phillip Ball, this one is 547 pages, so should provide hours of reading, hopefully pleasurable.
  8. I agree, nothing wrong with an interest in guns. I think a lot of teens are interested, sad he didn't have any guidance, maybe he would have been ok.
  9. "Jittakorn said he could not blame Latte, a Labrador and Golden Retriever mix, as she adored playing with balls and likely thought the bomb was a new toy for Krit. Fortunately, Krit had not thrown the bomb." I have to disagree. I seems to me that 9 year old Labrador and Golden mix should have known there was something strange about the bomb. I blame this on the Thai education system for dogs which is not up to standard.
  10. I have had the mRNA COVID vaccine and several boosters. I haven't noticed any side-effects. However, yesterday I dropped a box of wooden matches on the floor. When I looked at them I immediately knew there were 96 matches. So there's that.
  11. It is more directly related to the lives of forum members than the incident in Korea. Doesn't say that much.
  12. I think the fact that he was charged with "reckless driving causing death" enters into it.
  13. Yeah, your are right. Others have called attention to it. Seems like some people have made up their minds that the Thai police cannot be fair.
  14. "The police assumed he was at fault with no evidence we have yet heard." You were no doubt expecting a call where they explained it to you. "I have no prejudice against anyone." You clearly do, you are concluding that this guy was charged based on no evidence because of your prejudice against Thai law enforcement. That you lack self-awareness is abundantly clear, that isn't an attack, that is just something you have demonstrated. Here are the facts that have been presented: An American man riding a motorcycle struck and killed a Thai woman who was a pedestrian. The Thai police have charged him with reckless driving causing death. But you somehow know that the Thai cops are charging him unfairly.
  15. "all the assumptions I hear on this forum" Reckless driving causing death. What are you assuming about these charges? "They're quick to decide against foreigners regarding traffic incidents here, which is prejudiced thinking before any evidence is there." You don't have any information, just generalizing based on your prejudices.
  16. "Police have indicated they will charge him with reckless driving causing death." There is an implication here.
  17. Scuba is right, TENS is not a gimmick, it relieves pain. No drugs, no downside. I have used it for back pain as well, used to allow me to work when I couldn't stand up straight due to pain. Put the electrodes on, put the TENS unit in my pocket, pain under control. No reason to exclude it, it provides immediate relief. Using it doesn't prevent you from doing exercises.
  18. Every well-informed person knows that the sacrifice most pleasing to supernatural beings is/are personal checks or banknotes quietly placed in a collection plate at a service in a Christian place of worship on a Sunday by a person dressed in their very best clothes.
  19. It was in a clear plastic bag, there was no sign of mold. The mold spread, grew, proliferated overnight to cover the surface of the entire load. I haven't seen that happen with bread that contains preservatives.
  20. A dumb kid fascinated with guns. So sad.
  21. If you had not led a sheltered life you would not find this worthy of mention, And would not find the thread worthy of 20 some posts. Says: "Has it come to this???"; clutches pearls.
  22. "The few times a year that I ride the skytrain in Bangkok, I try and spend the time counting the number of locals that are overweight versus the number that are not overweight. I would say it is in the range of about 50%." I don't get it. What is the fascination with the weight problem of others? I don't mean to single you out, every time there is thread about this many join in to bash fat people. Live and let live. I'm not mad at fat people. Doesn't this fall under the category of MYOB? Like the song says "If you mind your bizness you'll be happy all the time...", courtesy Hank Williams.
  23. Maybe not, doesn't Santa work on the 24th?
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