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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. Well put: " life is short and stinginess and greediness is just not something that benefits us on any level."
  2. Not saying they shouldn't. Asking why they do. The tipping threads aren't saying that you should tip, they are usually asking about how much to tip if you do tip. So why do non-tippers have so much to say about those who do tip? Is it because they secretly know that the reason they don't tip is that they themselves lack generosity?
  3. That is a plausible answer to the question "Why do some people decline to tip?" My question was why do non-tippers feel compelled to jump in to every discussion of tipping. Seems like some conflict there.
  4. It's funny to me (strange and humorous) how non-tippers jump into every discussion about tipping to give a spittle-spraying protest about how tipping is bad/wrong/foolish etc. Seems like they could just ignore the thread but they never do. What is the explanation? Just extreme tightwads?
  5. "Keep on tipping your security who probably call you all sorts of names in Thai once your back is turned!" Proved my point, you're a jerk. Probably suffer from last-word syndrome as well so I'll go ahead and block you.
  6. Thank you I am gonna try and switch.
  7. My taxi ride to work is short and Grab charges a 20 baht surcharge on each ride so makes a significant added cost on a 60 baht fare.
  8. I will check that out, I need a US number and I have never figured out a better way. I will check out UltraMobile PAYG. Thanks. Are you on a grandfathered rate at UltraMobile? Looking on their website I see the lowest rate as $15/month.
  9. I give the daytime condo security guard 500 baht/month. He calls a taxi for me 5 days a week and accepts all deliveries. So I am wondering what to give him at Xmas. I guess the card and a comparable amount should do it.
  10. I have a phone on Consumer Cellular service. Not roaming, I can call and receive voice and text calls from US phone numbers. I pay 15 - 25 USD per month for this varies with number of calls. I don't use for anything else but call/receive from US numbers. I tested it with my Thai phone and it can receive calls and texts from a Thai number as well, but I don't use it for this except for OTP codes for CCs etc.
  11. So "sexual assault" vs rape. Glad that terrible slander can be corrected.
  12. Been vacationing here since 2000 and now live here year round. Only times I had aggro from anyone was 2 times from "my fellow Americans", and once from a group of Brits (these fellows were maybe yobs or chavs I didn't ask). In both cases alcoholic beverages were involved and I exercised the better part of valor and either ignored or moved on.
  13. Map proves conclusively that Trump got a lot of counties where nobody lives. It isn't a question of coastal elites, the blue counties are the populated counties.
  14. News reports that Musk pressured Trump, who pressured Republicans to renege on budget deal, putting Federal Govt at risk of shutdown. So is Trump gonna be Musk's puppet gong forward?
  15. Dislike of the health insurance industry is hardly confined to any one political orientation.
  16. Tell him what you were thinking, "Can you give me seven 100s?". You are giving him a 50 so you won't get a 50 back so maybe not obvious what you wanted.
  17. A pseudo-intellectual circle jerk. Yawn emoji please.
  18. I'm not big on saying who was best, but Ry Cooder is definitely under-appreciated. Now that we have Spotify/YouTube it's easy to hear any player. Listen to Ry Cooder's slide guitar on the Stones "Sister Morphine" or Randy Newman's "Let's Burn Down the Cornfield". He was so good on those songs.
  19. Does this offset the stupidity of taking a jet ski far out into the bay late at night? Seems like very poor judgement.
  20. You make my point, the poorest state in the US has a poverty rate comparable to the UK. Also note the other poster's graph, US 81,695 GDP and UK 48867.. I am not bragging on the USA I am just responding to the bashing by another poster. Point is the US is a pretty good place to live.
  21. "Feel better now? Got you a jealous little anti-American rant out? Why don't you start a topic about who's got more freedom in the West and I'm happy to participate and educate you. Just try not to cut and paste sound bites like you just did, and ignore irrelevant things like visa-free access, which have nothing to do with anything I said or even this topic." "Wow, look at that fragile ego go. 🤩 😂 " He seems to be a nasty little fellow, at least in his assumed persona on this forum. Maybe IRL he is as meek as a lamb.
  22. "BTW if you measure your success in life by your kids, I beat you all." Doubt that.
  23. "You might be surprised to learn that Mississippi, the poorest state in the U.S., is now wealthier than Britain. Mississippi's GDP per capita last year was $47,190, slightly above the UK's approximately $45,000, though still well below the overall American average of $70,000." Written by a Brit expat living in MS by the way. https://www.leader-call.com/opinion/britain-could-learn-from-mississippi-expat-writes/article_ef886bac-36e4-11ee-968c-7f8f7f4aea66.html#:~:text=You might be surprised to,overall American average of %2470%2C000. Nitpick away. I know this will be unacceptable to the preconceptions of many.
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