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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. And just like that, the knuckleheads stopped caring about Hunter Bidens laptop.
  2. Before you know it there could eventually be men dressing up as women all over Thailand.
  3. AN's finest in this thread. Some of whom apparently can't even read a chart.
  4. You still don't understand what your chart shows or how weather works do you?!
  5. When you figure out how to see trends on a graph get back to us.
  6. Why do the wierdos seem to be so triggered and threatened by gay people? The opening ceremonies were not my cup of tea (with the exception of Gojira) but I didn't feel like the world was coming to an end because of it either. 🤦‍♂️
  7. They are like the boiling frog analogy personified. New record temperatures every year they are still trying to claim it's all a fake news conspiracy.
  8. I think it's hilarious that the wierdos got all triggered because they thought the opening ceremonies were too gay. 😂
  9. Google Voice is VoIP calling over the internet, which is a completely different thing. WiFi calling is a feature that connects to your SIM providers network using the internet instead of cell towers, so it will still show the same CID, always pass SMS security checks, and doesn't result in roaming charges.
  10. They are trying to play the same race baiting games as with Obama when they kept demanding his birth certificate. When he produced it they just moved the goal posts saying it was not the official long form birth certificate so it must be fake. They never actually cared about his birth certificate. It's the sort of thing only a desperate low life racist scumbag would do.
  11. Not all telcos and calling plans include that. And it's not free. At least not with my provider. I still get charged for airtime exactly as if I were making a call through my providers cell towers back home. All the WiFi does is connect to the providers network via the internet instead of a cell tower.
  12. Still amazed at his miraculous recovery almost immediately after being released from prison on medical grounds.
  13. Worth a shot. I was also thinking of showing them a report from my billing software such as a customer list by state/country. Creating a business website can be done quite easily using a template, so I suspect they would want to see a little more than that.
  14. The proof of address thing is the same requirement as the tourist visa. Having done that a few times what has worked for me was an image of my drivers license.
  15. It needs to be a business earning you a reasonable income. You might be able to skirt around it or they may ask for something proving that.
  16. She is just a grifter. I think she toyed with the idea of going anti-drumpf but I guess the earning potential was just not there, so she is back to being all in on the convicted felon.
  17. Gotta laugh at this new talking point. It's impossible to even try defend the convicted felon, so now you are all clutching your pearls and saying you just want to talk about 'the issues'. Of course, any issue that points out he is a wierd creepy old man unfit for office does not count. Anything that points out how weird Republican sheeple are also does not count.
  18. Imaging someone remotely reselling dog food online. Or t-shirts. Or dildos. Doesn't matter. There is no concept of a professional portfolio in that type of business and yet people who do that are still digital nomads. That is why I said I don't know what to give them. Lots of other people will have the same dilemma. The person doing this type of business is just the middleman btw. They don't need to fulfill the orders themselves, so easily done remotely. Or possibly they are reselling something that is fulfilled over the internet. Like software or some kind of remote service. Again, there is nothing you can call a professional portfolio in this type of a remote business where they are just reselling stuff.
  19. I am still trying to figure this out for myself. I would prefer to not give them any financial/tax details of my business but so far I can't see a way around it for my particular situation.
  20. I would have have liked to see more questions about that stuff as well. Still better info than anything else currently out there so the pieces of the puzzle are slowly falling into place.
  21. When I went through the land border using one of the border run van services they put that huge sticker in our passports that takes up a whole page. Not sure about eVisa but when I got the visa at the airport on arrival in PP several years ago they also put that huge sticker in my passport.
  22. It's just another thing to deal with on top of all the other BS paperwork and hoops Thailand is making us jump through. That is the part I don't like. I am supposed to be retired and enjoying life. Not filling out paperwork and tax forms. Even if I pay someone else to do that for me it's still just another thing I have to deal with one way or another. Individually, these things are not that big a deal, but collectively it is becoming a PiTA.
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