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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. 4 hours ago, marinediscoking said:

    I love reading the ranting trump haters posts, their heads are exploding.  How many times do we have to have to hear that he is cancelling the Constitution and that he is worse than Hitler, Stalin and Mao combined?

    Can't imagine why people have trouble taking him seriously when he brags about passing the same cognitive test that CoCo the sign language gorilla passed, which he said was very hard.  Probably the first test he took where he didn't cheat.


    It's nice to see you setting realistic goals for yourself by wearing your anti-intellectualism so proudly.

    • Like 1
  2. They can announce all they want.  Just like Putin regularly announces he has no idea why his critics seem to fall out of windows or have other kinds of 'accidents' much more than usual. 


    The fact of the matter is Russia has not even done a phase 3 trial yet.  They basically went straight from Phase 2 to this announcment.  So nothing to see here.  

    • Like 1
  3. 34 minutes ago, Miami007 said:

    Sure and we believe that it is being sold at cost.  Even if, 1 billion doses for 8 million people is not enough. 

    Plus still money to be made from flu vaccine that is being sold more.

    Actually, vaccines are not considered all that profitable.  This one will probably be more profitable than most but there are more companies coming out with vaccines as well.


    I think they already said the price will be around $10-20 in the US.  Probably a lot less in the 3rd world.

    • Like 1
  4. Even if Thailand allows foreigners, almost no airline is flying anywhere internationally on a regular basis.  It's just these these occasional repatriation flights and probably some flights that are mostly for cargo.  Most people take connecting flights to Thailand so you need all air travel to open up more before Thailand can get the tourists coming even if they allow it.


    It's no use doing it anyways if they want to keep requiring a 14 day quarantine in expensive hotels.  That's a deal breaker for the vast majority of tourists.

    • Like 1
  5. 22 hours ago, roquefort said:

    Sure, let's rejoice at replacing him by a 75 year old with early stage dementia.

    That's rich considering bunker boy's doctor felt the need to give him a dementia test, that he thought was very hard, and the fact he has trouble lifting a glass of water and walking down ramps. 


    Do you know what that means?  It means he most likely had a stroke and also early stage dementia or stroke related mental problems.  Even if he didn't have a medical condition, a child can do a better job than he has.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Miami007 said:

    I had asked this question here and on several other forums.  None of the people that praised the swift and decisive action of the Thai government and wanted a continuation of border closings can respond to that....  The best answer I heard was "In Thailand the population came together" - which is not what they should do under distancing guidelines LOL

    They are united in their separation. ????

  7. It is a block by block, building by building thing and even depends what side of the building.  So just asking which is best in the Soi Buakao area is not really narrowing it down.  There are literally dozens of cell towers around there. 


    AIS usually has the best coverage in general but it's entirely possible you will get a better signal from another provider in your room.

  8. 16 minutes ago, AgentSmith said:

    What insurance scams? Are you talking about the 100k minimum insurance coverage? Because I think that's laughably low. My policy covers me somewhere well over 1 million euros. Certain Thai policies for foreigners offer similar coverage. Where I come from that's called standard health insurance. No biggy. You're a total fool if you have much less than that.

    A scam where they force you to buy THEIR insurance.  I am not talking about travel medical insurance in general.


    Congratulations on your policy seeing as how you seem so very proud of that.

    • Haha 1
  9. Just now, stevenl said:

    It has taken a while, but US media are now reporting a connection between people connected to the Trump campaign and West's presidential bid.

    Trump denies involvement, and I would be surprised if he personally would be involved, too much risk of him spouting off. But campaign involvement wouldn't surprise me at all.

    Of course the GOP is involved.  They know the only chance they have of winning is to cheat. This is just one of many things they are doing.  I'm quite sure this is just the tip of the iceberg.

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