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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. A Medical Certificate is a normal ask from my US insurance for treatment here. I suspect the reason is that Thai hospitals do not fill out the diagnosis field on payment receipts. You normally have to ask nurse or doctor to have doctor provide each time. It is just a short treatment for/by doctor type statement but as said can explain work absence or such so often needed. A Medical Report is a multi page detailed explanation of conditions/treatment and in my experience has been free. But not normally required. It has been requested for audit of inpatient treatment along with detailed treatment records however. Another factor to be aware of is that copies of some things may have a charge that is not charged if obtaining for insurance or treatment reasons.
  2. Which is very difficult to understand as Google has it rated by users as the best in Bangkok (with enough reviews to have meaning). Suspect like most such lists - pulled from thin air (family language). But as said above in most cases more important to find good doctor working in a good hospital.
  3. If using a top loader (Japanese type) the normal top loading version is much, much better than other name detergents at not leaving residue on outside of drum.
  4. My costs for MRI cancer checks has only increased from about 47k to 50k in that time period.
  5. That entry should have been for 90 days unless you have a non immigrant OA visa (which would give entry for one year if you passport does not expire), Please check for a "permitted to stay until:" type stamp from immigration in passport and confirm what that says. It should be a specific day/month.
  6. As said a multi entry visa does not allow any stay in Thailand - when you enter you normally get a 90 day stay and then you have to leave. The permitted to stay is the stamp from immigration on arrival or when you extend your stay that has a date you must leave Thailand.
  7. Yes and no - if you actually had a multi entry visa that expires in Nov but arrived with a normal 90 day permitted to stay six months ago it could account for being overstay. I know it is not your fault for calling visa/permitted to stay the same thing but it can cause real issues.
  8. You continue to say your "visa". I hope you mean one year extension of stay from immigration, as a visa does not allow you to stay in Thailand (just to fly here and present yourself to immigration for permission to stay - it is the permission to stay stamp that allows you to remain in Thailand - not the entry visa).
  9. Expect OP has decided but another thing that can help old eyes is putting Windows into dark mode in settings. Not all programs work well but for most it is a real eye saver having yellow text on black background.
  10. https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/courses/muangthongthani-will_be-closed/ Your 90 day report has nothing to do with overstay however. If you have a valid permitted to stay or extension of stay in your passport that is what matters.
  11. Keeping them out, without the death penalty - will not be easy as they can get through 1/2" holes. For many of us death is not an option - catch and release. That is why you see these sold everywhere.
  12. Rat feeding trays if hidden from view. Rats do love hot wires.
  13. If this is a spare computer do you have another keyboard you could try? Or even buy a new keyboard? As said probably dirt so even a take apart/put back together might be worthwhile. As said a new usable keyboard is not very expensive in worst case. If it does not fix it you have an extra keyboard for working computer.
  14. Believe that may cause delay as special paperwork of foreign source is required - needed for resale I believe.
  15. Expect the price difference was also due to not having done by plastic surgeon, which is considerably more expensive.
  16. You get all views on the WWW - does not make them true. You do not need water to obtain your minerals.
  17. How do you think bottled water is processed? RO filtration is used for most, just as you can do in your home.
  18. Remember if doing the laparoscopic procedure there will only be 3 or 4 cuts of less than an inch and can be covered with a Band-Aid/plaster.
  19. lopburi3


    Believe most hospitals will accept credit cards - and that is where most doctors work in Thailand. Clinics are mostly for beauty or routine flu type issues (pills for cash).
  20. Or if you do not want to be paranode over a few baht difference just schedule automatic payments. To me not worth worry over monthly living transfers. If buying a condo would likely think differently.
  21. Because they accept payment without receiving payment on lower sums but may require actual transaction receipt for higher amounts. Had that happen in the past, just after name change, when tried to send 3k USD so lowered amount and immediate. Now normally send 1.4k each time and that remove that issue as well as any 50k baht issue. Jun 9 to BBL 5 seconds at 0749 medical Jun 6 to BBL 6 seconds at 1445 living
  22. Expect that reason for care - you can not see - if have someone to clean should be acceptable or the ER visit each day. Did have to do the daily ER visit after surgery for rebandage/clean of opening in perineum after urethra removal due cancer few years ago - cost was 400 then 290 per visit.
  23. Wife had done at Vejthani 3 years ago - one night ICU - cost 205k. FYI cut off age for non emergency was set at 80. Will add wife had no issues or pain and is very sensitive to such.
  24. I suspect a key factor is location - and that has not been mentioned. My last two outer ear operations had no cleaning requirement (do not clean or remove bandage for week).
  25. For Bangkok water has been drinkable for decades and is tested and real time reporting of conditions are available online 24 hours a day. That said if you are in a condo and they are remiss in storage conditions perhaps not great at your tap. https://twqonline.mwa.co.th/EN/map.php?type=
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