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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Use Wise like most people here. If you select reason for transfer as long stay in Thailand it should arrive at "FTT" at your (you need account in your name only) Bangkok Bank account. Although this has failed a few times over the years if you ask Wise to "Tag" that Bangkok Bank account it should be almost fail safe. In worst cast you can obtain paperwork confirming origin from the other Thai bank making the transfer into BBL account.
  2. A lot of posters from your home country on this forum and for a short stay there is are lot of guns on display so likely feel very unsafe. I used a concealed weapons permit as bar entry age proof in early 20's in USA and still felt uneasy with the number of shops having shotgun armed folks at entry when first stayed there. Corruption is a bit more required for service in PI (although not expensive) where as in TH it is more for speed. But as said immigration in general is very straight forward process.
  3. There is direct highway from Angeles to Olongapo now so easy to make day trips. The food, both market and restaurant's seems to be better in Angeles (and they have the Walking Street which is getting back into operation).
  4. That is the Angeles (old Clark AB) area so good food is available in Angeles City (as well as the world known bar district - but also much higher class facilities of Clark Freeport) and not that far from Manila if want large city/medical facilities.
  5. But perhaps the opportunity for faithful relationships with people he can easily communicate with will offset some of the negatives. But indeed it is a different experience and requires someone who can go with the flow (slow). Believe most money is ATM card drawn for those not yet resident (bank accounts not an option for most visitors) - have not seen any mention of using Wise there.
  6. Although not a huge percentage the high use of this drug does make it a serious concern per recent report. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/28/health/paternal-metformin-use-birth-defects/index.html https://www.science.org/content/article/rare-genital-defects-seen-sons-men-taking-major-diabetes-drug
  7. Actually having wife visit as a tourist is often more of an issue than a GF (suspect trying to avoid normal immigration procedures which take about a year). But GF would have to qualify and from your post probably not likely to be able to obtain tourist visa. But many unlikely have so nothing set in stone.
  8. I expect that was/is the issue - abnormal payment method and request to refund to a person not involved on paperwork. As said best to write it off as costs of life.
  9. My recent scan of granddaughters ID was front only for University use so believe there indeed has been a change in general policy.
  10. That does not involve SS - anyone can obtain service at a government hospital and yes it can involve bigger surgery. In some cases cost will be the same as Thai out of area use but in others there will be a higher charge for foreigners. Some government hospitals also provide a separate pay for service channel where specific doctors can be consulted. But none of this has anything to do with Social Security.
  11. Just a caution from someone who had a dryer for 20 years with less than 20 uses - if air drying is an option most Thai will prefer. With your name and new house want to be sure you know it might not be needed. Is dryer 50Hz?
  12. Actually barbershops are almost all closed on Wednesdays so not sure what that Friday is about.
  13. It could be a local source of income/that he is not working/retired ask; and if not in English would have to be translated.
  14. Actually, if you have the 12 month statement, just updating passbook and the bank letter are all that is required in Bangkok and suspect most places.
  15. It will always be deficit - you also require a letter from bank of current account balance and ownership as previously required.
  16. Because passbooks are often not updated often enough to avoid missing entries. With the requirement for yearly bank statements for those using pension income from countries that embassy will not provide letters of income officers have become familiar with yearly bank statements and can quickly read them so often asked. As said Bangkok Bank branch office can only provide up to six months. So if using them would have to go twice or request yearly statement that they obtain from Bangkok Hqs and takes a few days (even for a branch in Bangkok).
  17. Depending on the amount new rule as of August last year that government will only protect up to one million baht in account (from previous 5 million) might be a factor to consider. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40004190 Today S&P downgraded 4 of the larger Thai banks (but expect that has more to do with the current international pandemic situation rather than being unique to these banks). https://www.nationthailand.com/business/40013693 Next month cybercurrency will be banned for any payments here. https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Cryptocurrencies/Thailand-bans-bitcoin-other-crypto-payments-starting-in-April#:~:text=BANGKOK -- Thailand on Wednesday,to all cryptocurrency%2C including bitcoin.
  18. I don't know where in Bangkok deep sub-soi you travel but here on Chok Chai Road (not a soi) the normal price is about 120 now and they are air conditioned (seems to increase each year or so). But a simple haircut is not a wash-cut-wash in a normal barbershop.
  19. Sorry was asking Kennith White post as it appears he has a doctor treating him in KK.
  20. Can you provide the Khon Kean doctor using cryotherapy? Several posters in this thread appear to want that information.
  21. A salon cut will indeed cost about that much (or more). Most male just get a haircut at a barber shop which will be about 60-150 baht and takes about 10-15 minutes.
  22. Are you talking Thailand or somewhere else? Term cash deposits have loss of interest for early withdrawal here. Are you talking investment accounts, stocks, perhaps (which is not what most people have)? Do not know those rules but would expect current value.
  23. A key thing to remember is air must get below the cooked item so it is not for cooking eggs or other liquid items. And a removal inner basket is much better than just a bottom plate (you can remove fries or whatever - bottom plate type is a mess to remove anything small and likely to splash extracted grease everywhere if you try to do so - you have to pick out each item).
  24. For retirement those are the normal requirements along with a few forms they may have you fill out and sign in office (Bangkok has about 4 now). Expect they might want a map to home (which you can draw if not have). Believe 4 will include the normal bank letter of account. Some will want proof of address (TM30 or rent paperwork).
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