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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Actually SWIFT can be a real PIA using some banks - and some will just not do without a personal visit to sign paperwork. But for others it can work fine but there can be home bank fee, transfer bank fee, Thai bank fee. If doing you do want to send home country currency and not have home bank convert to baht (as that will most likely be much worse that "a few buck".
  2. Indeed you should wait a few weeks just in case of complications (that said this is in general a very safe procedure). As said above you only need if you are not comfortable with best glasses or unable to drive at night and need to do so (lights causing haze). Basic lens is what most people have and all that insurance will normally pay for. This may mean have to use reading glasses (at 100 baht or so in supermarket).
  3. Actually rust is not a big issue if you avoid right angles - round steel pipe for frame and bent steel strips for design works fine. But for electric would go lighter types - looking at the minority electric mooban gates here in Bangkok my guess is that 90% have no working safety stops after a few years use. To me that is a real issue.
  4. As said not illegal and available - but do not make the mistake of asking for "baby aspirin" as we Americans often call the 81mg size. You will be treated as a potential child murderer from my multi experiences. Reye's Syndrome effects were reported everywhere here and aspirin still hangs under that cloud.
  5. Not specific to above but be very careful of fan units - had a cheap unit overheat and plastic case became an open flame - as with many cheap products these days safety is not a priority.
  6. They make noise to make you happy - but 90 percent of the time it is not killing what you want killed. Not nearly as effective as PORTOTI PR-25MB units (but be aware there are fakes being sold). Not cheap but well made of good materials and long lasting (if a wasp clogs the fan simple removal gets it going again). They trap/kill a lot of msq each night and if outside can reduce population quite quickly. OP - I use one outside and one inside and no need for wands since doing so a year or two ago. Having several outside at night should help a lot. But in your case might want to check for the CO2 type systems that use gas smell to attract - they are not common here however so will likely be expensive and perhaps hard to obtain gas.
  7. Believe his issue is check will be sent to his US address so he will not have it.
  8. As one who has used will say it is both very expensive (although normally advised to reuse one use packets) and a very long and involved process (you start/stop/go/check/repeat). And for me was not of much use. Surgery has been much easier and more effective. As for cryosurgery many places do not even have available (cheap at those that do have but few seem to know how to use properly in my experience). In US this seems to have been the standard for many generations but as said skin cancer is not common in Thailand and few have experience treating it. The good news is BCC is generally not life threating or likely to spread quickly. So you have time to made decisions. As you quickly learn once the "C" word is found the costs of cancer treatment is a major factor for drug makers - but in BCC case no treatment might be an option at higher age range (in my non medical opinion).
  9. Actually there are eye drops designed to control intraocular pressure that work well for many of us with glaucoma. You should have a CVFT to check for glaucoma if not already done - not expensive and simple press when you see the dot system but can give you a heads up if have issues.
  10. There is the New York transfer fee and then a Thai bank receiving fee in range 200-500 baht which is not recorded prior to baht being deposited into account (1/4%). There is also a requirement to not have card or internet access to such account (you have to appear in branch with ID to get or move money).
  11. Have the police seen the full tape by chance?
  12. Another option that might fit OP is Wise borderless account - no issues with living in Thailand and provides US account number for deposits - it is not FDIC but has good history and if only using for small amounts could be the answer.
  13. Iherb is long established here and what many use - you will also find on Lazada/Shopee but as you note price will vary greatly (many advertise at high price in hope to sell one rather than really being a merchant - it does not mean it is better). NOW brand is what I use for items I order. https://th.iherb.com/pr/now-foods-b-1-100-mg-100-tablets/403?gclid=Cj0KCQiAmpyRBhC-ARIsABs2EAreZqsR-n2__ZS7w0u8drCZQ7DsZ4zy1pFGmyB8_hpr8tZTA6xg4eAaAh9QEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  14. Just remember cataracts are very common and in most cases there is no need to remove if not causing real world issues. This is one area where the patient makes the decision to remove. That said it is a very common and safe operation in its basic form and for awhile (your brain deadens it) everything will be much more vibrant. But do your research on plus/minus of lens types and the equipment/people making the measurements for replacement lens. Private hospitals are often not that expensive so would not rule them out without asking prices. Government hospitals would be even less expensive (but remember the lens will cost a bit).
  15. Thai Wife and I opened a joint account with a Denver bank when visiting sister some 20 plus years ago and no issues - use mainly for medical insurance deposits and tax refunds. Have not used cards for years as find much better to transfer funds using Wise than pay card fees. Below is the proper banking forum and you can find additional information there. https://aseannow.com/forum/13-jobs-economy-banking-business-investments/
  16. If you have military service USAA is a good choice - if not believe State Department Credit Union is available to members of several expat groups and has good reviews. If you have US address (or family) some local banks seem to be better than the mega size places. SS can be direct deposited to Thai accounts if that would fit better. Believe you have to go through the Manila office but believe many have done so.
  17. Perhaps he wants to remain married. ????
  18. If using Chrome/browser you can translate most pages very well (except the html data from manufactures). At least you get the text data of actual page and that will have most of the information you need. I still try to boycott smart phones.
  19. Fingerprint but not sure if in book - believe can only use at original office.
  20. You can request to use print rather than signature AFAIK. Wife started doing with KTB account when lost strength in writing hand.
  21. HIKVision has sales/install outlets at various locations or equipment can be bought from Lazada or Shopee at reasonable cost and they are good quality. Understand the new HIKVision ColorVu cameras are very good so likely worth the slight extra cost. If DIY and you want central control you need a recorder/hard drive (buy one made for continues security use), cameras w/power supply and cables. You can attach recorder to TV or computer screen and it comes with a mouse controller. Alternatives are having memory with camera and use local power. As said would not recommend IP systems (although most cameras can be used for such - dedicated line provides much better video). And when you place camera be sure the boss is not going to be growing a bush in front of it anytime soon. ????
  22. Believe that is transfers out of Thailand account - nothing to do with transfers into Thailand.
  23. Scheduled a monthly transfer (you click the month icon on initial payment page to do this) of $1,400 funded by ACH for 2nd of month with reason long term stay (sending to flagged Bangkok Bank account). At 0702 get email funds in Wise account. At 0854 email funds sent. At normal 1400 funds in Bangkok Bank account. So appears everything was normal - although this is first time using automatic payment option. Funds listed as International. Have another scheduled for tomorrow.
  24. I am very sure I have a joint account - and there are two options for them - require single or both signatures. Both names are on the account ownership front page and signature UV - what you are talking is only one name on account but second name has signatory authority and on UV page but not listed on account.
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