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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. This is a new topic today - seems many have the slow issue. https://aseannow.com/topic/1251776-wisetransferwise-slow-at-the-end-of-the-month/
  2. Have had that happen many times over the years but normally only a few hours or couple days at most. As I fund by ACH suspected it was a delay receiving funds but guess could also be low funds in payment account here in Thailand also - especially at end of month payday time. Add the current war and partial freezing of SWIFT transfers suspect banking community it up to their necks in paperwork.
  3. lopburi3


    As said several thousand baht - but to be sure it is legal for international use it must have MFA seal and be registered with them so make sure you ask for translation and MFA registration. Often they can do both. Thailand notarization is often not accepted by as they never signed agreement so really only valid for in country use. Legalization of Thai document for use outside Thailand will be the MFA registration.
  4. Perhaps read again. It is confusing but the annual word was used.
  5. Believe short form now is KBank but would have remembered TFB - KSK did not compute. ????
  6. That seems to be an insurance company so doubt very much that they are open on Sunday. Not sure if you actually have a baht account that you sent that 1k from or you sending from another currency/country.
  7. What do you mean by "oil"? They use water and cleaning fluids AFAIK. They mention using grease type lube for several places in manual but as you say nothing about oil. Or you you have a motor type unit that requires oil for the motor? Expect that would just be normal motor oil as used in chainsaw or such.
  8. ???? I don't know the answers but as a student they should have the financial upper hand these days of decreased population - many schools are folding due to lack of students from my understanding. But if she is worried would think now might be a more practical time. Especially with a ring post within minutes.
  9. Did you download the manual? https://www.zinsano.com/items/Manual/ABZIBLU61002.PDF
  10. The Krungthai Shop Smart Visa debit card that most people have is charged at 200 baht fee per year as is common at other banks for basic debit card.
  11. But the Krungthai Visa Card fee is actually 200 baht per year - 699 would have been some insurance type option I suspect.
  12. Did the same with Chase 25 years ago, Florida to Thailand, and have had no issues using with Lazada.
  13. Have had my spine checked several times by this doctor and never any pressure for further tests or to operate and Dr was very pleasant to talk with. Vejthani has recently opened a new facility dedicated to bone and spine but have no recent experience.
  14. Suspect it has more to do with few having change for 1k notes in the current economy. I would much prefer 500 baht notes for local payments. As for fewer ATM's perhaps something to do with them being a target for theft these days. Are you upcountry? Believe 500 baht used to be the standard upcountry and lowers the amount of loss in the event of ATM theft.
  15. Make very sure it will be accepted in destination country as Thailand has no Notary Public as they never signed agreement.
  16. Done via DTAC (don't use Mor Prom). 3rd shot first 2 AZ this Pfizer. 2nd AZ was in September. https://www.dtac.co.th/vaccine/faqs.html#tab2
  17. Appointment 1400 - sign indicated anytime after 1230 fine. Located on floor 3 far to rear of shopping center but you have to get health form from floor 1 parking area entrance (escalators nearby so took little time but person checking spoke no English but I was not the only one who failed to stop at floor 1 first so told to follow other person). Once obtained return to 3rd floor for check in desk - no BP or Temp checks - sent to nurse for shot and advised may take 30 min for certificate (but took about 3 minutes). Arrived 1234 and departed 1254 (and that included the extra trip). Not a crowd at all.
  18. As said I did not get your OP - cheap plastic toy describes most keyboards so did not get the scam label. Guess on 5th reading you mean you got a plastic <deleted> rather than a keyboard? Yes I am a bit slow these days but expect not the only one. ????
  19. Have read twice and still not sure what it is about - often get delivery from different shipping company than indicated as they seem to cover for each other (but mine are prepaid anyhow). This week had Kerry truck deliver Flash box as well as several Kerry. I suspect what you got is what you were sent by seller.
  20. I am using a Chase card for Lazada and have not had any issues (last used on 16th).
  21. The issue with bank accounts is Thai ID Card number never changes like passports - so using passport you must update when passport is changed and they want to see/copy the old passport (as that is what allows access). As said best to start a new account and better if you do not limit yourself to one bank - go from one to another until they allow you to open. If you have family/friends with account that might help. But in general just going to a few will find one that will open.
  22. Have opened with IP in Thailand/Singapore/Oz so perhaps your IP is the problem - if you have VPN available might try that - or disconnect from your provider to get a new IP address?
  23. Are you sure? 4 years ago they took your passport at office on Wireless Road and scanned to USA and took application form/fee but returned old passport same visit. You were never without a passport. Yes if you plan any travel better to get new passport now as not having six month validity could be an issue.
  24. Another local brand of Atorvastatin is Xarator. Lipostat is pravastatin sodium on most sites but box says atorvastatin - confused to say the least.
  25. Oops sorry - did not see skatewash reply above which answers your question before posting below. My reading is if you do not want to be without passport just do as normal and make appointment at Embassy - all passports are made to order in USA after application for last decade so there will be a 10 day to 2 week delay before Embassy gets returned for issue. But the mail option allows you to do from home so no need to visit embassy. Most of us can easily be without original passport for several weeks as long as have copy.
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