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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. This appears to be a friend rather than spouse - but they should be aware of health insurance and hospital choice in case of emergency at a minimum. I assume your Embassy has family contact information in worst case situation. Suspect it would be a good idea to establish a bank account in her name that she could access in emergency but normally not to be used.
  2. Worst I have seen ever. Access from from other directions - Singapore or Aus - does not help.
  3. Have not seen any mention of commercial banks using IAT for private customers - believe it is available for commercial accounts. But believe some have mentioned using wire transfer to BBL New York rather than ACH to get around this issue. You are aware Wise does make transfers to Bangkok Bank accounts that are coded FTT if you request they flag specific account and/or select fund for long term stay in Thailand as reason for transfer? Seems to work well but delays the 5 second process until 1400 same or next workday. But even to accounts at other banks immigration normally accepts Wise receipt and/or paperwork you can obtain from the transferring bank to show foreign origin.
  4. As an indication for strength of unit perhaps but that pressure is not going to be found in Thailand (or most anywhere else for that matter). A very strong pressure from the most expensive pumps is not going to be more than about 4 bar (almost 60 PSI) and you are going to want a lot less than that hitting you.
  5. ???? Have you taken a look at that spray nozzle? It's brown for a reason!
  6. As said earlier unless you turn valve off the pressure will still be the same as original - just the amount of water flow is reduced.
  7. These were used in Bangkok Hospital public rest rooms 5 years ago if you need a test run. They are not cheap but they are good.
  8. Private hospitals pay drivers as they stand to make money on them (most will have insurance coverage).
  9. Indeed an adjustable valve is required self protection for any high pressure home. Can be simple brass or fancy chrome but need something.
  10. VRH https://www.lazada.co.th/products/vrh-fxvh0-0040ns-zwf-i3004284057-s11025430912.html?exlaz=d_1:mm_150050845_51350205_2010350205::12:12654756915!117524295342!!!pla-294682000766!c!294682000766!11025430912!140258599&gclid=Cj0KCQiAr5iQBhCsARIsAPcwROMlczEUBaIPli2jx2qdBQXh3V6uQKrlldt4uGqzrkJQtg3bbVR7N8UaAqeGEALw_wcB
  11. You really should have a local coverage plan (even if only hospital and high deductible) and time is running out at your age. Most have to be obtained prior to 75 at the latest I believe. Perhaps a plan valid for Thailand but sourced outside. Medicare A for most is free so you would keep that in any case.
  12. Actually my understanding of most major fraud is payment of false claims rather than overpayments and at least in the past very much a Russian controlled mob thing. And family have been visited by mob lawyers when they refused to subject such claims onward. The medical confidentiality rules makes it very hard to police - most foreign countries do not have as strict rules. As for international opening up to more fraud do not agree it would be major - I have BCBS/GMMI international insurance and they have local ability to check claims so Medicare could easily do the same. As for normal rates expect most insurance payments will be more; but in almost all cases less than US prices.
  13. Actually remember taxis did have meters in the late 60's but only use was to hang cap (they had uniforms) on the flag. And commercial taxis were not allowed on Don Muang so you boarded off duty Air Force members driving officers vehicles. And police would try to stop them as you got into city - more than one wild ride as drivers tried to avoid motorcycle police (as they were fined several hundred baht if caught).
  14. Actually would like to see the details as AFAIK it is as said - 600 baht and 800 baht for those lucky enough to pass the 80 mark. Travel? Food? Covid? Medical care is for everyone - not old age. Few pay direct tax in a country where most are farmers is true - but all pay VAT and few would have an income of a level most countries would tax anyhow.
  15. As said you should have part A (free) and B (reasonable charge) if you do not have US insurance better than part B. If you opt out there will be a penalty (forever) if you later want part B. As you never know the future best not to think will never be used in most peoples opinion. The other options are not available to those living overseas anyhow.
  16. It really is not hard to report interest - just use the rate for day of payment per Oanda or XE to get the yearly total for each account. Once done most online systems provide last years data so you just fill in new year amounts. As for FBAR some might misread - total max at any time in all accounts below 10K - but as you say that is only a few minutes to take care of online.
  17. I also know this is not Songkran (which may not be observed for the 3rd year in a row in any case). And it was reported as beer rather than water.
  18. I know that - it was assault in my book per my original post. That post was supposed to be sarcastic (added emoji).
  19. But he did not cause any assault - just spilled some beer causing offense because he was drunk. ????
  20. So up to 2 years in jail for defending myself but 500 baht fine for the person who starts the fight? Pouring been over my head is not even an assault?
  21. Actually Google translate provides excellent English on Shopee pages - and find it better than Lazada in English (which still needs translating often). But with both you will need to find open space and translate at times. Lazada shipping often faster but Shopee prices often lower. On both best to have specific make/model to search or expect to spend a lot of time using search.
  22. Yes 3rd shot booster. az + az last on Sep 10 so will over 90 days.
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