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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. It is very easy to make such transfers, or larger or smaller, using Wise. Much better to have cash on hand here than depend on ATM IMHO (used that method several decades ago but you never know when a card will fail or be locked or expire without replacement or bank decide you are not a good risk and want to close account and in almost all cases you are limited to 15,000 baht or so with fees involved).
  2. FBAR has nothing to do with transfers - it is just the highest level during year of a foreign bank accounts if you exceed 10k at any time - easy to see in passbook or a statement if you do not keep passbook updated (and I am sure they will provide for a fee - you just tell them the time period). And as has been said only takes about 10 minutes each year to file.
  3. The reporting is automatic and nothing more required for Americans than anyone else once system was put in place.
  4. At least not the normal misspelling - often get 3 letter words wrong - 10 letters is just too, too much to expect.
  5. Chumpae is a small one main road city of about 31,000 on the edge of the jungle (National Forest) and unlikely to have much experience with immigration matters. As said above Khon Kaen would likely be a better bet without a local sponsor.
  6. Yes TOT sends a full statement each month for direct bank debit numbers that includes every call listed on the back of it. But believe overall name has changed to National Telecom PCL as now includes both TOT and CAT. Perhaps a New Years Gift (rather than paying for box) would be more productive for good mail service?
  7. No longer an option - New York will return any ACH done in normal domestic format and that is all US banks use for personal accounts. It must be in International Format for sending on to Thailand (which is done by US Government payment systems).
  8. The problem with remote branch is, I believe, they still have out of area charge system - so if account in another area you may get hit with extra charges taking money out if not done in bank area. It not much but a PIA to keep track of. I would go back after the current 5 day bank holiday and try again - expect they just wanted to get out of office for the long weekend. But normal requirement with Bangkok Bank these days is a notarized letter from US Consulate providing your address and reason for having account so might check on getting that first. Alternative might be higher level person banking with them providing reference.
  9. Would Nespresso be an alternative? Pods seems to be easily available but have no idea how good the coffee maker is. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/starbucks-coffee-capsule-nespresso-for-nespresso-machine-10-i1152810588-s10897176441.html?spm=a2o4m.cart.just4u.10.635d6108rOD5FS&&search=0&clickTrackInfo=521a15b8-9dd6-46be-9aa3-7ae2b85b8cf7__1152810588__11990__i2i__171996__1.0__1.0__0.0__0.0__0.0__1.0__9__null__null__null__null__null__null____390.0__0.4897435897435898__4.719457013574661__663__199.0__130147%2C141764%2C142021%2C148311%2C150218__null__null__null__null__null__14025__null__0.0__0.0 This unit at 1,300 baht seems well rated so not much lost giving it a try. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/st-514-expresso-nestle19bar-i1507858509-s8715771832.html?&search=pdp_v2v?spm=a2o4m.pdp_revamp.recommendation_2.10.2993231amA37zt&mp=1&scm=1007.16389.126158.0&clickTrackInfo=39928b34-0fc7-4fe7-9d47-36e4aa47735b__1507858509__11781__trigger2i__202835__0.044__0.044__0.0__0.0__0.0__0.044__9__8__PDPV2V__251__null__null__0____2999.0__0.5698566188729577__4.839506172839506__81__1290.0__108012,121756,122209,122213,122799,122877,122943,123040,125023,125411,126388,126918,127022,127497,128053,128280,128298,129114,129859,129993,129994,129995,129996,130069,130071,130711,130815,131854,136109,136175,136964,136966,137075,137084,137159,140996,142134,144392,149620,149924,153382,155124__null__null__null__3650.16539_3650.16544_955.3632__null__13499__null__0.0__0.0__star.5_elp.7_starplus.8__
  10. Did you post to wrong forum? This is AsianNow not OnlyFans. ????????
  11. And on Lazada it is 1590 from Index Living Mall so only 100 baht more from another official store. It is the seller rather than the platform and although I often prefer Shopee often find better price on Lazada recently. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/furinbox-i1753160451-s5067968360.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.19.4efe421a3zKsO9&search=1
  12. That could be true of branch or even a temp directive as we seem to be in another 'circle the wagons' due to the new covid scare.
  13. If Bangkok Bank that is nonsense - online access is defiantly available for joint accounts. But indeed staff first said no online for foreigner - I replied that I knew that was not true - then agreed to open for Thai wife after back office calls - then accepted my application to file with hers - Hqs immediately approved my application. Staff often do not know rules and take easy path when dealing with foreigners.
  14. I provided a direct link to web site doctor information and have checked it - it does work - perhaps website was down at time you tried. The doctors name is: Dr. Charuspong Dissaranan Will also add that he appeared to be very well liked by hospital staff and did not treat anyone as lower than himself - during my operation an international accreditation team was observing/inspecting and he seemed key in keeping the nursing staff from panic. As mine was officially stage 2 but check just before operation it appeared worse so probably similar. Will add that I had been advised to use a government team for operation so delayed almost 3 months waiting - and then on operating table advised no ICU so no operation and next slot would be months away. Urge not to wait as often gets more difficult as advances. If can be of any help answering questions feel free to ask.
  15. Gave them a try when was using for computer but not comfortable for that as field of view too limited for me. Found better to not use and just enlarge image. And these days also use dark mode which makes text 1,000 percent easier to read.
  16. I have single vision (distance) and no problem viewing TV or even computer (enlarge image). Reading (microwave times) and fine print (prescriptions a good example) are what requires reading glasses (and some close work - hard to line up screwdriver at times). You can buy reading glasses in various strengths off the shelf for next to nothing so having several at different strengths is good.
  17. Been there and highly recommend this Doctor - excellent English and manner - my operation was five years ago at Bangkok Hospital but he moved shortly later to Bumrungrad and others also report positive. As was 74 chose Ileal Conduit as replacement and am happy with it. https://www.bumrungrad.com/en/doctors/Charuspong-Dissaranan
  18. Indeed and you could have just given to FedEx directly at office in Chonburi or arranged for them to pickup so FastShip seems to have just been an agent to review and forward.
  19. But you said it was transported by FedEx - that is the shipping company - and it was them that said had to be returned - on your dime (cost)?
  20. No such requirement. The 65k is a monthly amount - not transaction amount.
  21. So do shipping companies - had one claim Thai customs holding and special processing required on date it was due here - this when package did not even departed Europe airport until several days later. Rate them several steps below lawyers. Anyhow good news on your package and expect will not be a problem - being in commercial package likely helps.
  22. Be very carful as most cheaper chairs sold here are for Chinese sized users so if an xxxl (which is really not that big) they may not be very comfortable or safe. Have found the above mentioned Modena models at a bit over 6k a good value but have minor leather flaking on arm ends after several years use (compress/expand each time sit/get up). But value much better than the 16-20k units from others that I have used and no need to readjust height from cheap gas cylinder (which had with every other brand). Still comfortable for all day computer/video sitting.
  23. The country is USA - and as it is an agriculture pest issue the entire package would be considered suspect in any case and would consider return best result - would have not been surprised if shipment had been incinerated myself. Even transport between States can be checked/stopped.
  24. As said probably best to mount a 12k unit at each end as suspect that glass will be single pane but much of the time probably only need to run one system.
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