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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Believe you just place order between the times indicated. Before 8 PM
  2. I don't do anything except wait. Not sure how you extend time in Lazada or if it a hard cutoff but in Shopee it simple click on web site to add few days. With a little luck you will probably get it tomorrow.
  3. Have not found that to be true at all. Indeed they (the actual sellers) do not have your prepaid money on Shopee until you advise receipt and suspect the same with Lazada (until they confirm delivery). Having used both systems prepayment seems to be faster to me but suspect it is the same.
  4. Actually would have found it a plus that seller even offered to obtain service for item - have found very few merchants in Thailand that accept goods for repair - you are directed to contact maker directly (even by some of the big boys). Many of the sellers on platforms are the same local community people. As for service 7 days is stated return policy and additional guarantees are normally outlined in product description but for most sellers they do not provide themselves or even assist unless so stated.
  5. Forgot to note that almost all are in Bangkok - only two stores located in Nakhon Sawan even close to you.
  6. Can't answer but if few replies it may be there are no customers on forum as these are a bit rare even in Bangkok. But you will find some listed with a Google Maps search. Make very sure you can obtain supplies as many may not provide much support.
  7. OK have issue now with Lazada of low value item from Thailand not received but delivery service says it was delivered. Sender say it marked as delivered and will not take action except to advise 'if really missing' using Lazada App (which do not have). Lazada says if do not accept proof of delivery (a drawn circle) to use app to claim missing item (and has taken a lot of effort to even find that information). Seem there is no way to make a claim with real computer. Obviously any more being treated as a thief or effort seems counter-productive for small value item. ????
  8. Not sure one size fits all is a good policy in Thailand. Just as with medical care most dental offices have specialists who become much more skilled doing the same procedures daily. Here most hospitals also have dental clinics.
  9. It translated fine using Google but being better or cheaper is not always true anymore - in fact it has become very hard to find low priced items on that platform as they allow spam sellers (using dozens of names ) to post 4 to 10x normal price and also allow pre order as a con for items not stocked and ordered from overseas. But together they are normally good value if you are very careful to search and read everything.
  10. I have not had that issue with the 3 letter delivery but sure have with another (that seems to feel sending SMS after old folks bedtime is cool).
  11. Wise is international - no need for US phone number. When they require I enter PIN they send it to my Thai number without issues. Yes you should have several US accounts but believe having debit cards on them more important than SWIFT for normal living expense as WISE and others normally much easier and cheaper for monthly transactions. But be sure to sign any SWIFT paperwork prior to leaving as often that must be done at branch. I would also examine arrival on tourist visa and conversion to O visa/extensions in country to avoid additional insurance required by O-A type visa. Better to have good international insurance than be required to have what they want at the time. If ever served in armed forces USAA account available and no US address required.
  12. But if you kill them with a trap there are none remaining to breed and be attracted by your breath. Been there, done that, almost no mosquitos anymore.
  13. Portoti PR 25MB are very effective both inside and out. But make sure real (about 900 baht or more). Not the knock offs selling for 100 baht. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/portoti-pr-25mb-mosquito-pest-killer-i174536187-s358395528.html?exlaz=d_1:mm_150050845_51350204_2010350204::13:12361258259!116250861285!!!dsa-994763964701!c!!!!562801083306!206363463602&gclid=CjwKCAiA78aNBhAlEiwA7B76pz6ZSyilTWURd8X0LUR4SHbo1-W-NpZX7PLZUPygTzYWl234qFp75hoCbbYQAvD_BwE Do normal blue light zappers kill mostly other insects and are not that effective but the Portoti is well made with computer grade fan and specific lights and in my experience over last two years very, very effective. At that price and still having over one thousand 5 star reviews on Lazada says a lot. Be very suspect of any inexpensive unit with cheap fan as had a BlackHole clone become an open fire as plastic burned. This is one item that it pays to buy quality.
  14. That is routine on Shopee if takes longer than stated time or address can not be found.
  15. Having the delivery dates is good and in most cases delivery is much faster. Recently have had issues with a shipping company used by both not being able to find address/telling porkies/sending needless SMS after bedtime/arriving with no item.
  16. As one who uses both platforms (and have for years) find Lazada sellers generally much faster shipments than from Shopee as of late and totally hate the "pre order" (we order from overseas and then ship to you) con to show as a domestic shipment. Much prefer the honest "overseas" notation of Lazada (but seems they no longer allow search for Thailand source (at least for what I have been buying). The big thing is spam sellers at 4x to 10x normal price being allowed so any search has pages of computer generated seller names of same product at same price.
  17. End of extension (permitted to stay until) is the end of extension period. Have not used website so no idea what the question is as that is not asked on TM47.
  18. You can't make this up - many of us have all of the above and a lot more and live normal lives - but for him this is "many chronic diseases"?
  19. Still nonsense - read the Bangkok Hospital Samui entry. It is based on one or two people making posts that may or may not be true.
  20. Total and complete nonsense. Not everything on the web is for real.
  21. I see a cost less than P3,000 RT Davao/Cebu (that may not be her route but domestic flights are quite reasonable) and hotels will not be much more expensive in Cebu than Bangkok. Just leaving PI for a single woman can be an issue due to the officials need to protect Filipinas from bad people (many are stopped and not allowed to exit). International travel today is not a pleasant experience, much less with cancer. There are a number of hospitals in Cebu and several are considered of international standards and believe price would be competitive with Thailand.
  22. Rather have someone from computer age give that advise (about 80 so not the best source as grew up in the Teletype era). This YouTube is a free way to do it - just make sure anything on D is moved to C or elsewhere first. Many other show how on net and YouTube and clone software makes also allow merge options (but most are for sale rather than free).
  23. Many things are required to remain on Drive C for systems/programs to operate so be very careful and have help before doing that. Backups/photos/downloads and such can probably be moved but some programs may be effected If Drive D is actually the same physical drive as C perhaps better to combine with C to make that drive larger.
  24. Yes - was concerned with afford not actual size (which would be smaller than most HDD) - but even cost has become much more reasonable recently. But in Thailand computers with SSD have been rare and of small size so most not able to handle much more than operating system. As SSD has been found to be extremely small replacement with larger (capacity) unit/clone seems to be logical.
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