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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Suspect several months of 38c plus temps may have resulted in a meltdown?
  2. She is not using that passport for entry to USA so there is no six month validity requirement. But agree there is no reason not to obtain a new Thai passport prior to travel - takes only days and easy to do (even without a car).
  3. You need sun for those to work - as I recall a week or two a year was considered good luck. Perhaps the Dutch got it right.
  4. They do not use Thai passport to leave - they may have to show airline to prove they do not require an onward ticket for entry into Thailand.
  5. From photo it appears wall is against boundary divider wall with no setback (which is illegal most places if you do not own adjoining property) and any extension of roof would actually be onto adjoining property. But hope I am wrong as photo is not clear but appears to show open border wall cement blocks at bottom.
  6. You did not mention but as minor suspect travel will require proof of other parents consent or documents proving sole custody.
  7. You leave Thailand on the passport entered on - if first trips out would just use Thai passport. You enter USA on USA passport and leave on that. Return Thailand on Thai passport. No reason not to renew Thai passport now - passport office is in Bangkok and can be done quickly. Apply for new US passport in Thailand after return (not time enough to get in USA due current backlogs). You show other passports to airline staff to prove no visa required for entry.
  8. Many of us have and it is presented for extensions of stay. Mine is dated 2003. Believe may still be used at land crossings.
  9. Most likely - they did not do the 90 day exit/return required with a multi entry visa - each entry is 90 days so if do not exit will be on overstay. This thread is about reporting your home address every 90 days when you are allowed to stay longer (extension of stay).
  10. But you said you used a screen shot to enter information - nothing about using the icon. One character out of place could cause a rejection. And I also have two soi number address.
  11. Seems might be better to take no for an answer and move on. Foreign input is not likely to be appreciated no matter how good your intentions.
  12. Not sure if my post was clear - cement board is only about 1/4" thick so not a danger and everybody knows how to install (although they may prefer gypsum these days as easier to cut). The cement board is especially useful under a roof that might leak as no damage done - but does not deaden sound as well as gypsum.
  13. Just FYI the normal ceiling is either suspended cement or gypsum board and for either fiberglass insulation batts can easily be placed on them to greatly reduce heat transfer. This is normal Thai construction that all will know and not expensive. I would not be keen on living below a local installed cement ceiling myself; even knowing there are not many earthquakes here. As for windows locals can make single but probably not double. But using thicker glass is an option with single that helps a lot for noise. And local made can be local repaired.
  14. That's what happens when you learned to type on an M28 Teletype - computers are just not the same.
  15. try that on a local chashier .... went to Macro yesterday,, invoice was 1510 baht hander her 2/1000 and a 10coin deer in the headlights ..... she actually called the floor manager over to see what to do .... I wound up getting my coin back and 490 change Obviously my typing is worse than my math - it should read 'can't' rather than 'can'.
  16. It gets worse with medical reports - had to explain the international system to doctors in US more than once over the years. Most of us are still using yards/feet/inch for measurement and think 37 is a cold day in Maine.
  17. K I S S (head math is not - most people can even give change without a calculator these days)
  18. It gets bad when they mean July 2nd 2023 and printed expiration date 07/02/2023 (so appears to most of the world expired 5 months ago).
  19. Believe most people have found it is best to use the copy magnifier icon to re-enter all information exactly as previous approved submission (updating if required) rather than trying to remember how you did it last time.
  20. Day/Month/Year (AD) is not the issue - this issue is Day/Month/Buddhist Era which is 543 years ahead of the Common Era (Anno Domini) which for those not using is just as confusing as the US Month/Day/Year.
  21. Can not answer CM specific but old passport should be out of the picture once transfers are made. That said always best to 'be prepared' and have old passport with you.
  22. Even if that happened, which is possible as you need a number to enter when opened, it would not effect their desk queue time. That line is just for entry and moves within 5 to 10 minutes and then there is free entry and with queue printout you do not have to go to the queue counter for number assignment inside immigration.
  23. https://immigration.gov.ph/images/News/2023_Yr/07_Jul/2023Jul12_Press.pdf
  24. As Philippines started online extensions of tourist visas (which most people use as can stay up to 3 years) expect/hope this is something that will evolve quickly - although had not been aware of it and visited CW last month.
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