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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. Agent? Are you talking a booking office or immigration at port of entry? When was that? Believe there may have been such requirements during Covid when only a few were even allowed entry (but may have it mixed up with other countries as was not travelling).
  2. You can change Windows to display most web sites in dark mode and works fine here - have been using for last several years - have yellow text on black background so easy to read. Windows 10/Start/Settings/Personalization/Background/Related settings (Right side of screen)/High Contrast(on)/High Contrast #1 Alt+Left Shift+Print Screen will toggle it on/off Looks like this.
  3. Actually they are/can ge quite expensive when you include the gifts/foods and such but for most Thai it is somewhat offset by gifts from those attending. But costs can easily be many hundreds of thousand baht even for less well known when 3 or 7 day type at major temples. As said Embassy much release body so if they do not have any method to record your desires expect they will need to contact your next of kin and get instructions from them. Embassy must have some method to record your next of kin?
  4. OP appears to be asking for US outlet type. EU outlet is very uncommon here. Below is available with any outlet. https://shopee.co.th/Path-เครื่องวัดกระแสไฟฟ้าดิจิทัล-AC-มิเตอร์วัดเวลา-วัตต์-จอแสดงผล-LCD-ซ็อกเก็ตทดสอบพลังงานไฟฟ้า-i.50991688.17080963500?sp_atk=0a9f017e-fb5b-4376-91da-ab6e0c9eb398&xptdk=0a9f017e-fb5b-4376-91da-ab6e0c9eb398 Edit: After finding item in picture above see it is also available with any outlet - just the photo was EU. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/wattmeter-ac-i3096635520-s11422375193.html
  5. Hard to know much but was there a reason they did that test (an injury could account for it from my reading)? You might want to be this overview which seems to be easy to understand. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/22045-d-dimer-test
  6. lopburi3

    Bum guns

    VRH by far the best I have used here. Reliable and long life.
  7. Perhaps more information? You have no marriage to a Thai? So next of kin will be in UK? Expect Embassy will have to contact next of kin for instructions and suspect there will be set options that Embassy can arrange locally but may only be cremation itself. Sorry can not be of more help but without local involvement suspect options are limited. I would keep trying to get information from your Embassy as they are point on such matter (Thai authorities need Embassy OK to release body). If you do get solid information expect others would welcome overview of what you find out.
  8. I suspect not as have used cash/debit cards at 3 major hospitals here in Bangkok without issue. What may be asked is pre payment or a portion of payment but that can be in cash or debit card withdrawal. This is also true at government hospitals.
  9. When you switch AC source it must be in sync - can take time and effort to do correctly. Here in Bangkok most of the one second outages occur on holidays and weekends when normal workers are off and 2nd string are at bat. As said a UPS helps a lot and is not that expensive.
  10. And you know this how? AFAIK Google has more reason than anyone to make sure it is secure and avoid hacking.
  11. Mine (Army) was 058 manual-Morse intercept operator in 1960 Japan.
  12. 1. No need for it. 2. Do not need it. 3. WhatsApp? 4. PIA at size of today. Has to be too big to be usable. 5. Old size too out of date and limited. 6. Power hogs. 7. Did not say can not use - although there are many or us who have such issues. But at this point do not need and feel it should be a choice rather than a requirement.
  13. An I was in the Philippines getting ready to retire and running IBM computers with hard drives the size of coffee tables (in fact used for that after service life over).
  14. I have had a few operations and none required a credit card - deposit maybe - but that can be cash or debit card.
  15. Actually medical service is normally done in the out patient departments of hospitals here. Clinics are, as you have found, mostly specific procedures and general medical clinics mostly pill sellers but should be OK for stitch removals. As for ER they are not usually more expensive than elsewhere and should be easy visit. They are also the place for wound cleaning and such. Or just visit any hospital front desk and explain - yes probably a couple hundred baht service fee included with doctor fee but all in can not imagine more than 2k and probably much less. Seems to be many medical clinics in your area: https://goo.gl/maps/rZBtqn1tWakUqADd8
  16. Ceramic tiles are fine as long as of the non-slip type made for floors. But very important to make sure they are.
  17. Well add another - and for the many of us older than smart phone zombies and that have not joined that clan QR codes are a modern maze art with very little meaning. ????‍????
  18. Indeed school children off and many parents not working so Sat/Sun are no go if you have the choice. At any rate hope something has been done for your pain.
  19. Confirmed scam. https://krebsonsecurity.com/2022/08/paypal-phishing-scam-uses-invoices-sent-via-paypal/
  20. Disagree with what? You can not legally marry here if already married in another country? That Thai married to foreigners can not own land? I said nothing about changing Thai name from Miss to Mrs.
  21. Believe that was the branded version with accident insurance - 599 per year plus 100 entry fee. The normal is 300 per year plus 100 entry fee.
  22. Believe that is by design as those at each station have one job and are expected to be expert at that specific duty. But indeed found it like a chess game when was using for CVFT many years ago. Since then my hospital has invested in such equipment so no need to go there. Most hospitals have full facilities and doctors for cataract testing and surgery.
  23. The cost will not change - only the fuel surcharge - slight of hand. End result - cost will increase. Most of poorest will likely not have to pay that much more as low usage is rewarded in the bill format. Those of us running multi air conditioners full boar are likely to be those paying the piper directly. But stores will either have to reduce use or increase prices so yes everyone will be poorer. But this is a worldwide issue with current high costs of fuels - lets hope it moves the world to accept newer options - but expect as price goes down - so will the will to change.
  24. From our experience many years ago there is not that much difference between government hospital and lower priced private hospital for MRI/CT scans as cost is equipment costs rather than people payments - the equipment is expensive and service life is short.
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