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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Yeah is will be impossible to find a charger in the restaurant, to have a live phone again in a minute time + still pay too. Aside from still having a wallet with real cards (the same as that you can use inside google or apple wallet wireless).
  2. So is there anyone who can simply say, Yes i used google wallet or apple wallet with a non-thai visa or mastercard in 7/11 and it works? I am pretty sure they simply don't even know that it is possible but it should be possible as the 7/11 machine shows wireless payments with mastercard or visa too, just the fact there is a minimum. They are always busy where i live so i never insisted to try, just wonder if anyone already did. In Vietnam it works fine for me and that is super useful there.
  3. Not sure what you are talking about, for a 'tourist' that comes X weeks or months a year, there never has been a visa hassle or issue in the first place. This is only for people who actually want to be here long term and you would call 'expats'. What does suck for tourists and keeps them away is that a lot of prices are too high, and little service and quality is given in return. Not to mention you now have to share the beach with rude russians, indians and the like. It is kind of funny too, in 2014 they moaned about western people who did not spend enough while being here. To then make it harder for visa's. To then now attract like 10X the amount of that specific type of people, from other regions. So now they realize the same issue again lol, not spending enough. 10 years to waste. They only have 2 options: lower the prices again so people don't mind the lack of quality and service OR increase it and hope you get some tourists to keep coming as a healthy industry. They still will need to make money from other things instead of tourism regardless, too dependent now. They are basically screwed. Close all 7/11s and I guarantee you a thriving coffeeshop, restaurant and bar sector again within days. This is what killed Thailand's real charm. OR more realistic; force 7/11 to be more expensive than restaurants etc are.
  4. Hard to believe, I always get a meter taxi in Bangkok, everywhere. Unless its like nana plaza at night or khao san road, direct in front.
  5. You don't understand, it is Thai culture. You think too much. Can we go to eat now? I am hungry (again).
  6. The thainess aka ignorance starts to bite them in the butt. Vietnamese take away many new options Thailand could have had too, same for rice exports. I think they fail in almost every sector in recent years except maybe fruits, fruit juices and things like pork or chicken meat / eggs. The fact they also build this low quality and never maintain things, now causes a huge issue, as they essentially need all the old money another time, to start from scratch again. Nothing is sustainable while the inflow of dollars is less and the cost to build it higher. They cornered themself in every possible way but still remain in denial + keep announcing more crazy ideas. Even that land bridge project already became quiet, I suspect after Malaysia announced to expand their ports big time too, while having money for it themselves.
  7. Yeah just waiting for the news to pop with global taxing and Thailand would essentially commit suicide. Maybe a good thing for them to not do it.
  8. Looked like a smart plan to hang the rocket elevated while having an audience under it.......... Some next level geniuses.
  9. And so the global civil war starts, becoming a strange world war, I guess.
  10. If you actually have hearing issues or issues to use a computer / not be technical, better to just change to a macbook. Second hand ones from 2018 are still good and super fast and only cost around 5-6K baht.
  11. Milk is not expensive at all in Thailand, and you can get it even cheaper too if you buy the 5L from Makro instead of the 2L. It is actually super cheap, specially knowing this is not a country where there are that many cows. I'm lucky to be able and drive to the Danish place near Chiang Mai zoo in just minutes, there they even get me fresh milk for a good price. To say milk here is expensive is just nonsense. Some things you pay slightly more than back home but most you already pay less.
  12. I doubt that is relevant in the first place, cannabis is not competition for alcohol, that is another nonsense statement similar to this one that is now debunked. At the end of the day hops from beer are from the same family as weed is from, they go perfectly along lol.
  13. Guess we should ban you then too as soon you are sweating and anywhere in sight of the public. What a logic.
  14. It's just as amazing how USA runs itself.
  15. It's funny too, how like 20-30 of the other girls then believe they will be able to get the same, turning down very good chances.
  16. Yeah some of them sound like people who smoked for decades, even as a child lol. I figured why they all talk so loud too, they are all deaf from the insane loud speakers on every event since they were born.
  17. No the contact in the village did, and she didn't know a thing indeed, until the first day.
  18. During raining season when temperatures drop, ants tend to look for warmer spots. They likely were thinking about a hot spring that day.
  19. Yeah right, it was just for the Vietnam war, nothing more or less.
  20. Yeah sometimes it hurts my ears, for real. These ladies are the worst, when they start wearing the gold and stuff. If you actually understand Thai, it's even 3 times worse. The irony is that these types usually end up being in the exact same position as we are: they need to buy drinks now.
  21. That's the entire issue yeah, parents here expect the school to do the 'parenting' job as well. So a hybrid model is doomed to fail in that case, until they change (never).
  22. Yeah that's weird, i googled what you said and the airplane would be short in range for that flight?
  23. ChaiyaTH

    Mac Book Air.

    Easy fix, any shop or even user that knows macbook can sort that out. Worst case a system reset could be done in minutes if you check on youtube.
  24. That would be about any event where they have the dirty dancing going on
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