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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. It seems you have some serious issues here, why you project it on others, let alone a country or population.
  2. There is a looootttt of them in Thailand.
  3. His own mistake, end of story. Remains theft from the couple but that stands aside from this.
  4. Hypocrisy is a big thing here. Can't even count how many of these people I came across who go to all these green world events, who say they want to help poor people etc etc etc. While they then in reality, outside of these events, live a life that basically does the opposite and supports what causes the issues to exist in the first place. Same with the type of people who change their Facebook profiles to french and ukranian flags, while they not even know the slightest of it. In terms of what you said, with getting citizenship on birth, as far I know there are not that many countries who do that, USA is one of them though. Mine for sure doesn't (Netherlands). Last but not least, the fact that the west is a big mess, does not mean Thailand should just do the same. In terms of what Thailand does, the opinion of other foreigners is not really relevant either, most of them speak double anyway, as they barely know a thing in detail themself. So what is your point on all that?
  5. It's the same principle in terms of having an e-appointment, the point is you are not waiting in cow stall lines + everything goes very fast. If he has an appointment for a yearly extension, it comes down to the same, you would be dealt with right on your time, I think at most then maybe 30 minutes.
  6. That's the e-extension fee on top of the normal 1900 which you pay online when applying for this with VFS. Benefit is all paperwork is approved online, visa too, then it is already pre-filled and you just print all + sign + drop off and you get the real webcam photo and stamp in person in 10 minutes time only. I sip a coffee, scan copy print all papers, upload them + pay the 2500 baht, a few days later I get a message its done + all files. Print them, sign them, show up on the date time I picked + in and out within 10-15 minutes max. It also feels comfortable as you already know it is approved upfront.
  7. Not sure which one you are doing, for online e-extension you can ignore the metal detector people as well as the volunteers and walk straight to the glass boxes with real officers outside on the left. They will then give you a number, after you can drop it off right at the center where you walk in the real building and usually your up within 10 mins after that. Never been there longer than 10-15 mins since they have e-extensions (after they messed up once), my suggestions is to not tell the entire world about this too. It was amazing to see most were waiting since hours and apparently unwilling to pay the 500 baht extra or unaware it exists.
  8. Are you serious? This is open source software, the reason it doesn't work is because people who touched it, are not good in their job lol. This ruined the website even more, I can only see 2 side topics, it is pointless almost to even visit the website at all. How to like make sure your own website dies even faster, the way you deal with it in recent years. It is the same when you guys migrated, the site was down for almost a week, should have been minutes or an hour, one night at most.
  9. Yes most beaches that are the most populair do it in Thailand, even more in Phuket. Of course not every single tiny beach but that is also rarely where this happens, it is often at the mainstream locations, where they do have them.
  10. You mean what idiot adult, with a wife and child, ignores the international known red flags, repeatedly. This happens what? weekly? Even by the eye as a amateur one can tell it is rough or not in the sea. Seen so many tourists thinking they were cool, going into the ocean, when storms start... Is a miracle most times they get out.
  11. This must be the most retarded question to ask as well to be replying on knowing the entire visa issue is resolved soon, regardless of global tax outcome. To not even start that the OP states he has a wife, so he could simply do 2x non-o single or whatever else, aside from border runs, on arrivals + extensions etc etc etc. I mean jeesh, get your life and brain together + working? Must be under a rock for real. Are these posts even real? Or just fake and for traffic?
  12. If it really comes to taxes, it would be enough to be even able to consider summers in Europe, and then a few months elsewhere to choice. If needing to stay on budget and within the region I would do most likely Vietnam. I am actually happy to not be here more than 6 months a year in the first place, I used to always travel around for around 4 months a year or more already before I had a family and son here, because I then escaped the hottest or pollution months and it made the visa stuff easier. It's less nice if it is actually by force and you really have to watch the clock (days in a year), but the biggest issue I try to figure out is actually only the education part. It somehow seems that home education programs (costing 15-20K monthly), with a lot remote classes / teachers etc, a UK thing, seems not too bad and the only viable option. Kids could still socialize by joining sports / music etc things within the country, at that moment, anyway.
  13. They can, just not many people who have the luxury of money and time to do so.
  14. Almost everyone will be, if the worldwide taxes will apply, and they still want to stay, as that makes sense tax wise. Secondly, around 30% of them is right now already. To make money remote is from recent years, to be rich and not work is not that many of them either. Most are actually business owners. How can you not know that ><
  15. Enforcement is peanuts, you seem to forget that is first of all no issue at all to count people who were here 180 days. Then secondly, with this law in place, they can simply use the global existing systems every other country uses as well. They would get all information, just as that is the case in western countries, and why people not get away with not paying there. Once you then not file your stuff, they could simply refuse visa extensions aside from the fact you commit a criminal offense if you do it on purpose + get fined + blacklisted. I'm not sure why people think that they need some special system for this, they don't really. Just for domestic stuff they do, which they now made with AI too. Also for domestic banking, Thailand is actually hyper modern. Western countries only have instant inter-bank and inter-euro transfers since a few years. Long story short, all that is in their way is the current law.
  16. It actually would, people would buy a car for the business as business owner, as it otherwise would be profits that are taxed.
  17. Sounds like a bad hospital to be working at, my wife also used to work as a physio therapist at a government one when she just graduated and they abused her a lot. In terms of over hours that were never paid out, always using her to change shifts with other workers, late payments and even missing payments when she left. Change hospitals, it's usually corruption games within management. Government always send money everywhere, same in villages. How could your wife even believe the story that the gov can decide to pay or not LOL. And she is a doctor? Maybe she need to study becoming street smart now.
  18. Seems people here forget their reading glasses a lot, the question and poll clearly states what will you do IF IT WOULD BE APPROVED. What does the waiting has to do with this; zero. Poor life mentality too, to not prepare in life and then just say, i will be ignorant and check again in 2025.
  19. That is the entire point of this change, it mainly targets the Thais, and yes, they are the root cause of the problem (not paying now). However that does not change that we then also should be paying, if living here as a tax resident. That would be the same in my country or most of them. I agree it is kind of stupid from them, to not first figure out, what things they can do better, or subsidize (like a private school for your children). Because once they actually are harvesting all this tax, Thailand could become pretty decent fast. Specially knowing the population will reduce by 20-30% easily in 2 decades to come. Pretty sure they will eventually give us PR and the like easier too, and allow to do any jobs, as they will be short of people (they are already). However as it stands now, I am certainly not gonna give them my money for taxes too, with what I earn today. They need to offer me something good first. I spend all my adult life here except 18 to 20, 2/3rd of my entire life, it's not easy to leave but for taxes I will.
  20. Yes I can imagine it, Thailand does actually need this, to fix their own country itself to begin with. Most countries in the world are already like this as well. For tourism, and people visiting up to 6 months it only improves as well. We expats obviously think they are crazy but the reality is that this plan aligns with every bigger picture since a decade. Last but not least, every decision in recent years ruined Thailand, and also happened, even nobody thought it would. I'm a pretty good analist, rarely wrong, let's hope I am on this one, really.
  21. Plan an simple is that that means it would be the end of your stay just as it is for me. Except you now talk nonsense, but anyways, so you will do 180 days or leave entirely? Or just wait to be caught + fined + prosecuted + sentenced + deported? I game with taxes globally, business wise, since over 1.5 decades. Trust me, if they do this, we are done on a personal level, without paying. Else I would not even have wasted 5 minutes on making this topic, or thinking about what they say in the first place.
  22. They would simply catch you in that case + you now commit a criminal offense + deported Thailand.
  23. So far around 45% says to be leaving, that would automatically mean many places become dull too, and many expat businesses close down more too, and then automatically more retirees leave as a consequence of that. Then to keep in mind many people here are retired and likely not or minimal affected by taxes in the first place. Seems to me then that for the working generation it easily is 75% who will leave.
  24. Yeah your right, after I wrote that I already thought, likely even it starts from 2026, as this is a big thing. But then again, once knowing it, it is basically already better to move on with life too. I would hate it more if it starts later, that brings even more uncertainty over decisions made, as of flip flop Thailand. But if you read the Thai stories about it, they seem to have been working on all this already much longer, together with the first change and using AI. So i think it will really not be that long before we know more. They better let us know, to be in the dark sucks most, like now.
  25. No, i mean it starts counting from january 1st 2025 obviously, so your first filing would be in 2026. This is from a logical point of view. The first filing for what you remit to Thailand would already be filed in 2025.
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