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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Still not received any email so guess just gonna show up regardless, what a joke.
  2. Can smoke on the boat anyways, so that is actually a probability.
  3. This is like the 4th ferry in 1.5 year time over there, that get in trouble.
  4. Seriously? I already read this in a rare other post as well, I hoped that to be false news... The entire point of providing the documents they asked, is the same as those documents again printed regardless? WTF! And let me guess, on top of that i still have to fill in the application form as usual then too? Then there is like zero difference while they charged me 500 baht more. Only benefit might be, if it is even busy, I'd still be in and out in 30 minutes. As of expecting the worst I have already printed all the usual required documents, so I guess i will be good with that, but would suck to still have to fill out the normal application form with photo on top again too... I was thinking this would be all dealt online, as all they basically need (even they don't need half of what i did need to provide), and it would then be like, he is checked: quick photo + stamp and out + paperless. The way it is in reality it doesn't make sense to charge the entire sum upfront as well, just the service fee would be enough then and pay the 1900 baht on location, if you still need to bring papers as usual too... Next time I will save the 500 baht and spend it on beers out of frustration once done. I feel kind of scammed, like paying an agent to arrange your bus ticket while it turns out to be same as buying on counter.
  5. By International law, this is a standard, but I guess you don't know that either. Secondly, 99% of tourists have insurance or pay for their medical care here.
  6. Thailand explores more ways to get money out of people their pockets, as they realize, they can't keep the lies up as numbers never lie, and they are short of cash = in 1 sentence what this articles writes about, without the lies. For example, they never mention that they charge huge amounts to all foreigners in hospitals with insurance, which effectively usually means that that foreigner his/her insurance paid 2-3X the normal prices, shouldn't that be plenty already to compensate the rare hospital bill runners? ..... Why are the few rare foreigners not paying, a huge threat to the healthcare system, if they can care endless Thais on a 30 baht scheme? ....
  7. To add: knowing how miserable this likely is going to end, I already prepared all documents, to still apply traditionally and pay again, if no update by today. To also add: they confirmed all my documents and initial checks to do this extension were fine, except to complain over no end date in the TM30 screenshot + then go dark.
  8. No, I am not suggesting things. I am telling you that it is possible to do so, would be fund to apply it here for the first time with you as a test case.
  9. No you remain Bob Smith, but you would just see replies from names you already know, not knowing they are AI generated. And other users do not see those too, this is actually a real thing on many parts of the Internet. For example news websites where you think to share your thoughts, and you get some likes and replies, not knowing that in reality it is censored already.
  10. What is next: minimal foreigners investing and spending here if staying here 180+ days and a very good exchange rate for us in the coming years.
  11. I prefer suggesting to apply the dead internet theory to your account on this website, you keep posting and think we read, while all the views and comments are in reality AI generated.
  12. I doubt they will, they are record holders in being naive and lazy in the beautiful north. Even most business owners still seem to not get that they have to offer better prices and promotions, (as well as girls), to get it ever back on track there, aside from pollution even. They all say; yeah we will if have more customer first, yeah doesn't work that way. I don't get it to be honest, they all want 80-100-120 baht for a bad small beer there too, while they could easily sell for 60 baht and make profit on volumes, just like they do in plenty of other places in TH. Seems they rather sell 5 beers for 80 baht than they can sell 30 beers for 60 baht (225 baht profit margin VS 750 baht profit margin). Not to mention that having a few people in a bar, also attracts more people, and that in return again attracts more freelance girls. Anyway, CM is a lost case since 2016. Most places even further increased their prices, offering like for example <deleted>ty box wine in a garden, with a staff that doesn't care for 220 a glass. That same place used to do 120-140 a glass and prices really didn't go up that much to justify it. Result? Even fewer customers....
  13. Except for locals in nearby provinces etc one must be quite silly to fly to CM during pollution in the first place.
  14. He didn't leave him behind, he just left him at the gate.
  15. As of being in between of passports and visa's I am currently back here on a 30 day on arrival visa. I checked this e-extension again and knowing my visa ends during songkran, I decided to give it a shot, as that is still better than sitting around immigration for 4-5 hours (if lucky) with 40 celcius sun. So I am supposed to get my stamp in '3 minutes' tomorrow but so far I have still not received any final confirmation. They asked me to re-upload photos the second day already, my entry stamp was not clear enough according to them. Fine, after the website failed 5 times, it seemed to have worked, but I could not verify after that. Secondly I could not reach them in any other way, their email address even bounces return to sender sometimes. I then got a new email again yesterday... The TM30 was fine, but as there is no end date (on purpose, its my house), I needed to fill another TM30 again, with an end date, any date.... So I did again, and silence since. There is no way to see my current uploaded documents, they do not confirm to have received the new files as well, they just leave you in the dark essentially. To then bounce emails back while the email is the only contact solution, no words left. To conclude: I am seriously starting to doubt I even get the stamp tomorrow, if at all, so that could be 1900 + 500 baht down the drain and forcing me to still do the entire process and pay again, at the local office. But if it did work out, I will for sure let you guys know. Just unreal how poor developed that system is they use with VFS Global, as a programmer, I could make something way better in like 3-4 weeks time. Guess someone became a millionaire hiring Indians. The documents needed for these online applications are: 1) Photo of passport cover (do not ask me why, they never ask this anywhere else) 2) Photo of passport bio page 3) Photo of the entry stamp page as a photo showing 2 pages total, else not good enough 4) Photo of TM30 report with start and end date, regardless of your plans 5) Photo of yourself, basically a photo of a visa picture
  16. Maybe you forgot you were drinking with him last night until the late hours and left him behind, no wonder he scolded you then if you send him on his way without breakfast. Next time at least offer some rice soup.
  17. Imagine what would happen to Thais if they got visa free access to Europe / USA, they would witness 25X worse on a daily basis, if not falling victim themself there too lol. Guess we should be happy they didn't need to go to iraq or afghanistan too, as she claim to have PTSD now already.
  18. What are you talking about, if she is a personal owner the received rent simply becomes additional income and she will be taxed according to her income. Due after one year? Of course not, you are due every calendar year to report your income, even you only rented it for 1 week. A company can deduct expenses, a person can not. This is why being a employee sucks too with taxes. Income = Income. The Thai way? Just get your rent in cash. It can be so worth it having a company in Thailand, you can deduct endless things and even buy a company car etc etc to make taxes little to zero.
  19. That's a guarantee regardless, same with the entire 10,000 give-a-way. It is long known that all money printed gy governments ends up with the select few rich in no time. The only benefit for all the other people is the moment they get it, right after that, everything becomes more expensive as a consequence (inflation). A cigar from ones own box. Deal with the devil, it's like agreeing to get permanently 3% less wage (consumption power) for a 1 time double wage (cash). Worst of all is they not even let you invest it or buy gold from it, no you need to spend it where they like you to do so.
  20. For the prices they charge down there you would expect to be allowed and do anything
  21. Fast forward: June 6th 2025 - Bangkok; Thai government enforces 20 baht additional charge at barbershops providing wet shaves to foreigners. Minister somchai said, there was one incident 29 years ago where I saw a foreigner got cut while getting a wet shave, this could cost Thailand a lot of money as some foreigners run away from the hospital.
  22. Why? They are Chinese and Chinese sell on there for the most part, all official and big stores already pay VAT regardless too. It is just the small medium Thai sellers fked over. Like I even sold on there for gadgets and wanted to officially import everything by the rules when we started, yeah impossible, there would be like 3-5% profit margins left. So then we found out, everyone pays per KG via trucks that go over land borders, and then there is some margin. I'm talking the cheap products. But if you then now do the 7% VAT regardless, they will have like a red numbers at the bottom of the sheet. For my gf just making 15-20K a month this way, it was ideal without much other nonsense. To conclude: this is once again a grab of the elite to control even more of the pie, aside from being foolish on political level and donating the rest to China.
  23. Usually it is the amount of money that increases the sentence drastically, in many countries.
  24. Wouldn't say that too fast, I dated quite a few thai chinese girls of which the mothers had all kinds of other ideas if it came to the money on their old days / when passing away. To start with stuff like making huge donations to temples and the like. Anyway, serves her right to be in prison for this regardless.
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