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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Ok so he said something, why do we need to know until there are signed agreements or actions
  2. I know how it grows naturally but this looks like anorexia combined with claustrophobia but I forgot that everyone in Thailand is now cannabis expert, guess that is why most of the weed sucks so much too lol.
  3. Never bring your designer clothes to laundry shops, I did it with a few 3K baht polo's until one day the laundry shop decided to suddenly use a dryer machine, ruining all my polo's instantly. This while she never did that for a year using her 2 times a week. Expect them to do the most stupid things, as they likely will do that. No brains, no thoughts, just doing first. Thailand: the only country where you can safely bring 20-30K baht value clothes to a laundry shop, as it never will be stolen, juist ruined instead.
  4. Oh cry me a river, scammers come from everywhere, certainly more Thais scamming Thais than the seldom farang like this. Prefer to get rid of whiners like you, as scammers suck so much in life, they leave themselves sooner or later.
  5. Hahahahaha that is a very good one too. People always do better taking the 10 baht coins to Europe, looking like 2 euro, to then get beers at bars at night free.
  6. You should not plant them so near each other, they have too little space as well it seems they get too little light. The distance between the nodes is too much. I see many people grow long skinny plants here, not sure why, as you might as well have a very big plant harvesting 500 grams VS 10 plants harvesting 40-50 grams each only.
  7. Private schools or education centers could hire you to be the IT guy and still provide a work permit but doubt they will, as well as they pay you less as 'illegal teacher'. Why not actually try and obtain to get licensed in the first place.
  8. This is Thailand, depends on your connection and deal with any particular business that wants to hire you. Came across plenty teachers without papers but yet a job, while other teachers at the same school did have formal paperwork. Just flirting with the obese girl at the administration office of any school, can get you a job.
  9. They would love to if swimming classes were even around their area or for free, but kids would stil drown, due to the lack of proper supervision. Plenty of them drown even they could swim.
  10. When will corruption end, same question and answer. Swimming lessons are just 1 part of this, a kid can even drown in 30-40CM water, if the adults never properly look after the kids, which in many cases is the real reason of this happening.
  11. The cops I met always have a short haircut and also talk politely to me, does not change the fact I have to bribe them though.
  12. Yet another ugly development that likely is unsafe or full of rust within years, neither attracts significant figures.
  13. I thought that was old Thai laws that were changed, I have most Thai law books from ASEAN as well a old one, very interesting how it was in the old days, you would basically own the woman. The books are dusting away in a storage unit else I would take some photos, forgot all the facts and details.
  14. Kids still use their theta brains, they have fantasy, what looks like a few inches deep to you could be the deep ocean to them.
  15. World Economic Forum awaits you, where Charles is a big player and now even exerts more control. Have zero respect for these peeps, all the wealth and power yet they did barely a thing to make things better, in fact, they keep it as it is with pleasure.
  16. I think it is silly to make edibles, nothing more but a new range of consumerism without making any sense. You might as well just buy the oil version and use it on whatever it is, or just drip it in your mouth. Only reason I prefer to smoke is as the high is completely different as well instantly. Except for space cake or cookies, nothing like this ever became a thing in Holland but obviously in the USA it did, they always have to make an elephant from a fly.
  17. Sounds like a productive start of the day then loll
  18. Must be a challenge to find that drink, if searching Google maps on irish pubs...
  19. If lucky you see 1-3 payments and then nothing after, you will then start a new topic on this forum in 1 year from now.
  20. Why on earth do you make things so complicated? Just use basic social skills, talk with a taxi or tuk tuk, and you on the way.
  21. Nice, got a lot of 2022 queen uk silver coins so that is gonna pay off.
  22. BS has nothing to do with them not 'following proper sterile procedures'. It is just common to happen after treatments as the OP described, however, in the west we never give out such medicine upfront, only once it became a problem. Here they do give them out upfront, one because they cost nearly nothing and 2, because people rather take cheap pills than having to come back with a tennis ball mouth caused by infection, to then need a paid procedure and still take the antibiotics. But yes, for many of the people they do heal naturally without any of that. The fact they hand it out does not mean you should take it as if it is candy, just to save you money and not make you need to come back, as a prep. If something is not logical, look at the money costs and trails, there is your answer.
  23. You can take the risk not taking the anti-biotics, to then revisit the dentist + pay additional, to cut open and suck out the dirt causing infections to happen. Or you can listen, and take the anti biotics, and limit pain killers which are all other pills, to the most.
  24. i always think it becomes pathetic when one needs to make a selfie of it, as if they climbed the mount everest.

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