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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. What is sad about having a healthy sex drive and wanting to get that without the nonsense while someone offering earns her money too. I think it is more sad, is that those who complain about it have either a very boring sex life (with only 1 person) OR actually cheat girls by pretending they are looking for something genuine, to then take advantage over getting 'free' sex. To not even start about the fact you usually always pay for a girl left or right, sooner or later. Tons of that last part of expats, tourists, retirees here, who constantly play games with girls to get it free. That actually causes much more damage, and waste the girl their limited time (until being too old and out the market).
  2. Going for jobs such as construction, with shortages in Thailand and hiring illegal migrants, to earn a bit more. Way to go Thailand.
  3. Yeah and the small minority of tourists who do spend much more always go there in the first place. Aside the fact that are also about all the tourists in the entire country, it is death everywhere. Maybe one day they understand that it is better to have 10 million tourists spending 1.5K USD than 500K spending 3K.
  4. No it was for making the VOC ships sail and rich lol. Maybe they can make submarines with it in Thailand's 4.0 program.
  5. They were so close to actually leading at something for once, that would also bring a lot of tax money in + revive some niche tourism. To be expanded to even bigger projects such as producing plastic alternatives from hemp. As always they need to shoot themselves in the feet so that a few elites can have all the big licenses and get rich. Last youtube i have seen for people caught using it was 3K fines by court.
  6. Cannabis will be legal, cannabis is illegal, cannabis is legal for medical consumption now officially. Medical cannabis only up to 0.20% is legal, average of plants 4% and higher. Cannabis is now legal, activists celebrate. People can have plants but not the crops, now new laws for people growing it for recreational use. Today's news cannabis is llegal. So all the news in the past months was complete nonsense and a waste of time is what it says. For the medical part; soon they figure some type of patients do benefit from high THC contents aside CBD, and law needs revision again. Anyway, my local green hippie seller since 9 years will be happy with all this I guess.
  7. Go to a public one around victory monument, usually plenty of english speaking around that area too. Otherwise it always cost you more than needed, easily a few thousand just for consult nonsense.
  8. Ouch, like it seems to be easy being good at anything or everything whilst in Thailand due to that LOL.
  9. The next day services continued elsewhere. You must not have heard of so many RTP getting busted from time to time. Thailand would get seriously quiet if those using agents also all left at once.
  10. When one says they hate UK, Russia or Alaska compared to Thailand it is easy to understand. However a big part always seem to be around money too, I wonder if most people had a (bit) bigger budget they still would pick Thailand. This aside TH not being the same at all as before covid, doubt it to ever return similar soon as well (talking another 3-4 years or longer for full recovery). I'm personally working on becoming a parttime boater (sailboat) in a few years, chilling around the caribbean with mostly 90-180 days on arrival hassle free. During hurricane season to Thailand only, perhaps twice a year or a mix of things, you get the idea. After all houses and their quality in TH last as long as a second hand boat cost, and with maintenance even longer + I would own it and be able to move it around. Anyway, if you really want something you can find or make the way and do what is needed to get it.
  11. I'm sure the factories will be impressed getting a 2K daily fine while earning 200K.
  12. If it helps you to get more confidence but in a real unexpected fight you are a bit late to start with that now, I'd say continue to walk away or just kick them in the balls and otherwise follow Brittman his advice lol. You are not in the ring, if you are big build just grab a chair and throw it at them. Scream like a mad men too, that helps. Last resort: start throwing pool balls, this might lead to more casualties.
  13. Even things usually worked smoothly within TH, SE asian countries as well Europe aside with the visa or mastercard functions, sometimes get blocked “temporary” or suddenly / at certain ATMs / after online payments. Since then I just opened some additional banks or a second card and have them all linked in Inter banking apps to move funds realtime if one somehow not works, or if i get discount using another. Calling kasikorn I always received fine phone support in english since many years ago already. Also do keep at least a copy if not the original of your passbooks as you always need those to verify yourself too when calling. Bonus tip: add a savings account with no card to your internet banking app to hold primary funds, if your account with card does get skimmed, you only lose your minimum chosen balance you transfer from the app savings account, without a card. The cardless addition saving accounts are usually free too. This way i separate online less trusted payments that might try a recurring withdrawal or at tourist hotspots and the like.
  14. That's amazing and very nice to offer. So how many of them take the cash?
  15. There were 600 homicides recorded in England and Wales in 2020/21, a fall of 116 when compared with the previous reporting year. If you lived the same way in UK as you do here, you were just as safe. And if you would look for it here, just as much trouble to be found. Big difference too is that they would have human rights, police to actually help you and a court that more or less works. Everything here is sunshine, I agree, until it goes wrong.
  16. Having a healthy immigration policy is something entirely else, all that other cancel culture stuff stands aside of the immigration problems in western countries. Most economic benefit seeking immigrants are even against all the cancel culture things and so much more. And over here, we usually spend 5x minimum wage as a very minimum, you would be welcome in the west as a legitimate immigrant anywhere in comparison + get residence after a few years.
  17. They never tried to bribe me either but they did suggest I go to this other location if I wanted the residence certificate the next day. Actually I wish they did bribe me, they are a pain in the ass with all the official documents, hence I arrange it elsewhere since 2 years.
  18. Let's see, that is the annoying thing here too, they rarely follow up on it in the news later on. To then know that even after sentencing sometimes deals are being made. Seems his dad was with him on one of the pics, could see how sad he looks, do feel for him, losing face.
  19. I love to pay for my son tho, not paying her. Only in the initial phase for 12 months and supporting in rent, so my son doesn't live in a cracky apartment and has his own room / space to play. Do pay for all his cost, interschool, whatever. But yeah, the next steps are quite heavy and cost a lot. Would prefer that to be the last resort. Might try for a while in between cutting all funds, to see if that changes a thing.
  20. Reality seems often that it is much more to that, but my point is mainly that it would be way better for Thais if they could have more days to plan themselves instead. I know many some cases of Thais who not want to lose their job/career and due to only having like 5-7 holidays, can't even really go to visit the home country of a farang husband for example. Then they get fired etc. But also in general, people only getting 1-2 days leave a month, to then spend 1 day going and returning to the village, they would love being able to take 5 days, 3x per year, aside a few public holidays.
  21. Even without the mother to agree on that / not married? Wonder how long those tests are valid for and if you need to bring the child in person or wether bringing a swab or piece of hair etc. I did do some online DNA test where you provide the samples and ship them but already read up to that this is not good enough for family court (this was just to be sure he was mine).
  22. Many are closed yeah, but plenty are still left. Day time isn't a great time to see when places are open, plenty are open, many until 4AM, also around old city, loi kroh, santhitham, nimman. Just not easy to spot for people who never go out I guess ???? Many places now work with a system where all looks closed, but CCTV is in the front, when you stand there, doors might open. Some however only do for locals and known expats, just follow the noise. In terms of bars with many girls as most like that, yes, this is much harder / fewer around.
  23. Maybe you should tell that to the hundreds of thousands of Thais, who still party and make noise / disturbance at night, if not considering the covid period due to the lack of places being open and aftermaths outside of those places. But hey this was a farang, and it was not his country, so it is his own mistake for being murdered after drinking like many Thais that night. The poor Thai guy should be set free in 3 years.
  24. Seems you have been there, it does not matter which country you are in, murder is murder. This nonsense of ''it is not my country'' is so tiring. To speak of behavior, Thais should kill each other much more then.
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