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Everything posted by Boomer6969

  1. Amazing thailand. I was listening to the news when this morning when they said that Pol Col Thitisan Utthanaphon, the alleged plastic bag expert, is represented by a lawyer called Chokechai Angkaew.
  2. No, I won't be convinced "when the research is published", I'll wait until it gets reviewed by reputable western scientists, not some "cronies". It ist likely though that Sinovac/AZ is better than nothing. But this appalling situation where untested combinations of vaccines have to be rolled out to the population is the failure of a government, who a year ago sat on their fat asses and devised a totally inadequate and corrupt vaccine procurement strategy.
  3. A friend told me there is a lot of masturbation going on among the Farang community. We could call this Farang-on-Farang petty crime, couldn't we?
  4. Yep, no wine, no dine. My wife is a great cook; we dine at home AC with a nice garden view.
  5. H2SO4 has come to Thailand. 100% effective against Covid. Now they have to work out wether they get a Medecine or a Chemistry Nobel prize.
  6. Sorry Mate, but you as well as a few others, should turn off the automatic wombat square dung machine. Go to Covid by country and look up countries like Indonesia, India, Malaysia, which are all a few weeks ahead of LOS with regards to Delta. You'll see there that we are now following exactly the same trends. Incidentally, and you may look up my posts of 4 or 5 weeks ago, I said this was bound to happen. An Indian Covid antibody survey (IMHO based on a somewhat small sample < 30000) showed that with Delta some 70% of the population had been exposed to Covid, hence the sharp drop in infections. Delta with an R-Nought of 6-7 Is simply going through entire populations like wildfire and building some herd immunity much more effectively that the sluggish vaccination campaigns. Obviously none of the officials will let us know that as they, quite rightly, want us to get vaccinated and not to panic. I invite you also to compare the French Delta, (or UK) graph segment with the Indian one. You'll see how flattened the graphs are, how the "wildfire" gets contained by effective vaccination campaigns and control policies.
  7. For those of you who have a prostate larger than 80cc, hence unsuitable for most of the new procedures such as rezum, urolift, etc there is now Aquablation, FDA approved a couple of years ago and becoming available in Europe, UK, US. I am seriously considering it as my combined Doxazosin & Finasteride medication has resulted in retrograde ejaculation. Also, it might be good to know that combined medication or even Flomax have more side effects than any of the new procedures. That depends of course on how much you value your ejaculation; as far as I am concerned I have sex two or three times a week, get mind blowing orgasms, but I have to come "in vivo", "in vitro" would be a massive loss of face. My porn actor career now depends on Aquablation.
  8. Thanks, you nail it. Half the "market" at Nana (in the good old days) were ladyboys, and letting one of these creatures ejaculate into your rectum gave you a very solid chance to to catch HIV, probably 100 times higher than when you come in the vagina of one of the gogo younger girls. One the other hand, with the LB option, the Covid risk is low according to DPM Anustin. And yes PREP rocks, but have condoms ready for when the girl requires one.
  9. The must be between 5 and 10 million of these useless young males in Thailand. The only solution, as I said in another post, is forced labor.
  10. For intercourse's sake, we don't "drink" wine, we pair it with our food, two or three times a week. We share this with our wives and have sex after..
  11. Yesterday in Prakhon Chai they have dug up a massive cluster of about 50 positives, among the gathering of about 500 mourners of a decease police officer (RIP). If they applied the rule they have applied in Phuket to an innocent Farang birthday party, where the 6 adults got fined THB 6000 a head, they could collect THB 3000000, but strongly doubt it. Here in the sticks people keep living as if there was no pandemic, but my estimate fo the average local IQ is in the 80 to 90 range. So no wonder.
  12. If there were any brains in the Thai government they would be busy designing and advertising CB2H (Chon Buri 2nd Home) where all restrictions on property ownership would be lifted. The Malaysian shift is a golden opportunity for Thailand, unfortunately it won't happen as the most likely reaction from the Thais will be that, "if they do it in Malaysia, let's do it too".
  13. I used to keep looking at Malaysia's M2H program. But after last week's announcement of new requirements my monthly pension of about USD 8000 falls 2000 short. They also apply this retroactively, so there will be a few unhappy retired foreigners there. Wonder who will buy their properties as the new retirees will be rich Chinese or Arabs who won't even look at such "cheap" places.
  14. BTW, as you are here, I am wondering about immunity resilience. I've had J&J end of June and I have booked and paid 2 shots of Moderna for sometime in Q1 2022. But I might be given either Pfizer, or AZ through Farangvacc in the forthcoming weeks. Right now I am thinking that if it is Pfizer, I just take it and maybe boost it with one shot of Moderna, if this can happen as late as March April. If it was AZ could I take it to extend and boost my immunity until I get Moderna? A bit of an overkill to take 3 vaccines in 9 months, but they'll boost Pfizer after 8 months in the States. And that's in a predictable environment, while here no one can tell which vaccines will be available the next day. I am dreaming of the "new normal" when we'll walk into Bumrungrad every 6 months, put 3000 on the table and get our boosters.
  15. I have more sympathy for the deserters of the first world war or the Vietnam draft dodges than I have for the antivaxers. When so little effort is required to makes us all heroes of the Covid war. So yes, I don't mind if people who don't contribute are deprived of some of the goodies of life.
  16. Yes I know I am greedy, this number has nothing to do with my age, it reveals only my worship of the the Venusian hills.
  17. Yes, my feeling is that we should take any vaccine that is widely used when we get an opportunity to do so. End of June I made a two days trip to Khon Kaen to get my J&J shot, yesterday I paid 3300 Bahts for two shots of Moderna in Q1 2022. I am also registered for the Pfizer debacle, so not much hope there, but If I am offered a geezer's AZ regimen in the next few months I might even think about it. I don't think it is wrong to go our own way in the context of the Thai totally disjointed vaccination process. I do so knowing that any vaccine can make me sick, but I can also destroy my liver by taking a couple of Tylenols too many.
  18. Looks like they don't target US, UK, or EU anymore, these figures reveal definitely a shift to the Middle east. They will apply this retroactively, with some grace period, so let's call it "religious cleansing". The world isn't getting any better, Westerners unite, otherwise we'll be gone in one or two decades. Good thing that Joe is aware.
  19. This kind of Thai male profile is frighteningly pervasive in Issan now, they sit around the villages making themselves a nuisance. Now with Covid they seem to have received reinforcements from those who used the pandemic as an excuse to quit their jobs in Bangkok. IMHO the army should pick them all up and put them to work on all the dearly needed infrastructure projects that would give Thailand's economy a head start once the situation gets better. But anything, short of making unemployment illegal for young men, would be welcome with the current rot the bring to the rural communities.
  20. Which is a good thing IMHO, so antivaxers can't benefit from my efforts.
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