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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. Lets lock up the company that rented the vans to him as well. And the cops that took the bribes while certifying his company.
  2. Get the CCTV footage. There should be a camera on the bus. And one near the swimming pool area. They are international so you could make a real earner out of this. But you need proof. Get the evidence first. Children should be monitored at all times even on a school trip. So don't accept 'they were hiding and we didn't see them' type of response.
  3. Thai restaurants are grotesque pits. I saw the old lady scratching her head and flicking her fingers right over the soup. Worst quality food in Asia.
  4. Put it down the memory hole. Inform the Ministry of Truth. This did not happen. Big brother is watching.
  5. Anyone who puts the aircon to 27 deserves to be stabbed just a few times.
  6. A giant slum full of religious nutters.
  7. The fine is cheaper than the legal visa process.
  8. Reading isn't speaking. Left hemisphere of the brain:
  9. I'm sure Australia has a vast collection of rocks and barren land to keep you entertained.
  10. House arrest in a luxury mansion must be tough.
  11. The restaurants look like trash I can't tell where to sit. Buckets on the floor, walls thick with dust, smell of feaces. I just want a table.
  12. Cut off the money supply to them. They will start respecting you.
  13. Go to seven eleven. Eat disgusting food barely fit for humans. Wake up at 5. Finiah work at 7. Same old <deleted>e but "rural thailand"
  14. Sorry double post. My phone is full of adverts. Cant see f all.
  15. Hi honey, lets watch a movie together and you walk out then come back 40 minutes later and ask me what happened. And can you blast tiktok songs at full volume during the movie? No wonder there is a birth rate problem. I want to castrate myself.
  16. I recognize those hands. A, you sure get about a bit.
  17. People not wearing a seatbelt paying the price for it. Pure joy.
  18. Must be hard laying flat on your back drinking beers and playing on the phone. How do Thais manage it?
  19. He gets paid to do it. Clue in the word doctor.
  20. Does this mean I have to buy new phone every 6 months? I've got through 3 perfectly good phones due to kbank "not supporting this device".
  21. 3, 2, 1 action. Slow approach on a motorcyle, camera waiting. Start making dried fish, selling drinks and washing dishes, hanging around outside schools in the mall. New tshirt in each shot. And the whole thing filmed by a 3rd person. Just a normal guy. Come on give him some slack.
  22. I would walk up to her, put my hand out to take the cable and then drop them and walk away. I am an alien remember. I don't exist here. How can I help anyone if don't exist?
  23. Women have never had it so easy. Laying horizontal all day with a phone in their hand 24/7. They marry the government for social security, divorce and pensions. Women will only show an interest in sex if it makes money.
  24. The students rule the halls now. They have the money, so they have the final say. We don like teacher he never smile. Fired. We don like British English, only American. Fired. We don like teacher he not funny! Fired.
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