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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. The major bands of immigration to the UK were agreed to by the UK government. They needed cheap labor so they gave the windrush generation passports and they welcomed the slaves from Africa and Guyana. That was 50 years ago. The new refugee myth is just to stir up the voters.
  2. Thai women love to burn chemicals or ''mosquito repellent'', turn off the fan and aircon so the temperature shoots up to 40 degrees and play music all night. Nothing wrong with that.
  3. My leg has been playing up a but better get it seen to. See you soon Thaksin.
  4. My leg has been playing up a bit better get it seen to. See you soon Thaksin.
  5. Change the windows to be double glazing and plant a lot of trees. Or you could just put double glazing and a sealed door for the bedroom (like a recording studio). That stuff is amazing. I once stayed in a travel lodge and it was next to the airport. You could see the planes taking off and it was silent in the room. That was impressive. Same for the classrooms. They seal the rooms off. So inside it is total bedlam. Kids screaming into the microphone and doing death metal but outside it is silent.
  6. It's a low quality beach place full of druggies and homeless people. Can't even sit on the beach without paying.
  7. When they work out how it changes the taxes and benefits for married couples it will be rushed though and approved.
  8. First time I flew alone I asked for help from the airport staff. The girl screamed GO! and turned away and continued chatting with her friends. It wasn't even busy. Few years later the cop on the immigration desk threw my passport at me and just pointed behind me. I did something wrong on the form. Suvarnabhumi is one of the worst airports I have passed though in terms of service.
  9. I am neither a 60 year old woman nor a 15 year old influencer so this doesn't interested me much.
  10. Crammed in a carriage with 30 Thai people staring at you. Now that's what I'm talking about.
  11. Thai food? Try Thailand. They seem to love it there.
  12. The boring druggies and slum dwellers speak Thai and the really interesting people speak English. So never need to speak Thai. The basic Thai people seem to be incapable of intelligent discourse.
  13. Aircon off, strong smell of sweat, no English, no map, rude and no clue where they are going. Bring on the driverless AI taxi's.
  14. You have to do it ten days before the date or they won't accept it online.
  15. any shopping mall or 20 baht shop
  16. If you are working for an agency then the contract is toilet paper anyway. No one takes them seriously since they operate outside of the law and the contracts are legally void. If you are working direct hire then we have to think why would the school even bother to pursue this. Teachers are easy to find and they suffered no loses. So it would be highly unlikely for them to sue you.
  17. They made good slaves though during the British Empire. They ate meat so they were stronger then the Hindus. My Muslim wife is good on the plough.
  18. But he didn't make nude photos of a celebrity? Because that is where the real crime is at.
  19. I recently got a 10,000 baht visa fine and I'm always looking for new ways to claim the money back. Maybe eat at restaurant and walk away without paying? Fill up the tank and drive off? Drop the GPA by 1 of 200+ students. Steal the toilet paper in public toilets? Or just littering more. Anything to even out the balance. How do you deal with being fined and scammed on almost a monthly basis?
  20. What laws did he break? You can't rape a woman. Okay. You can't draw an image of a woman? Not okay. Next step for the thought police you can not think of drawing an image of a woman.
  21. I've never needed a book from the library at 4am. I usually reserve the book and collect it during the day time. Don't see why the 4am close would be a big problem.
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