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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. Step 1 - set your computer back to the factory reset. Step 2 - use msconfig to remove programs from the background and start up. Step 3 - set the visual options to ''performance''. Step 4 - use powershell and regedit to force remove more of the trash like ''xbox game bar'' Step 5 - keep most files on an external hardrive Step 6 - uninstall the anti virus software like ''mcafee'' because windows already has one built in Step 7 - defragmentate the hardrive This is my basic todo list these days. Windows is steaming pile of <deleted>.
  2. What type of cancer do you think you will get? I don't drink or smoke but I didn't take care of my teeth in my early twenties due to depression. Had dental problems ever since. Looks like it's mouth or throat cancer for me. 🥳 How about you?
  3. Whatever primitive lifeforms drive those vans should be taken off the road.
  4. Mask for life. This is the new normal.
  5. That's a pretty tight budget. The only way you could get it lower is if you lived with the Thai family. Then you only have to pay 500 baht for the bills. If you can tolerate living with a bunch of old people and 14 kids and no working toilets.
  6. They are tossing useless. Just drive yourself to the hospital.
  7. Did he do his Israel 90 days?
  8. No I don't hear music. All I hear is: 'where should I go next' 'i have never been here before' 'no map' 'no gps' 'no phone' 'supalai condo what that?' 'where to go?' 'hospital right.. airport?'
  9. I really hope covid comes back. It's been some of the best days of my life. I think I am made for a post apocalyptical world.
  10. All these men holding up a camera phones. Be scared of the guy who doesn't want a record of what is about to happen.
  11. We don't learn English in England because everyone is at native level. We learn academic and figurative English. So good luck with that morons.
  12. He's probably never seen a road before.
  13. Does anyone understand why Thai schools relentlessly hire and fire teachers each year? Why is teaching considered temp work when it is required all year around in an academic year? I was sitting in the office one day and the loud speaker was blaring. They always broadcast the morning assembly. ''So students your old teachers have gone home now, lets make the new ones feel welcome!'' Or more accurately ''Khun kru tangchaat glab prateet laos. Kru glap baan laos na''. No it's not true. They didn't have their contracts renewed. They did not ''go home'' voluntarily. I even had one student ask me ''So teacher are you going home next year?'' It took me a while to figure out what she meant. They lie to the students every year. I had a message on line from a student asking ''Where are you!''. He was surprised I was still in Thailand. As far as I can tell the scam works like this: - school gets government subsidy money for the ''bidding process'' of new teachers. - the money gets diverted to the hundreds of ''lieutenants'' ''officers'' ''vice'' ''assistant to the'' and so on - the new teachers are hired for 11 months - they do not have provide bonusses, file taxes or provide healthcare - the teachers are removed and the contract is not renewed - the process starts again And then we have the teacher agencies which further the corruption. Shady companies that change their name every 12 months. They provide the teachers illegally since the teachers have no degrees and false passports stamps. The teachers are blackmailed into working for a low salary and the government subsidiary is split between the agency and the school.
  14. Introducing our new Native Equivalent Temp Assistant Cultural Exchange Program English Teachers!
  15. I just want to get out of it as fast as possible before he scams me with the no change act or double the price.
  16. Fried salad and oily kebabs with a handful of fried bananas. 10 sugars in my iced tea please or maybe just pure sugar cane water?
  17. There was a lot of smog today.
  18. Laos is an absolute cesspit and just crappier version of Thailand in everyway. But it is close to Thailand.
  19. They are highly annoying. I said 'krapao mu kai dao' about 6 times to one of the freaks. She just looked at me blank. I asked my girlfriend later and she said the woman was from Myanmar.
  20. Pick-up + van combo. Those drivers are some of the lowest lifeforms on earth. They can even make a stationary car dangerous.
  21. Get the rudest most angry staff and fill the airport with them. That will boost confidence.
  22. They are trying to work out who is pee and who is nong. Give them a chalk board.
  23. No woman would ever want to speak to a man unless it's for a ride home or money. This is a rule of thumb.
  24. Well the correct answer is 'ask the nearest man to chase him and stamp on his face'.
  25. You will be sitting around a canteen and playing cards. I'm pretty sure you can keep in touch.
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