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G Rex

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Everything posted by G Rex

  1. I've heard that Chernobyl is good at this time of year.
  2. It is not the voltage that kills you - it is the amperage. Standard Electric fence units have very high voltage, but low amps. - often up to 8000V , but only about 120 mAmps. This guy obviously used mains electricity - a big no-no!
  3. Michael Hunt (AKA Mike). Are you serious? Rumour has it you are distantly related to Richard Cranium.
  4. Get a laptop , internet access and a box of kleenex. Messy. But much less messy than what you are considering,
  5. Booking.com has always been good for me. I always check direct hotel website, and check against my Booking.com price. Booking.com is almost always better. Apparently B.Com know my IQ - because I am a level 3 Genius - 555. I always get free late check out and eitherv free breakfast or room upgrade.
  6. we are drinking , singing karaoke - probably annoying the neighbours doing the equivalent of 'fiddling while Rome burns' never wanted to live forever anyway! quality vs quantity
  7. "youth's a mask, but it don't last - live it long and live it fast" - Rod Stewart, and my favourite - Success is being able to get what you want - Happiness is enjoying what you have
  8. Mate... I know how you feel I gave up drinking last night. I reckon I might give up again later tonight.
  9. rumour has it he wants to truly enjoy his time in LOS. He had the penis pump installed..
  10. I have a 2022 Mazda CX8 (Captain's Chairs Diesel variety). It is a very comfortable car to drive - we use it as our holiday car. It has good performance - happily sitting at 140ish on motorways all day (not that I would ever speed!!). Fuel economy , 14 -16km/L. Suspension is a little soft, but that adds to the comfort. I have just racked up 20,000K - the only issue I have had was a rattle in the left front strut - which was replaced under warranty. Volvos historically have made good, reliable cars - I have owned a few. I have little first hand knowledge of their newer offerings. What I do know is that Volvo, like Peugeot & other sub "prestige" Euro cars in Thailand depreciate & drop in value like a lead balloon. I am biased, but in LOS, would go the Mazda .......
  11. Only if the cardiac muscle was damaged by the electric shock
  12. We will agree to disagree on this one. Also - killing or culling of dogs as you mentioned above - could be viewed as being performed to protect their kids...
  13. Desexing programs work well to reduce unplanned breeding in the Western world, where there are very few uncontrolled ferals and strays. I am referring to US, UK and Australia here. In Thailand, where the feral/stray population is so huge - this program will only make a small dent in dog numbers - and should be seen more as a PR exercise. Yes - it is better than nothing - but not much.
  14. another thing... as in Australia , obesity is also a socio-economic problem. People who have less money seem more likely to eat fatty or sweet foods. I think this is why there seem to be more 'large sized' people in the rural areas here in LOS. people in higher economic brackets tend to be have higher self esteem & are more concerned about body image, and their general health. gross generalisations I know - but just my thoughts on the matter.
  15. I think it depends where you are in Thailand. In the tourist areas there are a lot of slim, healthy looking people. Where I live in rural Kanchanaburi, there is a very large percentage of the under 40 group who are obese, or even morbidly obese. Young children of obese parents are invariably overweight as well. IMO the issue is cheap fatty & fried foods, and sweet 'milky' drinks and soft drinks.
  16. No. You contracted Dengue because you were bitten by a mosquito carrying the Dengue virus .
  17. I am a supporter of PETA People Eating Tasty Animals - that one
  18. IMO the all in one coffee machines are overrated . I have always had espresso boilers & grinders as separate units. That way , as Richard has described , you can be in total control of your espresso. I had Gaggia & Rocket machines back in Australia. Here , I have invested ( a bit too heavily) in an ECM Twin boiler machine with a Eureka grinder. Saeco & Delonghi all in ones were regarded as the best by many aficionados in Oz - still dear as poison!
  19. This relationship sounds like it is doomed from the outset. Too many negatives here. I can see no positives in your post - why would you want to continue this relationship? Time to make the break, and look for greener pastures...
  20. He is correct. He will be immune to the Dengue strain that he had - but have no immunity to the other three strains.
  21. 60 days clean is a good effort. Do you have a problem when you drink? Can you stop at any time? Do you have health issues made worse by alcohol - eg Type 2 Diabetes or obesity? I enjoy a drink (or 6) and imbibe on most days. I am fortunate not to have any health issues and my weight is under control. I am not interested in earning brownie points for my purity - I just want to enjoy my life. It's Up to You! - as they say.. Funny story - my Dad was a functioning alcoholic. Sometimes I would drop in to see him on one of his many 'alcohol free days'. He would invariably be relaxing having a few beers. Dad!, what about the alcohol free days? - I would say. 'Ohh, there's not much alcohol in beer' would be the response.. 555
  22. Anything by Boney M I also have a pathological dislike for Fairground Attractions' "Perfect" otherwise I am pretty chill have to disagree with OP about XTC. Love all of their stuff
  23. Lola.
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