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G Rex

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Everything posted by G Rex

  1. "It probably had a Carter AFB 4 barrel carb....🤗......Folk did fool around with changing to a Holley carb...😋" The original Carb was 4 Barrel Carter Thermoquad (750cfm) - but many owners (including myself) swapped to Holly 850s for a bit more oomph & better cold starts. The main source of problems with the Jensen was the electrical system. (Lord Lucas - The Prince Of Darkness). It was not a great car in Australia , if the temperature was more than 20C, and you were doing less than 50kph it would boil - every time!!!
  2. My favorite seller - and favorite beans available in LOS Colombia Supremo By Sias Koffee Roaster https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i3451955021-s17237591837.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&tradePath=omItm&tradeOrderId=814394887286072&tradeOrderLineId=814394887386072 I have a double boiler ECM Espresso machine and a Eureka Mignon Grinder. Good equipment , and good fresh beans are very important to make a really good coffee. I have not found any Thai grown coffee that appeases my taste buds... yet
  3. I bought my 73 Mach 1 while on a driving holiday in the US. Bought it from a bloke parked outside the Charlotte Speedway (NC) . Shipped it home to Oz - drove it for 3 miles, and it stopped . Couldn’t get it to start again - but would crank happily. Eventually realized the dizzy wasn’t spinning - so no spark - the problem? The oil pump drive shaft was broken- which should have been rotating the distributor shaft. Thankfully a reasonably easy fix - just drop the sump and replace oil pickup and pump. Easy job - just hard diagnostics!
  4. After a 79 Range Rover , and the Interceptor - I discovered proper V8s. I had a 66 Mustang GT, a 70 Mach 1 , and a 73 Mach 1 . I then had a succession of Aussie V8 Ford Performance Vehicles - before more S550 mustangs , finally with a 2017 Shelby Super Snake …. Sold them all before moving to Thailand 😭😭
  5. I too had a 73 Mk III Jensen Interceptor. Mine had the 4 barrel carb - the SP stood for 6 pack - and had 3 double barrel carbs - you probably did not have an SP. the 2 best days of my Jensen ownership were the day I bought it, and the day I sold it!
  6. Not sure about all the interest in AI now. I was doing AI on cows , horses and dogs for the last 30 years.. doh!
  7. Maybe is different practice between private houses and condos. We had to but our own water meter (and electricity meter too). The relevant authorities then connected us to the supply using our equipment. Our water fees are very low. This is possibly because we are 'a farm'. Last month I was billed for 230 Baht for water - but I used a LOT of water - as we had 8 advanced trees planted - and these required 10 minutes of soaking daily for the first 2 weeks , now we are down to alternate day drenchings! Roll on the rainy season!
  8. I know how they feel!! We are 15 ks out of Kanchanaburi. It has been over 40C every day for over a month. Most days 42 to 44. We have had no rain on our farm since early November. and no let-up in sight... our electric bill last month was a record (for us) 9.5K...
  9. Thruxton R , Street Twin , Street Triple 765 RS I bought the Street Twin (900) for my wife. Ridden a total of 32km in 12 months... Alas , it is too big for her. Needs a new home I think. (The bike, not the wife - although things can change very quickly here... lol)
  10. My wife has a Honda PCX (sport(!)) . It is a good little scooter, and can be quite brisk with her 45kg frame aboard, however the pace slows drastically with my 95kg on board... The bike never goes more than 5km from our home - I cannot imagine a long commute on this bike. I prefer my big bikes - enough power to get away from the d#ckheds , and enough for me to be one too, if the mood arises!
  11. I drove from Kan to NP on April 13th. I left at about 7:30 am - and the road was all mine. I saw no speed cameras on the overpasses - (and if there were any I will no doubt receive my letters soon!) I did not see marked speed limit signs, so just used my common sense, and seldom exceeded 140..... The road is okay - but I was surprised that they are doing all this work for a highway with only 2 lanes (each way). There is no additional infrastructure yet - they have not started building any services or rest areas. They have commenced work on the toll 'plaza' on the Kanchanaburi end - but there is still a lot of work to be done.
  12. Have they never seen a (generally younger) Thai with dyed hair? Obviously not...
  13. No comment about the driving... However Will this be like the same crime committed by a foreigner 2 weeks ago - who turned out to be Thai? 555 How can you tell the status of the car , or the passengers in the car from that distance? With the tinted windows on cars here, I can't tell who is in the car next to me!
  14. Good job by RTP to catch him so promptly. 31 stab wounds - what a psycho!
  15. “Sea Monkeys” are Brine shrimp (Artemis sp). You bought the desiccated eggs, added them to your salt water, and after 24 hours they would hatch. After 2 weeks, if aerated and fed correctly, they would become adults. They are still very popular in the fish hobby (as food).
  16. Hi. This might help - although my preliminary check came up blank... https://www.webmd.com/pill-identification/search-results?imprint1=&imprint2=&color=2&shape=5
  17. yes - changing the subject a bit - but I have some bread in the fridge I bought 5 weeks ago - still soft enough to eat must be a Thai thing!
  18. Yes - most of the NSW beer is rubbish (spoken like a true Victorian). XXXX is guaranteed to give you a headache, or maybe permanent brain damage... VB is an acquired taste. But - never acquired by me.. Some swear by it, others swear at it
  19. My favourite drop changed fairly frequently , but I always seemed to return to good old Carlton Draught - from the tinnies, not the stubbies. Carlton Cold was okay... I don't know much about WA beers - other than Swan Dry (that was very popular about 40 years ago!! after we won the Americas' Cup).
  20. My local shop sells me Singha @ 680 baht/box. As it is not a big seller around here, she does not keep a lot in stock , so she doesn't have vast pallets of beer (like Chang) sitting in the sun for weeks on end , slowly stewing... As an Aussie I can tell you that heat and sun are the biggest killers of beer. Beer goes 'foxy' very quickly if not stored properly. There are several bars in our town that we will not go to, because their beer always tastes off.
  21. Oh My Buddha Richard. Normally I find your posts reasonably measured and balanced... It is not a bash. It is my own experience and observations. RUOK?
  22. Wow!!! So much vitriol and hate in this thread! I read the first 3 pages.... aaagh I agree with the OP. I find the shopping experience in supermarkets in Thailand very different from in Australia or the US. In other countries, the paying customer is boss, and staff generally do nothing that will hinder the customers from spending their money. In Big C, TMK, Lotus & Makro - hordes of staff seem to gather in groups to discuss their favourite TikTok clips etc, while pretending to be working/restocking shelves etc. I am often made to feel that as a customer I am annoying the staff and making their job/life difficult! If you want to start a rant... I hate that at TMK after I have paid for my items - a staff member must check my bill against my purchases to make sure I have paid correctly. In some cases the checking person has been standing at the checkout , or even assisted in loading up my trolly after scanning. Talk about job creation schemes! Phew, thank you , I feel better niow
  23. Welcome back Bob https://youtu.be/xZzEzDkeHzI
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