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Everything posted by DaLa

  1. Keeping those ticking over must cost a fortune in batteries.
  2. Great acting by Michael Caine, unfortunately I’m not into farces. The Carry On franchise failed to amuse me totally. I haven’t watched ‘Noises Off’, however if it’s Michael Caine, humour and pretty women you seek then spend 1hour 40 minutes feasting on ‘Blame it on Rio’ You may imagine 18 year old Michelle Johnson and 20 year old Demi Moore at the kitchen sink washing the dishes. Forget Isaan and enjoy the views of the January River. I’m torn between being rejuvenated by a Thai lady or Demi Moore.
  3. I take : Black and White Colour 3D Sepia Aerial shot Soft focus and a Wood print. To be sure.
  4. You would have to ask Billy Joel what 'up town' is , as it doesn't feature in English terminology (at least where I come from). Down town is in reference to travelling into the Town or City centre of wherever you live.
  5. Look on the positive side. If you were involved in anything 'kinky' and doing a good job, s/he might have been knocking at your door wanting to join in.
  6. Poverty is a serious matter Transam. I know from experience, indeed for 6 years before collecting my pensions I was one of the billions of UK poor, identified as such because my income level was below the recognised threshold at the time. Meanwhile I was holidaying 3 times a year and travelling business class. Strange what statistics can be shown to prove. Your picture holds many times more proof of your point than most of the rhetoric on here.
  7. If it was his singing that provoked the attack the hospital ER's would be full every night with pitch defficient casualties.
  8. Not sure I'm fully aware of the circumstances and your requirements, however whomever the document references just needs to sign and date it. Simple. For some strange reason in Thailand the authorities like to have a telephone number appended on the document too.
  9. As the UK is no longer a member of the EU, why should it matter to them what laws are scrapped or indeed implemented in a non member state. I would be interested to know what constitute ‘unilateral rebalancing measures’. Is is like at school where some big mouth tells you, ‘you’ll be sorry’ or is it a bit more serious such as bombing the UK? And are these ‘measures’ going to be applied to all the other countries in the world that don’t adhere to EU regulation. A ‘trade war’, is the warning from ‘senior figures in the EU’. As the meetings were secret didn’t someone remind those ‘senior figures’ not to disclose the ‘measures’. I wait in eager anticipation.
  10. I’m at the ‘Last Chance Saloon’, 70 this year so started to look at plans. $4,700 to $80,800 per annum and no indication of future premiums. I had pneumonia last year, so presumably that will be excluded as an existing condition. Whilst not the best hotel stay in my life, I came out of a government hospital after 3 days and 12,000 baht lighter. Thankful for all the people, doctors, nurses and families that helped. I don’t know how different the ‘experience’ would have been if I had private insurance.
  11. Living in Nonthaburi I rarely see another farang never mind converse with one, which I do miss. Luckily I have another place down in Cha Am and can pop down and meet with half a dozen guys of French, Belgian, German, US, Irish, Swedish, Norwegian and English origin. They are mostly very sensible guys that I can spend a few days with chatting, eating and drinking. I would label these guys as some of my best friends and the nearest to a 'community' I'll get out here. Back in Nonthaburi my other options are Internations which is mostly ‘show up and throw up 30 year olds plying their trades or a bar in Bangkok where it’s hit and miss as to how crazy anyone I strike up a conversation with turns out. Finally I have around 10-15 Thai men that I can have a limited conversation with. Family, business associates and staff. I’m a social animal, but having said that I don’t get too close. No lending money and watching out for the guy that decides to take a liking to my wife as happened back in the past. On reflection he did me a favour as I’m now in los with a less crazy, prettier, younger harder working and more confident wife.
  12. I can't find anywhere in the safety instructions of my microwave oven where it says you should not place 'someone else's' head in the oven. So that's another page of instructions in the next release. Seriously though, the topic is about safety for which I am wholly in favour of. However those in authority have to look at how successful their attempts at making our lives safer are. The UK banned the sale of knives to under 18 year olds and it never occurred to them that under 18's had access to the household knives , or that only under 18's were committing knife crime. Thank you for your reply , but I'll give the film a miss if that's ok. I'm more of a Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs viewer.
  13. I had employment in both the steel industry and the construction industry so I always applied the greatest respect to safety. That was 50 years ago; now when consumers are instructed in the accompanying literature of a microwave oven , not to stick their head in it I despair. Common sense amongst other traits would save a lot of lives rather than a nanny state. I was once fined in the UK for dropping a passenger off at a bus stop. I was fined because stopping at a bus stop for an 'unauthorised' vehicle was deemed amongst other things to be a Health and Safety issue.
  14. How much do you think the 'store fine' would be ?
  15. No news on the insurance requirement, which was completely confusing information. I'll put it down to translation problems.
  16. Yes, so 'Why don't you get in position now and take a deep breath, because'
  17. Hi Ray, apologies for the delay in responding and thank you for your question. Firstly I genuinely sympathise with regard to you own personal experience ‘created’ by Brexit. This is my personal experience. I have run 5 businesses over 54 years. On occasions I’ve lost money, I’ve also made a good living at times and throughout that I’ve worked my fingers and brain to the point of exhaustion. If I include caddying as a 12 year old I’ve had 6 businesses as well as being employed for around 25 years. The stress at times literally brought me to tears but I persevered and fought against the myriad of problems I was faced with on a daily basis. Some of that stress was caused by larger companies ‘screwing’ me over, some by people I employed, some by customers that would delay payment, once for 9 months and several times not pay at all. Then there was the interference from Local Government, then interference from National Government, then to cap it all the EU piled on more regulation. So how did I stand on the issue of the vote to leave / remain in the EU. Despite all the comments questioning my intelligence and business acumen because I appear to support Brexit. I didn’t vote. Neither have I voted in local or national elections for the last 30+ years. Simply, to quote Ricky ‘I just don’t care’. I have family in the UK and family here in LoS, that’s about as much as I can muster in terms of ‘supporting’ anyone, least of all some politician I have no allegiance to, and that includes ALL parties. Back to your final question, I have an export business in the UK and return there twice a year then globe trot to sell my stock. So this is how Brexit has affected me. 1 hours more paperwork on my shipping documentation the first time, thereafter I simply re-use the template. I understand there has been an increase in the cost of goods in the UK, obviously that is going to create hardship for some people, but that’s been the case for a long time. There have always been people that haven’t had the opportunity or resources to ‘ride a storm’. The NHS problems, GDP, unemployment / free movement in Europe. Together with homelessness and poverty are all problems that can be replicated in their own version in any other country in the world. I’m simply too busy and concerned that I won’t wake up tomorrow to care about it. It would not have made one iota of difference to my ethos if the vote had been to remain in the EU. I’ll finish with what matters to me. 7 friends / family dead in the last 3 years. Covid 19 restrictions on travel reduced my business turnover to zero for over 2 years (whilst expenses were still being accrued). I’m not crying about it, just soldier on. I agree it would be better if we could see some tangible benefits of Brexit, but also be a little less negative unless as in your case you have provable hardship for which again I sympathise. Best regards.
  18. I couldn’t ignore the European Green Deal with maritime transport that cost me an extra 10% of my shipping expenses. Had no choice. Meanwhile my business in in fine shape thanks all the same. Helps being an optimist and working to find solutions rather than problems.
  19. I wonder if the vote had been to remain this topic would have seen 100 pages of defeatist bitterness from the leavers. Always found people that accept change to be more stoic and come through as winners in the end. No pain no gain. PS I run a business in the UK, I ignore the reporting of the economy by the media and get on with my life. Try it you’ll suffer less stress, sleeplessness and fatigue.
  20. Hospital fees. I woke up with an eye infection about 1 year ago blurred vision, swollen but no pain. I was in Chiang Mai at the time and was directed by hotel staff to go to one of the public hospitals near the airport. I checked in and was seen by a specialist within 30 minutes. She gave me a thorough inspection, then wrote it all down (longhand) on a piece of A4 for reference as she knew I was coming back to Bangkok. 1600 baht including the medication. Personally I was relieved to be seen so quickly, dealt with professionally and on that particular occasion I found the fees more than fair.
  21. Where on earth did he think he was going to be able to 'out run' or 'escape' to on Kho Chang ?
  22. I do not believe there would be such a role/service in Thailand. Although the land registry in Bangkok did value some land we were buying. Once it has a building on the land the nearest you get will be called a 'purchaser'.
  23. You could afford shoes? I lived up north and we were so poor we couldn't afford feet.
  24. I have a business here shipping 40 foot containers from the UK, up to 4 containers a year of household goods. I have an excellent agent here that I can recommend, you would have to supply a list of the goods you wish to ship and your valuation. The agent will then give you a price for the import documentation and duty payable. If you pm me with more details I will give you professional advice.
  25. K-Y jelly any good. But don't get it mixed up with Swarfega.
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