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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. Killed by a policeman, on a public street, watched by a crowd, for passing a counterfeit bill? Goodness me, is that the society which you want? Don't bother answering - as you declare "end of discussion"!
  2. Yes. The guilt crosses all political boundaries. The inquiry we dare to envisage should ignore those boundaries. Labour are in power now, and of course, cliche but true, with power comes responsibility. They have the responsibility to initiate the actions.
  3. Watching that video which accompanied the OP, sanity is not exactly what springs to mind!
  4. So sort of like the concept of Presidential Immunity which they rather endorsed then?
  5. Steady on @OneMoreFarang, he was sent by God to make America great again, he said so in his inauguration speech!
  6. Says the poster who has just spent the last few hours getting all frothy mouthed about Biden pardoning people!
  7. Well said; although judging by the number of "confused emojis" many here are somewhat lacking in empathy. I absolutely agree with your sentiments. These conditions are appalling, and gloating over them is shameful. My point is that I doubt he has been banged up in such savage conditions for a couple of days overstay.
  8. Yes: "I was sent by God to make America great again"!
  9. Oh for goodness sake, we've all watched it innumerable times!
  10. Yes, you are surprised? At least Oswald Mosley had a decent tailor!
  11. 'I was sent by God to make America great again" Oh dear, oh dear oh dear...
  12. Nothing phony. Trump has repeatedly threatened it, as have his candidates for government posts.
  13. Because he, like the others, has been threatened with prosecution (and imprisonment) for doing his job. Yes these pardons are unprecedented, but so are the repeated threats of prosecution and retribution by the frothy mouthed revenge enthusiasts in the incoming administration. Biden is simply taking them at their word. They have threatened it often and for long enough.
  14. Ah, an impassioned plea for freedom of speech, freedom of expression and the rule of law. Hang on a minute, "Stricken from every laptop and disk in the USA", won't that put the mockers on the case against Hunter?
  15. Sorry, but I think that there is rather more to this than meets the eye!
  16. A true story: I used to live in a West Country City in the UK. Someone mentioned that an ex SAS man was running a pub in the city. Intrigued, I called in to see. At one end of the bar was a large glass case, with a set of webbing hanging up in it, and a windproof smock (as favoured by many in the SAS). Loh, behind the bar was BFG! An ex Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Corporal who had run the BFG bay in a garrison I had served in in West Germany. BFG (British Forces Germany) was the process of testing and registering your private car to use in Germany, BFG registration brought significant tax concessions! BFG was so called because he was both in charge of BFG testing, and because he was big, fat and ginger! I greeted him by his nickname, and looked quizzically at the display case. He had the grace to look embarrassed. Apparently he took the case down a few days later. I had a girl signaller who worked for me in one posting. She married a soldier from the SAS. I went to the wedding, where I met a number of his colleagues. I was introduced as the brides "OC", (Officer Commanding). Without exception they were polite and pleasant chaps, obviously fit, intelligent but not obvious supermen. Clearly all exceptional soldiers.
  17. Not to mention the sizeable contingent from the CIA, and several dozen Navy Seals. Sadly there is almost no representation from the 43rd Water Bottle Cork Repair Workshop, a little known logistical unit which served gloriously. They spent lots of time in 'Nam, Cheltenham!
  18. I intend to spend the day quietly reading the chapters of my Regiment's history which deal with the sacking of Washington and the burning of The White House in 1814.
  19. Indeed, I am surprised that he hasn't yet extolled the virtues of buying "Trump tulip bulbs"!
  20. All previous inquiries, local and national have failed to tackle the central problem. They may ( in some cases) have recognised the acts of the perpetrators (although usually not considered all the circumstances) but have failed to recognise or give due emphasis to both the scale and the ethnicity of the perpetrators. These are absolutely central facts to the whole business. They, together with the appalling and often will full failings of those whose duty it was to investigate have been covered up. Further local inquiries will be vulnerable to similar failings - so entrenched is the "cover up ethos" in the local political, social and yes, police, establishments that they will not be trusted. A specific, focussed and independent National Inquiry will certainly go over much ground again, but such is the public interest, press interest and popular outrage at the events of the last two decades, a cover up on a national scale will be impossible to mount, nor will any recommendations it may make be ignored. It will cost money, it will be politically embarrassing and damaging, it may ( should) lead to prosecutions and end careers; but money, embarrassment and political damage fade into insignificance compared to the damage done to the victims, their families and our society. They deserve justice, we demand that they receive justice, and they must get it.
  21. No shame, apologists for terrorism have none.
  22. Joking apart, I wouldn't mind betting he tried to find a way... Dynasties can take a while to "set up right"!
  23. You can believe Johnson, he is after all know as a man of total integrity.
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