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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. They don't have to imagine, they own a lot of the bars. This quote sums up Thailand: Hypocrisy is not a way of getting back to the moral high ground. Pretending you're moral, saying you're moral is not the same as acting morally. - Alan Dershowitz
  2. It's an old trope but it is still true even today... Money Number One.
  3. Definitely. Keeping those natural instincts at bay is difficult especially when under such pressure.
  4. Sounds like too much hard work to me. File in the 'too hard' basket, thanks.
  5. Note that his name is deliberately omitted from the article.
  6. Hookahs were made illegal years ago during the Purachai purge under Thaksin iirc. Another law that is selectively enforced.
  7. Personnel transfer basket failed looks like. Transferring by personnel basket is common offshore in the Gulf of Thailand. In the Uk they use rigid personnel transfer devices, and the net type are banned.
  8. Nor me but it was one of my usual flippant comments and not meant to be taken seriously.
  9. They are expensive to install here and budget is ALWAYS the primary consideration. I was not consulted as usual as they think they know best but one of my colleagues built a factory here with no sprinkler system when the type of building requires one to be fitted as per Thai law. It is still operating and has passed all safety inspections thus far. ????‍♂️
  10. They have already said they will not be purchasing the weapons systems, so how are they going to arm them? A white elephant, and Thailand is where that phrase came from, with little wonder as to why.
  11. Maybe he was the Prince and he was killed by somebody trying to get at his vast fortune? BTW, what's your email address?
  12. Auditors and safety officers always too grieng jai to tell them there's anything wrong... so nothing ever improves.
  13. Doesn't prove there is one issued either. Not just the upper echelons.
  14. The kind of person that drives one of them fast, is a mere peasant with low-self esteem. They do tend to graduate to Accords and Camrys later on in life though and if they come into a bit money but they are still peasants.
  15. Oh look, agricultural utility vehicles make up the largest percentage! What a surprise.
  16. That was the green and red bank on Pattaya Klang, allegedly.
  17. What did you expect? As you allude wouldn't be Thailand without the ensuing confusion and backpeddling.
  18. Doomed as in won't be popular at the ballot box. You may not like it, but public reaction to the decriminalisation of cannabis has been overwhelmingly positive.
  19. Smoking rooms and cafes springing up everywhere. Any government that attempts prohibition to stop this cash cow is doomed.
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