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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Reckon nothing changed after his first visit, so he showed up unannounced a second time, to see the reality of what is going on. I am starting to like this new PM.
  2. Yes, the World-class tourist destinations of Kabul, Baghdad, and Kuwait City need to get their acts together.
  3. The AOT charges for fingerport (trunk) use, it was $1,000 per use a few years ago, don't know how much now.
  4. So the Thais cannot operate bird tours? Why is this? Lack of education, knowledge, or what? Sorry, but that is just a complete joke. 🤮
  5. It is only gonna get worse and there are a lot of farang quislings who are loving it at the moment but won't be so happy when it's their turn. Be very careful what you wish for.
  6. All of its people? You are tarring all Swiss people because of the actions of just one or two. At least your true colours are out on display now.
  7. Can't get any more authoritarian or insulting to the Thai electorate, than a dictator that installs himself after a military coup. Happened three times since I first came to live in Thailand. They love a bit of authoritarianism. How is that young lady on hunger strike in prison getting on? Women's Day indeed.
  8. From experience, the biggest 'scammers' in Thailand are the ones near the top of the pyramid. The higher you go, the higher the stakes. I don't like the word 'scammer' because it brings to mind jetskis or tuk-tuk drivers outside temples. The reality is corruption and criminality is endemic throughout the society here. A pre-requisite to operate at the higher echelons certainly.
  9. You are only done with it because you don't like me stating the facts.
  10. Why bother to cut and paste this information? It adds nothing to the discussion. Do you really think this guy poses a threat to society? Please.
  11. If the evidence meets the criteria of being sufficient enough. The witness statement should convict him, so no need to worry about circumstantial evidence. You'll get your pound of flesh in the end.
  12. Absolutely, but no prostitution exists according to the authorities, despite hundreds of ladyboy prostitutes having a turf war on Soi 11. They are quite clearly not a rational or mature group of people and as their comments about the incident on soi 11, they are evidently bare faced liars into the bargain. Always take what anyone says here with a pinch of salt, especially in the case of Swissman David.
  13. A forced public apology is not evidence. If it were, his initial refusal to apologise should be evidence of his innocence.
  14. It has already started with raids on businesses in Phuket. Governor saying all foreigners will face additional scrutiny etc.
  15. Yes, he says he slipped and accidentally kicked her, but that is not evidence that he kicked her deliberately, much as you would like it to be so. Please do try to keep up.
  16. Sorry, apologising is not evidence. Especially in Thailand as people are often forced by Police to apologise, and settle out of court.
  17. Storming up to someone shouting obscenities is not evidence of the kick, I am afraid.
  18. There was a yelp from the woman, but that still does not show that he kicked her. He claims he slipped and it was an accident, hence the contact. Remember, the prosecution's case must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a crime was committed. There's reasonable doubt right there for anyone of a rational mind. Personally, I am of the opinion he did kick her, and he is probably an odious individual, but opinions shouldn't count in a court of law.
  19. One thing I learned very early on during my time here is, never, ever, put yourself in a Thai's pocket.
  20. Suvarnabhumi isn't that bad, but it was over-capacity when it opened and it is getting worse and worse. They need to sort: Immigration queues in and out (I use the priority lane as BOI company but it is the biggest concern imo). Slow baggage delivery to the belts. Poor maintenance of toilets and other facilities (including some lounges). Buses to and from gates. Traffic bottleneck outside the main terminal building. Contrast that with KLIA and SIN who have just implemented auto-gates for foreigners now and Thailand is lagging behind in user experience.
  21. So no clear, visible evidence of a kick on her back, as I have been saying all along. The Thais, and some foreigners, have completely lost the plot over this guy. Speaking with some Thai mid-management level work colleagues this morning, and all rational thought has gone out of the window. They are actually completely controlled by their emotional reaction to this case and unable to think rationally. No evidence he brandished a gun from his car. No evidence he was threatening people on the beach with a shotgun. No evidence that his elephant sanctuary is illegal. No evidence he is a scammer. No evidence that he Etc. So Swissman David might indeed be a total <deleted> (I haven't met him and don't know him), but it's a disgusting, xenophobic witch hunt against a foreigner that has repercussions for all expats living here in Thailand. Believe that.
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