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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. A Thai driving licence is so easy to get in Thailand, that it is no proof of competence to operate a motor vehicle. With or without a Thai licence, for locals, the skill levels will be about the same. They need a complete overhaul of the licencing system to include proper driving tests and periods of probation after the test has been passed (displaying P plates etc.) as well as proper enforcement of the laws. As they can't manage to do a simple task like wiring a plug properly, proper competence of drivers will never, ever happen here.
  2. This thread reminds me, whatever happened to that Siam Legend place? They must have spent millions on it pre-COVID, and it will never have got the visitor numbers they were anticipating.
  3. It was great during COVID. Unfortunately back to normal chaotic conditions now due to a complete lack of management, Police enforcement and major construction works being carried out during peak tourism season.
  4. Seen this many times, Thais racing along and not stopping in the right lane when there is a red light and or hazard coming from the left.
  5. This is the correct answer, and why Thailand will never be able to be taken seriously. I recall Prayuth said that the Thai justice system is the best in the World, it most certainly is for the obscenely rich Thais who abuse it daily.
  6. He was pictured celebrating at Hun Sen’s birthday party the day before he arrived back in Thailand. If he was critically ill, enough to warrant hospitalization for four months, he certainly looked fit as a fiddle in those photos, beaming smiles emanating from his big, square head. They still haven’t revealed what exactly is wrong with him either. Do you believe those sick buffalo stories the bar girls tell you as well?
  7. Budget air travel has a lot to answer for. Hopefully, prices are increasing again, enough to keep most of the riff-raff away. Thailand was brilliant in the 90's and early 00's when it was genuinely an exotic destination and without the white trash (whatever nationality they are; Brits, Oirish, Aussie, Kiwi etc.)
  8. For me, 'Third World' is a mentality, and Thailand is still deeply rooted in that way of thinking, despite the rapid economic development over the last 30 years. This is clear evidence of the 'Third World' mentality, even of Thailand's leaders. Thaksin being granted these privileges and the resultant comical lies and deflection are all part of the pantomime.
  9. A six year old child involved in potentially life-threatening activities. What could possibly go wrong?
  10. Their dreams of having a World Class 60 million capacity airport within the EEC at Utapao look to be a tad farfetched. Navy needs that money, so Indian tourists on budget carriers it will have to be.
  11. This is inevitably what happens when Thais are in control. An almost total lack of management, supervision, and a substandard end product. Look everywhere at the quality of construction, plumbing, electrics. 😂
  12. Which will only benefit other point of departure airports and certainly not Thai domestic retailers. I buy my whisky in Malaysia, I am there every month anyway, and I normally buy decent single malts from local supermarkets unless I am pushed for time, in which case I pick one up at KLIA.
  13. The reason they drive like they do is in my post above.
  14. It doesn't surprise me. It is the unfortunate result of a low IQ, poor education, lack of discipline and immaturity.
  15. I remember a Scottish woman got killed in a bag snatch on Suk Soi 22 about 18 years ago. Happens fairly frequently in Thailand.
  16. Incredible to think that just 80 years ago, they were a violent, fascist, racist, sadistic and authoritarian society, hell-bent on brutal subjugation of other countries in the Asian region.
  17. There is a possibility of imminent Japanese invasion of your country. If you are attacked, defend yourselves. The preservation of the true independence and sovereignty of Thailand is a British interest, and we shall regard an attack on you as an attack upon ourselves. — Prime Minister Winston Churchill's message to Field Marshal Phibun Songkhram.
  18. Thailand declared war on the Allies and became an Axis power on 25th December 1941.
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