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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. They have showers? I thought it was just a plastic bucket of water.
  2. Arriving on Sunday they were queueing up at Suvarnabhumi with their gold necklaces, bracelets and watches. Maybe this is what TAT meant by a better class of tourist?
  3. I stay around there. Where he had this accident all the expats are at it, of all nationalities, as well as the locals.
  4. Temperatures below freezing mean a very cold wash in the middle of winter.
  5. Great place to lose weight, meet new friends and learn a bit of the local culture.
  6. Every Thai man seems to believe this, perhaps it is the way they are brought up by their mothers?
  7. They were banned from putting up checkpoints during COVID. They are back now around the Pattaya area, but now have to be done more officially in most places. Tourists are still fair game for extortion in central Pattaya though.
  8. That's a lot of money to waste, and syphon off into greedy, deep pockets.
  9. Any luxury goods including liquor will probably be much more expensive in Thailand that anywhere else.
  10. I actually do think that. I have lived here 33 years and ain't no way some greenhorn expat knows anything about Thailand.
  11. A journalist and a health and safety professional as well. Any exposed end of wire rope or cable is a safety concern. So who is going to take responsibility for this incident? Nobody as usual I suppose.
  12. Of course, no updates. Wouldn't want to get tangled in their own lies now, would they?
  13. I am wondering if anyone has had any issues entering Thailand obtaining a Thai visa or entering Thailand on a Principality of Sealand Passport? I also have a UK passport and I can use that one if necessary, but I prefer to travel as a Sealander. Thanks in advance.
  14. They are Thai, cannot stand criticism and they must brag at every opportunity.
  15. Thai buys successful business for $20m. Just over a year later the company is bankrupt owing $12m+
  16. Indeed. I didn't do a tax return last year either, it is due annually in June I believe, so I was a few months overdue. I paid 25k to my accountant to sort it all out, and had an outstanding tax bill of 60k, which has now turned into a rebate of 120k, so I am OK with that! As you state there was a 400thb fine for filing late, paid to the Amphur. Those bringing money into the country thinking that they can just keep quiet and that they won't be affected by this may be unpleasantly surprised.
  17. Biggest Mafioso (allegedly) and convicted felon now has a ministerial position in this government. Is he under investigation?
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