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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. The flipflopping makes everything uncertain in THailand... That is sure why there are many tourists choose other destinations.. What today is ok tomorrow could be different..Even for expats living here .You can leave the country but they never know what to do to come back, because rules ar changing every day
  2. Policemen who teach respect the high way code.... Why don't they start by learning the codes first.. Many make the same mistakes as the rest of the country....
  3. They are very afraid that Bangkok will follow... and no masks, no distance means maybe protests again ......
  4. Surprise surprise.... and the extra money for the army probably used for new watercanons and chemicals, appointment of new generals, because weapons are not needed as there is no thread from other countries at all
  5. I start to see more and more people not wearing their masks anymore...But the media feed the need of mask wearing. They are in service of the Government instead of being independent and do a good research...People are getting bored of it you can see it on the streets... but are being brainwashed.. Let them decide for themselves to wear a mask or not.. Covid is as good as over with less than 3.000 cases a day.. and less deaths than in the traffic.
  6. So why keep the restrictions if the cases are so low that there is only a need to report twice a month?? Let us get back to our normal life please,
  7. and in the bars no masks if you keep a distance of 2 m????? Will not be overcrowded than
  8. Of course if you have judges that are not independent but in favor of the Government , there will never be anything against any law... Justice must be reformed... with really independent judges and maybe just as in several other countries a judge panel of common people...
  9. What a good idea.. At last someone with a view and doing something. Yes it is not the best job job, but they will earn money and can start to rehabilitate again.. The Governor shows that he really will change a lot. ext move the masks and opening hours so soon normal life will be again back in Bangkok.. Hats off for hi,
  10. waaw from 100 cars to 120 cars... big business
  11. The kids can't ask questions because the teacher doesn't know the answers.... When I was in school teaching I asked some teachers to explain something about a celebration and she didn't know what it was....just as an example..
  12. A teacher teaches and a barber cuts hair... I know there are teachers who are barbers too in their spare time, but this is school and it is not done to cut hair of students.... There are other ways to let them cut their hair if they don't do...Of course the military regime has got their time and the children are now aware that enough is enough of all the stupid rules and must do's...Revolutions starts at schools mostly
  13. Yes they are right.. watch a movie half of the movie is blurred.. for smoking, drinking, knifes, bikini, just as they think that people are stupid and don't know what is blurred... This restaurant is at last someone who dares to stand up against these 19th century laws by doing the same.... They should be awarded and maybe an idea to blurr all the MP's of this Government to prevent that people get upset too
  14. LOwer birthrate, because the Government is failing to make decent tests for motorcycles and cars, the reason why so many young people die on the roads... Also a reason for a lower birthrate
  15. They can't stop destroying the economy with their rules, restrictions, flipflopping, controlling...
  16. On the first of opening was a Wednesday... Probably not so many visitors in the middle of the week and only on first day... so problems solved already now.. no surveillances anymore
  17. Now it is clear why a very famous school in Phetchaburi is hiring Thai teachers for 7.000 THB a month of which he/she has to pay 5% social security.. than is the salary 6.750 THB a month and that for a school with more than 3500 students.......Shameful
  18. If Prayuth would even have the brains of an ostrich, he stepped down now... Safe his face or whatis left over of it and new elections to bring the country out of the misery
  19. Maybe we have to do the same as with wearing helmets on a motorcycle.... Don't do it and nothing will happen
  20. With almost no new cases anymore stop wearing he masks. Wear it when there are many people together in a place as in a minivan, the BTS, an airplane or whatever. How can open a nightlive with masks on.. How do people drink?? How do you invent rules to stay 1,5 m away from eachother in a club or karaokebar where you can't talk even if you are sitting 30 cm from eachother becausde of the loud crazy music? Tv presenters should start to give the example..Or do they think they can infect people through the screen? In many countries the masks in ope air are not necessary anymore.. so please stop the nonsens and start a normal life again
  21. Everything the PM touches will turn into dust instead of gold.. Thailand is not financially secure... They got downgraded already and with no sight of economic better times everything will be worse.. Yes you can change the percentage for household debts to 70% because it reached the point of 60% and when it comes near the 70 % you can raise again to 80% but it is no solution, only making things worse... But how can you get rid of this man? Everything in favor for him 250 senators, section 112, partymembers who are obliged to vote in favor for him.......
  22. Friends of the PM which are the 250 MP will block everything to keep this Government in position. That is the worst institution that shoujld be scrapped before the next elections.. No more 250 friend MP for any PM or Government
  23. Thailand is out at this moment.. too many uncertainties for travellers to come.. Quarantaine, insurance, changing rules, political unrest, expensive THB, discrimination or double pricing and more have done the harm....Better and cheaper and more trustful destinations will be more interesting for the tourists...
  24. I hope the Government will be dissolved...Too much money for the military, too much money for the rich and too less for the people who need it..Economy is on hold for many years already and there need is a need for a new young Govrnment with a view for the future instead of keeping everything in the 19th century.. Only with changes you can go forward..
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