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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. waaw no food this time, but aerobics from Thailand and kids games... Soft power promotion is never ending unless she appears in an advertisement of som beverage with alcohol in it
  2. Get rid of the all so called commitees with only friends of theis Government. No need to spend so much money as we all know who they will favour
  3. How difficult it was to get a Covid vaccine?? Happil my country arranged it for me. Ever went to a park where you have to pay 10 times entrance fee than your partner?? POlicemen asking for money at the Makro? and so on.. you will have examples too and yes I am still happy I don't need to drink beer, w ewalk we enjoy, and I like talk in general speech not for me in person, but for the good of everyone
  4. Totally agree, It are only the Thai police and Government that look down on the foreigners and tourists...If you live here you as a foreigner you understand. Thai and Thailand the best in their eyes of the world. I adjust and follow the laws as I did in my homecountry too, but here they find always a way to rip you off unfortunately and they have special laws.. Forget that the Government approves double pricing for hotels, park,and hospitals and whatsoever. In my country everybody will be treated the same, but here as we noticed at the Covid, the foreigners are discriminated and yes, that are reasons to write comments like this. Nobody is suffering who complains about any disease, It are the Thai laws that treat you different.
  5. The Thai people blow their horns for a shrine, nothing wrong with it... Even at landdepartment they ask when and how many times you have to blow the horn and now the police comes with the ridiculous comment it could be a anti Government thing be.. Everything with three will be forbidden??? Three beer?? Anti government, three persons, anti governement, three rings on your hand? ant government and so on.. If the police first started to their normal jobs it would be safer in Thailand, instead of making stupid comments over nothing
  6. Stpid comment... In a western country first you have to get a proper education in driving a car or motorcycle before you can get a driverslicense... Here in Thailand there is no education at all for it. Besides that the police will fine you with high fines and even confisquate the vehiccles if no license. But here in Thailand how many drive without anything and no police enforcement. Only for the so called rich falangs.. I am not against enforcing the law, but first start with your own people before complaining and punishing tourist who are better drivers than the Thai. Pleae know what you are talking about. Try to rent a mototcycle in a western country without a license....
  7. We welcome tourists and the numbers are going up every week, month. In the meantime we threaten them and do double pricing.... The locals no problem, but the tourists/foreigners, they pay. I agree with this enforcement only as soon as all THai people who drive a car or motorcycle without a driverslicense are being punished first.
  8. If it is a law everybody has to follow it and be enforced on everybody. If it is not a law, nobody need to do it and no enforcement. But not It is law for foreigners, lower class and who the police doesn't like and the enforcement only get pocketmoney is not good and should be forbidden
  9. I can't agree more with these doctors.. Tourists don't come to Thailand because they can party till 4 am. Keep on normal times till 2 am and scrap the ban on alcohol during daytime will be more attractive
  10. Arghh, Thailand want to control the media in Vietnam too?? The freedom of press and opninion and speech is going now over the borders. In Vietnam they only get to see what Thailand want you to see.. but ther reality will never been shown
  11. Blahblahblah... No sure no other reasons... and in other countries Mr Prayuth do hey still need emergency decree? If the threat is so bad of covid Why change its status on 1st of October?? So no more lies please just tell that you will use it to control people
  12. Grapes are fruit too. Besides If they halved the taxes on wines maybe the people and espially expats would drink more and sales could be doubled or more and therefor more beneficial for the tax office
  13. I don't understand why you have to show off with such expensive wines..We are talking here about normal wines, not exclusive expensive ones...
  14. A Thai construction, as we have seen similar accidents in the last weeks already....
  15. Common sense ......as I wrote everybody try t avoid to pay taxes, but this kind of amounts to be avoided by constructions probably made by himself during his Pm ship for own pocket profit??? Let him pay half of it and everybody happy, but a certain Bureau is involved too and they never pay tax... Or is it normal to suck all the money out of the country by a few wealthy??
  16. NObody likes to pay taxes, but f you make deals and earn a lot it is normal that you have to pay. The tax money will be spend for the country needs, but no paying means that in fact you are robbing the country and its people. Therefor it is a shame that nothing must be paid by him. The court could rule a lower amount, which was better acceptable than no pay at all
  17. He doesn't need to pay it. It will be paid by money from the taxpayers and is a waste. They better could spend it for a kind of Social security fund, that would help the poor, instead of spending it to keep in power to get more billions... and make the people poorer.Yes indeed by acting so he need a lot of advertising,because nobody want this product anymore.
  18. negative imact because of rising energy and fuel prices, but more consumption by increased mobility and demand for consumer goods forgot to add for the rich and upperclass in gthe country, but for the rest of the populayion there is a threat for food security. So that will be more clear than what he is stating. It looks good but in fact there is no despite..... Since this Government the income decreased by failure of economic views, and the destroying of the tourist sector, which started before the Covid crises already. The many restrictions on labour and visas the dual pricing and the lack of view are far worse for the country than the Covid. Welcome retirees, backpackers, make things easier instead of keeping old fashioned 19th century thoughts..
  19. Quality time.... But in broad daylight there is a alcohol ban and restrictions on special days to prevent alcohol abuse. In movies we blurr and pictures on facebook are forbidden as it is seen as advertising for using alcohol, but drink at night, drive on bad roads, with no lights, be tired and get an accident to be serious injured or be killed, that is no problem.
  20. A good lawyer will end this madness I think, but in Thailand it is common to be extra strict on foreigners.... Let the tourists come in !!!!!
  21. The Buddha was teaching much more but Mr Prayuth doesn't know that apperently. Speak truthful, for example, help people, and don't go for money... If someone needs to be educated is Mr Prayuth himself.
  22. There is no judiciary system in Thailand. It is the system who pays most wins.....Many examples And yes Prayuth has to step down as he proved that he only damaged the country and no please no Thaksins again, as they filled their pockets enough already. Lift the ban of some candidates and leth them prove that they have a view and help the country forward.
  23. KHao Soi now, meatballs, sticky rice with mango, Khao Pad American..... we will follow the whole ,enu to soft power Thailand
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