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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. 3 weeks Songkran.. It could be me, but I noticed nothing in the past weeks of any Songkran activity... Everything is as previous years with Songkran on 13-15 April...
  2. It is the name not the cermony ... marriage is a legal invention in religions for 2 people living together..... I don't care how it is named, but as you know marriage is only for people between man and woman... They should ban this word
  3. But Songkran must go on... Let's waste millions litres of water all ove rthe country, and in the meantime we face rationing the normal use of it...
  4. 32 Thais arrested..... why write everywhere what nationalities have done things wrong, but when it comes to Thai people they don't write it,
  5. good to hear... however marriage between man and woman is a religious thing and civil partnerships should be equal.. but because for many centuries homosexuals have been disapproved by the same religion as that for a marriage, there are no other choices.. Marriage or Civil partnerships.. maybe time to scrap marriage and make every possible relation legal as a Civil Partnership... all problems in all religions are solved too
  6. It should be Major Online gambling operation in Chian Rai shut down 3 Thais arrests
  7. It should be A Pattaya Thai Van driver dies after falling asleep
  8. I really hope that the samesex marriage will be implemented soon... It took already a very long time and more delays are not needed.. Legalization of a relationship is the most important thing, as many homophobic people will never understand. Marriage/partnership/or whatever you want to call it is needed in times of emergencies as permkission for surgery or cremations..A partner should be able to help a partner in live and death. Unfortunately the religions have brainwashed that only man and woman can have a real relationship, sealed by a marriage, but in the 21st century we don't live in the Middle Ages anymore and other kind of partnerships must be possible, sealed with whatever you call it, but the rights for both. But without a legal relationship it is very difficult for samesex partners..
  9. maybe good to know is that in the Netherlands last week there was an item that because of airpollution probably 400 more deaths were in Covid period, as air pollution has a bad fluence on the lungs and makes the Covid more dangerous... How would that be in Chiang Mai?
  10. Pheu THai is conservative as they have shown to get a deal with the old army based Government.. Nothing is achieved yet only for the Thaksin family to pave the way for his daughter...As long as they don't stand up to reform but do as the army told them they are no reformists.....
  11. Smof will have a minimum impact for Songkran,, who believes that crap??
  12. He is right.. Better can leave than being banned.. Pita is one we need and MFP as party to tackle a lot of problems and help the country forward, but the old dinosaurs in Government and justice will decide differently as MFP is a threat for their wealth and power
  13. THailand what are you doing,, Suppose there are 28 million foreigners in Thailand and only 2800 are not following all the rules that is less than 0,01 %.. Why do you like magnify this and give foreigners a bad name?? Do you really think THailand will be more attractive for expats and tourists??
  14. Sounds good 435000 arrivals a day, but how many arrivals in Bangkok will go further to Phuket, Chiang Mai etc?? They are being double counted??
  15. So Thais can have a suspicious behavior as especially foreigners are being watched.... Thailand for Thais only.... and scream that tourists don't come in big numbers anymore while wondering why...
  16. After the Covid debacle that foreigners brought Covid into the country, now again the foreigners are a target for this man.. With his stupidity he forgets that Thailand needs tourists, although of course it is not so that tourists can do as they please, but many do and see here in Thailand as the proverb says Do in Rome as the Romans do, but in THailand you are doomed...Again Anutin is making a statement that foreigners are not happy with.. It will cost tourist,
  17. Thailanmd bend all the laws as they please and for foreigners it is only bases on making money indeed
  18. another hub.. and read the articles what they do with tourists on this forum and more.... Father forgive them as they don't know what they are doing
  19. Is there a law for touching sharks in Thailand?? Or is it made up as so many already? I remember foreigners playing darts in pattaya for example. Laws that don't exists are being invented locally
  20. Silly country.... the party that won the election faces a dissolution, for fake reasons... They are not aware that it bring more instability for the current government and the economy... Thailand is already staying behind in grow on every stage a new coup that will bring more problems as the people don't accept it anymore... Thailand must enter the 21st century and with the current dinosaurs, double standards as for Thaksin and dissolute parties because they are a threat for the currents ones it will be difficult, unless the people rise
  21. Maybe all the months of the year start to teach driving sklls, educate about alcohol use etc would be much better than bans and that always at the last days .... no visions in Thailand.., everything last minute and when it is over.. forgeotten and on we go again
  22. RIP for the kid of course, but on the other hand it is a daily practice that young kids with no proper driving education get fatal accidents... as long as the Government/police aren't doing anything it will continue
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