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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. How many drivers here have ever heard of aqua planing?? How many driver in Thailand adjust their speed to weather conditions? How many drivers have had any driving instructions?? I am a Western and It took almost a year to get a driver license,as you need experience and study for it... So I know very well how to drive and how to act on weather consitions and traffic situations as in Thailand nobody knows anything about it and if in my country the policeforce and laws for not behaving as being taught will cost you dearly... not a 500 THB but hundreds or euros .. using a cellphone in your hand will cost you 460 euro and speeding 10 km above the allowed speed 125 euro.... just to say
  2. You speak for yourself, as I got proper driving education in the Western world with a proper examination and I am driving for more than almost 50 years, and in my country this kind of accidents never happen, but there is also a good working policeforce and fines for following the traffic rules are huge.. Compared to Thailand were nobody got any education to drive as braking and watching a video while they can play on the cellphone and don't watch.
  3. They are all want to boost the economy but they refuse to pay a proper wage for the workers..Labourers should be organized like in the western countries and demand higher wages and better work enviroment, and if the super rich CEO refuse strike that will hurt their wallets and than things can change
  4. why? he had no respect for his own life , his wifes and other people on the road.. It could have been far worse... Sorry you don't understand that
  5. One lunatic less.. They never learn how old or famous they are... RIP for his family
  6. The IQ and ignorance for taking pics of some people
  7. Probably he was not speeding as the house is totally destroyed... Slippery roads are the cause of this damage, not the driving skills
  8. Borrowing money for digital wallet, for the annual budget. and how will they ever be able to pay it back.. Interests have to be paid too and with the tourism declining and income from it because of the tax proposals, and inflation it will be a big burden for the country in a few years..Or is Thai borrowing?? borrow and never pay back
  9. The Government is responsible for it they have the Computer Crime division and they are unable to make it safe for the people of Thaiiland....
  10. No show no payment should be the norm... Besides this man is too old It should be forbidden to work after 75 in any job...Let him retire and get him out of party
  11. I am wondering how much waste paper Thailand produces every year.. Only immigration with the millions of copies of everything every year and at banks, and government offices requires multi copies of everything.. And than Thailand stilll important from other countries?? Thailand the hub of paper??
  12. It isonly allowed for Thais to urinate in public in all places.. even just before the entrance of the Big C in Phetchaburi, instead of going inside to the toilet.... Netizens are are the ones who makes problems and chase everybody away, as they seems to be perfect in wisdom and behavior
  13. So no show up means it can be done... 1st of October raise the salary to 400 THB... the cowards did not come to the meeting as they don't show any responsibility
  14. If that is what you think....I slept in beautiful hotels the last 3 years for less than 1700 euro for 3 weeks so make it 3250 THB a night
  15. Stop the manipulation of the exchange rate...... Thailand is being watched for a while already because of this... Nothing to do with a strong THB... The Thai economy is just not doing well and the political situation is also very weak. No reasons for the THB to be strong except that it is manipulated
  16. It was abolished, it comes again, there is new investigation needed, it will be done, it will be dismissed again, ...and so it goes on and on..and all fake reasons to milk the money from tourists.. And I am wondering if Thais, living abroad must pay too, or are as usual Thais exempted from this scam?? The tourists are paying a lot of tax already without they know.. example the wines are extreem expensive, same as imported beer, and everything else that comes from outside Thailand..Entrance fees for foreigners are also much more than for Thais and in hotels they pay tourism tax already. Why not raise the tourism tax for hotels with 1 % or so? Hotels will a bit more expensive, but the revenue is much higher and people don't get the idea to get scammed.. However the hotel prices are already very high compared to European places, but a tourist on holiday will pay it ..All problems solved and the extra income of the tourism tax can be used for all plans they have to fill their pockets
  17. Everything that Thais do are not overthought... Just do something and than think and than it was a misunderstanding, or someone else made mistakes... A project as the Digital Wallet should be set up decently and that can take a year, surely as Thailand is not the hub in digital programs and it should be tested for months... Now they make people happy and than delay it time after time and change applications, payments etc etc.... It is still a stupid program to give everybody 10k but that is not my concern but I am sure many people who really need it, will not get anything due to the low education of not being able to read and write or non understanding of the Thai news about as every day there are changes
  18. Good deed, as in Thailand you can be convicted for every post on social media, or every word you speak... Defamation about police, hotels and other subjects we can read many times here.... The Thai freedom of speech, writing and thinking and words is far away
  19. Still propaganda ... to show that Pheu Thai is good and are ones that will win the next elections..... Nothing more...
  20. I have drivers license and I know that if Thais get even a deadly accident there is a fund that will pay out... A few months back my neighbour died in a crash, no helmet, no driverslicense but got a compensation... As long as these things exist there is for Thai people no need to get a driverslicense..
  21. And who cares ?? Today stopped by the police.. checked the sticker on the window for tax and than drive on... who cares about a driverslicense digital, plastic or none??
  22. Pitsanulok of course Pheu Thai now... promise of the digital wallet and an old red shirt province... Surely not a sign that everything is going to be Pheu Thai now.. That is only a propaganda
  23. How is it possible drugs in a cannabis club.... Alcohol in bars, cigarettes in tobacco shops... The world is at its end...Sounds more that there were no bribes given to the police
  24. Of course constructions are not the hub of Thailand...
  25. What is it with Thai people? always complaining how expensive things are.. There is no need to buy anything if the price is too high. It is just economics.. When there isa lot the price is cheap , when it is scarce things will be expensive.. All over the world the same....
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