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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. There are no traffic rules in Thailand as you know.. Everybody does as she/he likes... Never drove on a Thai road? Why are there so many traffic deaths here? Problem is that the rules seems to be for the foreigners only ...
  2. After vaping unicycles forbidden in Thailand?? The claim very dangerous??? but at least the men are wearing helmets, as a lot of motorcycles never do while speeding. Another softpower to promote Thaiand?
  3. Measures to manipulate the THB? the THB is weaking so raise the demand and it looks stronger
  4. waaw... amazing as the holidays for the Chinese just started and now the see between 4000 and 5000 Chinese tourists a day.. They even can't count the numbers exactly but they know already how they will spend/earn from them...
  5. Why are so many people falling from balconies in Pattaya???
  6. The witchhunt of section 112 will cost much more than the dissolution of MFP. The law is too strict and nothing can't be done or said anymore, as almost everything is section 112. No wonder people will get more against it..Dissolution of MFP will do more harm than good
  7. Totally correct all the coup makers should be arrested too and in public beheaded.... but the army have made a constitution that protect them from everything and amendment are almost impossible to make. Thaksin came home like a hero, no prison, but fake illness to spend in hospital and now free waiting for his parole.. Re arrested?? Impossible
  8. Parental love maybe... and the soldier the love of her life... What a country that people can think like this
  9. Thailand want to country to be for retirees... but with all visa requirements as 65k a month per person or 800.000 per person on a bank account and now extra tax payment, combined with all kind of other general laws as alcohol sales ban, double pricing also in hospitals, scam by taxis. Thailand will never be a country to be the country to retire as they want. And worst of all is that most Thais don't even have to fill in a tax form, while some as we have seen last months ear a lot of money without any taxpaying, again double standards for the foreigners
  10. So what is the problem?? Many Thais have Chinese ancestors too, or Burmese or Laos.... What is then problem that he has a Cambodian Grandmother?? A new item to keep him away from the Government? Throw all the ones with Chinese roots out than too
  11. more than 30 years ago I already the same pants... in other designs and colors, so nothing new even with an elephant print on it.. fitted perfectly at home and some people wore them even in the city... more than 30 years ago so what news is this about?
  12. It will never work.. plans of spending the money around 4km of your house is ridiculous, who will benefit mostly?? a 7/11 shop. Besides that they have o clue who is living where.. The blue family booklet is useless as people are registered but doesn't live at that address..Who will get the money they have no clue either, because almost all Thai people have never filled in a taxform, so they don't know what people do, earn or save..Reasons enough for corruption and fraud.. First make a national register system where everybody has register, and fill in a tax form and after that they can maybe get the 10k .. but better is to cancel the handout.. Because who will check? what about people who are in prison or hospital? or disabled, serious ill or maybe too old ? what about the money that will or can not be claimed? It is a mess already without doing anything
  13. INdeed and even worst they tell family and friends they they will think twice before they come.. taxis are 1 example but many others there are too
  14. Indeed, but they complain that the tourists don't come in big numbers anymore, But 1 Japanese man will tell his story to his family and they tell it to their friends and so more people are avoiding the country. And this is just 1 example but there are many others
  15. I am sure the current prosecutions of the LM laws are only used by the army government to prevent demonstrations against them. The current King has indeed no problem with section 112 as he told already that it did not need to be enforced. But Mr Prayuth saw the only opportunity to stay in power to use this law. He is one to blame and the Government based army will not allow that this section will be amended as it could work against them.
  16. Indeed, so Mr Prayuth and his cronies are far worse than an amendment of section 112
  17. I am wondering in which aiports you have to show the boarding pass when entering the country. It must be done here in Thailand and not many people know that and have to find that thing...question is why because it is another not needed thing. All small handlings , fingerprints, picture, boarding pass, visa checking, stamping etyc make queues longer
  18. Soft power to atrack tourists, another example of the taxi scams, but a failing government policy to solve this problem. Strict rules and enforcement are needed.
  19. I fI don't want to see things I walk away otherwise I like it and I am being a voyeur
  20. I think every coup is a assault to overthrow the democracy and constitution, but there is nobody speaking of. After every coup there need to be a new constitution written by the coup players, but there should be a constitution that forbid these actions. Overthrowing the current government is also a kind of overthrowing the monarchy, as it is in the constitution and the King is the head of state and Government.
  21. In Buddhism it is not allowed to take someones life... In most religions it is the same. However legal abortion in Thailand should be carried out, as the law allows it. If a doctor refuses because of his believe, there should be possibilities in some clinics around the country. The women have the right to end their pregnancy, as for many reasons, as rape, incest, violent husband or even not enough money. Thailand should enter the 21st century and change the thinkings.. Unnecessary suffering should also be permitted. I believe there are no Gods that don't care about the wellbeing of the believers. They all want that everybody can have a happy and healthy life without suffering and pain.
  22. nothing I don't care about it... Thai ways of thinking and doing are things that nobody can understand, even after 20 years living in Thailand
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