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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. with a lack of education of parents and teachers here in Thailand they could lower it to any age...Ban all the news facts on TV that shows criminal activities. If you watch news in the morning you only see criminals, robbers, accidents.. The worse you behave the more attention you get on TV...
  2. I knew teachers must do it, but only Thai teachers...and I have never understood it..A teacher seems to be in school 24 hours a day 7 days a week . If they are not teaching there is always something else for them that they have to do. And indeed this is just on of the outdated laws.. There are so many to go for updating
  3. And please explain what the problem is with owning mediashares.. Mediashares make it a good or bad person/ politician??
  4. all charges should be dropped and the stupid law should be out of the constitution or whatever they call the law in Thailand.. Everything in it is just to protect the wealth and famous and the army..With a coup the constitution is worthless and the army have to write a new one. Now they want some changes and it seems impossible.. I hope Pita wins, the Government is brought down and new Election with a true PM that will change Thailand for the best
  5. If dissolved the leader Mr. Anutin has to be banned too...lifetime this time as it is the second time
  6. The best solution is abandon this ridiculous 90 days report.. What is he use? Criminals and overstayers will never use it and the good ones don't have any benefit from it. Re entering the country needs an address notification too and with a yearly extension, they have all information they want. Surely from people who live here for many years already. But didgital systems are very hard to scan a passport, renting contract , marriage certificates, etc so every time copies and copies and pictures and pictures.. The new Mor Prom app is even not working properly...Thailand and computers is not a match
  7. It is only a plan... no serious solutions as that will take several years
  8. I did, but did you do it?? The northern region will experience cool to cold weather with morning fog. The lowest temperature will be between 13-18 degrees Celsius and the highest will be between 30-35 degrees Celsius. The mountain tops will experience cold to very cold weather with some places experiencing frost. The lowest temperature will be between 4-12 degrees Celsius. From the Thaiger :)
  9. Why took it so long to make a decision?? The court orders the Government to take swift action against a almost impossible to solve air pollution problem, while now they take the time to rule about something from May ... took almost a year
  10. Freezing with 2 to 4 degrees???? Freezing cold indeed but no frost
  11. they have used the old calculators of TAT I suppose... and of course a misunderstanding as so many times
  12. said a man from the stone age... Sorry that you are so badly informed
  13. Quick ?? in Thailand?? Gay Marriage already more than 20 years and still no decision, court decisions after 15 years in several cases... Red Bull heir nothing happened, Mediashares of Mr Pita ... how long do they need... No quick doesn't exist in Thailand and surely something difficult as air pollution which need more than a law or regulation, but also a good working policeforce, as in many cases is a lack of them
  14. Crackdown just before the weekend, after the weekend business as usual.. no actions anymore.
  15. 3 days there was a party of a ordination of a monk ... There was so much noise and music in that temple more than 5 km away that we had to raise the sound of our television as it looked like they near our house to party. Phetcharat hospital was near the party scene and it is a shame that people don't have the brains that so loud music not only is giving eardamage, but how about patients in a hospital.. and nobody will do anything about it. This Saturday there is a Likae show planned in a temple and it will be the same again and than there is a temple nearby a 9 day party .... Complaining is not done and Thais complain but don't inform the officials... There should be checking by the police and they always turn on the volume more after 10 pm instead of playing softer....
  16. 35 years ago they were already on the western market.. I wore them often at home so nothing new
  17. Our goal will be 40 million tourists.... See how welcome they are and how we try to make them pay and if not there will be the RTP to hel w0huwfq
  18. Thai education can not be fixed with money but with a totally new system. As I wrote earlier kids should be obliged to study at the nearest school at their house... with 14.500 small school it must be possible to achieve that. benefits for the kids they can sleep longer are at home earlier and have more free time. Secondly no 50 kids in a classroom anymore ..hHow can you teach some one if you don't have time to help the student. No more extra classes after school allowed and in the weekends special classes. Teachers should be able to do their job in the time of school, and not giving extra classes, where most of the time kids do their homework, or get extra points because they pay teachers for extra lessons. Than the always pass policy must be banned. Kids should learn that if you want to achieve something in your life you have to work for it. I have seen a lot of kids who didn't do anything in classes during the primary school, but always passed to the next grade. Stop with that. and also stop with all the wasted times of practice for this and that while most of time they are be told what they have to do and what the director expects from hem but they are sitting the whole morning or afternoon in the compound ding nothing. and also stop with boyscout in schooltime. It should be on a Saturday and for those who want and not in a school. And I haven many more
  19. The question remains who has the benefits by selling these herbs?? Herbs can't solve the airpollution problem, only maybe relief some symptoms, but surely not a weapon...
  20. Thank you RTP for checking driverslicenses, helmets, and parents for letting kids drive motorcycles... It is not the first time this happens and will not be the last.. as long as everybody doesn't take any responsibility to rescue these kids it will get worse
  21. I am not negative I am realistic... What have previous Governments and RTP achieved? How many times a crackdown on black smoke cars? How many times prohibited burning ricefields?? and how is was the enforcement of it after 2 days??? Don't forget we have the same government with Pheu Thai as extra party and that is a party that has proven not to be trustworthy yet
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