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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. It's certainly annoying. But not as annoying as everybody's apparent need to add an apostrophe when referring to Thais in the plural. It's odd. You rarely see the same same when people talk about foreigner's, or indeed, any other plural. It's one of the true mysteries of modern time's.
  2. Beer with extra ice is my guess...
  3. Is it??
  4. They're doing what now?
  5. You'd kind of have to disregard everything else in the photo, though...
  6. A Brit and an Aussie walk into a bar, a Thai walks under it.
  7. Is it possible they had not seen the eVisa and just gave you 15 days visa exempt?
  8. He has an additional income of £2,400 per month which should be more than enough to cover the odd som tam or two. It also means he can use the monthly income method so he doesn't even need to worry about depositing any money to secure a visa.
  9. I can't find Take Yai on Google Maps.
  10. This is how I read it. Presumably if he enters by that date he will be given a 90 day stamp, and then be allowed to come and go as many times as he likes within those 90 days. It would be helpful if the visa included a little "terms and conditions" section which explained the rules. Wishful thinking, of course...
  11. Wow
  12. Is it really money that you're worried about or is there something more to this? I honestly can't understand somebody being so absolutely mean that they don't want anybody to have what's left when they die. Is there really not a single suitable person, or charitable organization, in the entire world that you'd want to help out when you're gone? People on this forum never cease to amaze...
  13. How will this increase competition between mobile phone companies?
  14. Unlike the Tories to renage on manifesto commitments.... I'd imagine it's because the majority of expats are older and, if this forum is in any way representative, far more likely to vote for the Tories than any other party.
  15. How much you give me?
  16. Which restaurant? Do you mean the one near 7/11?
  17. Well it wasn't so useless at the time it was invented, but it's amazing how long it's managed to stay around even after shirts got collar buttons. I mean I know there's usually some kind of transition period when a new technology emerges, but it's starting to get a little silly now!
  18. I'll spend it for you if you need help.
  19. You're a farang in Thailand. You already "look strange". If you really want to dress up, then just do it! Also plenty of my Thai friends wear closed toe shoes, as do a few my friends from my birthplace when they visit. ????‍♂️
  20. Yes I did. But, had you read and understood the first post of mine that you originally quoted, you would also understand that I believe that possiblity to be extremely low. If you were going to run a campaign and you had two choices of when to run it, would you choose to run it when there's very little chance of success, or would you run it when there's zero chance of success?
  21. Good for you. Just to be clear, somebody (I don't know if it was you or not, can't be bothered to check) suggested that you are safe making purchases from official stores in Lazada. I provided anecdotal evidence refuting this claim based on my own personal experience. That you had a different experience doesn't alter the experience I had, and therefore doesn't dispel the conclusion that it is, in fact, not always safe when you are using official storefronts. I'm not saying that customer service is generally bad (I've mostly had good experiences). I'm just saying that I did have an incident that after months has not been resolved, and that incident did happen with a purchase made though an official store. Incidentally what steps did you take to initiate the refund request? The only method I can find is via the chat. If there's a button somewhere that I can click which will start the process without having to deal with support staff, maybe I'd have better luck.
  22. Okay let me rephrase that for you. I sometimes forget that you are clearly unable to understand the context of a question.... What was the point of emphasizing the word "are"?? Firstly, I hope we have now established that I didn't, in fact, raise a grammar issue. I also don't usually respond to people pointing out such issues but I'll make a special case for you as it is actually possible that you really don't understand. The double question marks are also for emphasis. In this case to emphasize the confusion as to why you yourself placed emphasis on such a mundane verb. As for spelling issues.... As long as my point is made, I don't really care if there's the odd typo/auto correct issue/mis spelling. Replies to you (or anybody else on this forum, to be honest) don't warrant the time and effort required to ensure that I have created a flawless masterpiece of wording. (edit. Bold font nothing to do with me)
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