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Everything posted by JayClay

  1. So you are against the UKs accession into the CPTPP I presume?
  2. Yea. It's much better following those restrictions without having a say in their creation.
  3. About 90% of the posters on here are thinking.... "is he referring to me???"
  4. So UK exports the the EU have declined? And EU exports to the UK have declined? It's almost as if it was mutually beneficial for both parties when we were a member, wouldn't you say?
  5. That's only a valid argument when we have higher standards than the EU. We don't. Anything baring the CE mark is valid for sale in the UK.
  6. Well of couse they can't pass laws that break international human rights conventions. I mean... you surely can't be advocating that, can you? Seriously, you should be happy that the Rwuanda scheme (which is what I assume you are referring to) was blocked; as now you have something to blame for it. Had it gone ahead even the Tory media wouldn't have been able to cover up what a ridiculous, unworkable, ridiculous, money wasting, ridiculous scheme it was. (It was a ridiculous scheme...)
  7. They're about to make good on their plan to cut NHS waiting lists by having a couple of hospitals collapse on patients.
  8. The left have no power. They Tories have a huge majority in parliament and 90% of the media on side.
  9. Please provide the details. The mainstream media seem to have glossed over it but if you have genuine, verifiable ,additional information I am absolutely 100% up for listening.
  10. Nope. We follow them all. Because, like, our businesses like to sell to the EU. I didn't even bother quoting your other ridiculous claim as I already addressed it a couple of posts above.
  11. We did have a say... Over 96% of EU rules were either devised by, or supported by the UK government. Now we have no say and just have to follow their directives anyway. Big improvement.
  12. Whereas Sunaks 5 pledges (or his sudden shift away from those to his 4 promises.... whichever one you prefer), were laden with intricate details...
  13. It was kinda nice when we had a, fairly influential, input on the rules. It's a bit screwy now that we have to follow all the rules, but no longer having a democratic voice when it comes to forming them. But that, apparently, is the will of the people ????‍♂️.
  14. I was never asked to provide a specimen :)
  15. This, by the way, is in addition to the usual extension fee. And important point to note. And you need to go to the immigration office once approved to have your passport stamped. I wonder if this system was "designed to fail" (somebody up high said "make us an online system", and it was deliberately made to be as useless as possible), or if it's just a matter of incompetence that it's such an unappealing option.
  16. Good. I'm sick of subsidising other people's baked beans when I order my breakfast ????
  17. I like the way that this scam is described as "sophisticated"... ????
  18. Right. So which bit exactly are you not following? ????
  19. If you never ate there you don't really have the right to claim it's nothing special.
  20. I dunno I think I wouldn't mind if restaurants were to charge for condiments; At least then I wouldn't have the constant worry of whatever I order being ruined by by an obnoxious of smothering undocumented mayonnaise.
  21. Only if you enter the old pin first...
  22. 1. No it couldn't. 2. I don't know exactly, but it's possible 3. It is 4. I have
  23. Don't you create the pin code at the point you install the app, though?
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